Your Daily Herald

Personally, I'd be happy if they stopped using wikipedia as a source for front page stories.
Labels: Calgary Herald
Personally, I'd be happy if they stopped using wikipedia as a source for front page stories.
Labels: Calgary Herald
Labels: US Politics
KINGSTON, OTTAWA -- A defiant Gordon O'Connor said yesterday he has no intention of quitting as Defence Minister, and warned his critics not to assume he is about to turfed from the portfolio in a widely expected cabinet shuffle.
"I can assure you of one thing: I'm not retiring and I'm not resigning," Mr. O'Connor told reporters at a military conference in Kingston. "And if you want to run a pool, go ahead. You're going to lose."
Labels: dead man walking, Gordon O'Connor
Labels: Carole Skelton, Lindsay Lohan, Pierre Trudeau, Stephane Dion
Labels: News
Labels: Alberta Election, Ed Stelmach
Labels: Rona Ambrose
Labels: Rona Ambrose, the new productive era of bickering between the provincial and federal governments
Labels: Jim Flaherty, the new productive era of bickering between the provincial and federal governments
Labels: Myron Thompson
The minister won't say how much money the sponsorship of the race car is costing the Conservative Party: "That would be Pepsi telling Coke what its recipe is."
Liberal Leader Kevin Taft, who is not a shark, but in an aquarium full of these preying creatures, sees victory ahead in the next provincial election.
If so, my friends, put your wallets in a safety deposit box, because a Liberal government will ransack taxpayers, and lead our province into Depression-era debt.
Why do you think Albertans have never elected a Liberal government since the First World War era?
Because we have long memories.
So lock up your daughters, as the Broadway musical proclaimed.
Labels: News, Paul Jackson, Stephen Harper
Labels: Danny Williams, Equalization, Lorne Calvert
A few morning after thoughts...
-Don't read anything into this as far as the federal voting intent in Alberta.
-On a completely self-indulgent point, I'm fairly pleased I managed to call Elbow nearly bang on.
-That said, my Drumheller predictions sucked. Liberal Tom Dooley won 9 of 13 polls in Drumheller, but got absolutely obliterated outside of the city. If there's any doubt about the Tory base, look no further than Big Valley, home of the creationist museum, where the Tories beat the Liberals by a 35 to 1 margin. I'd say rural Alberta is set to march behind the PCs yet again.
-There are still some positives for the Liberals to take out of the Drumheller byelection. If they can break through in some of Alberta's small to mid sized cities, there are ridings to be won outside of Calgary and Edmonton.
-How much does it suck to be an Alberta Alliance member today. Sure, Elbow was always a write-off for them. And, sure, they didn't have a very strong candidate running in Drumheller-Stettler but...fifth place? In the heart of rural Alberta, they lost to the "NEP Party", a party that hasn't existed for thirty years, and a crazy pro-Alberta independence independent candidate. Ouch.
-The news isn't much better for the NDP, coming 5th in Elbow and 7th in Drumheller.
-The win in Elbow will be huge from a momentum stand-point for the ALP and should help them attract volunteers and candidates over the next year, leading up to the next election.
-While it's dangerous to read too much into byelections and stupid to extrapolate those results to other ridings...what the heck, let's give it a try.
Adjusting the Elbow vote through to the rest of the City of Calgary, gives the Liberals 8 seats next election, the PCs 8 seats, and leaves 7 as too close to call (within 5% either way). Given the Liberals need at least 15 seats in Calgary to have any chance of forming government, that shows there's a still a long way to go...but at least they're in the game.
Labels: Brian Henninger, Calgary Elbow Byelection, Craig Cheffins
Labels: Calgary Elbow Byelection
Labels: Atlantic Accord, Peter MacKay, Rodney MacDonald
Labels: Dave Bronconnier, Ted Morton
Labels: conflict of interests
CALGARY — Brian Heninger’s message at a doorstep in Calgary-Elbow seems downright bizarre from a candidate running for a party that has governed Alberta for more than 35 years.
“I’d choke our premier,” Heninger says to the disgruntled voter, the latest in a string of citizens who have expressed frustration with Progressive Conservative Premier Ed Stelmach.
According to reports, [Henninger] told a constituent at the door he would like to "choke" Stelmach. The premier said that kind of enthusiasm is exactly what he wants in his MLAs.
Labels: Brian Henninger, Calgary Elbow Byelection, Ed Stelmach
Labels: Dirty Harry
Labels: Bill Casey, Environment, News, Senate Reform
Ed Stelmach is, yet again, in trouble for unethical donations - this time, from a landfill site that donated $10,000 to Stelmach's leadership campaign. Now, Ed did return the donation...six months after he received it and three months after winning the PC leadership. And in fairness, by this government's standards, that certainly qualifies as "rapid response".
Now, if you're saying I'm being too partisan and shouldn't be so hard on Ed Stelmach, I'll turn to someone far more impartial than myself. A man called "Honest Ed" by many:
"The donation might have been legal, it certainly was not ethical."
Again - Ed Stelmach's assesement of Ed Stelmach:
"it certainly was not ethical"
I've got a say - if the Alberta Liberals have a video or audio clip of Stelmach saying "it certainly was not ethical", they've just got their "I'm entitled to my entitlements" moment for the next election campaign. Splice in a few shots of Eddie bumbling and some Calgary Herald/Sun headlines and you've got yourself a winner, right there.
Labels: Ed Stelmach
OTTAWA — Canada has denied a visa to South African anti-apartheid leader Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, who was to have been the keynote speaker at a fund-raising gala in Toronto on Tuesday featuring an opera about her life.
Labels: Rob Anders
Labels: Ontario Election, Polls
The leaders reacted harshly after the Commons question period where Harper challenged the credibility of Liberal Leader Stephane Dion because he hasn't served in the military, and took a shot at deputy leader Michael Ignatieff because he lived outside the country for three decades.
"I will just say it is true I have never served in the Armed Forces," Harper replied when Ignatieff noted that Harper had not served in the military either. "I consider that an experience in my life that I have missed, but I can say I have always lived and worked and paid my taxes in this country."[...]
When Dion pressed O'Connor to voluntarily resign since the prime minister "doesn't have the courage" to fire him, Harper defended the retired brigadier-general as he has in the past, by emphasizing O'Connor served in the military for 32 years.
"And when the leader of the opposition is able to stand in uniform and serve his country, then I will care about his opinion of the performance of the minister of national defence," Harper added.
Labels: Gordon O'Connor, great moments in spin, Stephen Harper
Labels: Dave Bronconnier, great moments in spin
EDMONTON - Premier Ed Stelmach isn't surprised by a recent poll showing his support slipping, particularly in the province's two largest cities.
"There's a lot of pressures on Alberta today," Stelmach said Tuesday. "Anything from taking longer to get to work because of congested roads, to issues tied to housing, more people moving to the province -- this is a result of Alberta growing economically."
Labels: Ed Stelmach, great moments in spin