Stanfield Fumbles - Preston Wins

Preston himself was certainly a very well respected individual and I've said a few times here that it's a shame he didn't toss his name into the race to replace Ralph Klein as Premier of Alberta. He always said what he believed was right and certainly would have implemented a very bold agenda if he had ever moved into 24 Sussex. And, as a Liberal, it's hard to say anything bad about the man who founded the Reform Party, thus ensuring Chretien a decade of power in the 90s.

I did find the rush to stuff the ballot box for Preston quite interesting. This was especially true in the final when there was a concerted effort for Preston to beat Tory Robert Stanfield. Obviously those on the right saw Manning as the one "true blue" politician in this contest, unlike the likes of Stanfield or Bill Davis. And, if you look at it, it's hard to find an example of a "true blue" politician becoming Prime Minister or even coming close to the highest job in the land in our history. Mulroney and Diefenbaker both ran to the left of their Liberal opponents to get elected and even Harper, while far from being a Red Tory, had to moderate himself before Canadians would elect him. So, looking back at our history, I think it's clear that Canada has never been and never will be a "small c" conservative country and that any Conservative who hopes to reach the top must show himself or herself to be a moderate.
Regardless, congrats again to Preston on his win - he's certainly worthier than a lot of the individuals who have been Prime Minister.
How We Got Here
Seeding Round
A field of close to 100 candidates was weeded down to 16. Mike Harris, Mitchell Sharp, CD Howe, and Paul Martin Sr. all missed the cut by a handful of votes.
First Round
Stanfield (66%) over McGee (34%)
Manning (66%) over Grey (34%)
Broadbent (51%) over Manley (49%)
Cartier (65%) over Davis (35%)
Douglas (66%) over Arbour (34%)
McKenna (55%) over Axworthy (45%)
Romanow (55%) over Lewis (45%)
Lougheed (62%) over Crosby (38%)
Stanfield (57%) over Lougheed (43%)
Cartier (65%) over Douglas (35%)
Manning (61%) over Romanow (39%)
McKenna (56%) over Broadbent (44%)
Stanfield (62%) over Cartier (38%)
Manning (79%) over McKenna (21%)
Final Round
Manning (71%) defeats Stanfield (29%)
What if Political Biographies
Manley versus Broadbent What If
Manning versus Romanow What If
Stanfield versus Cartier What If
Seeding Round Profiles
Bubble Candidate Profiles
French Canadians
19th Century candidates
Female Candidates
We like to think it was not "ballot stuffing" that attained the victory for Manning rather a robust "get out the vote" campaign.
Silverwinger, at 6:19 p.m.
he's certainly worthier than a lot of the individuals who have been Prime Minister.
I cant think of one. Even Harper is more pallatable than Manning; as painful as that is to say.
KC, at 6:40 p.m.
The one result that I still don't like is the Cartier-Stanfield semi.
I thought that Cartier deserved to make it into the finals, and possibly to take the whole competition...
The Tiger, at 9:51 p.m.
Whoa - Manning and the Green Party.
I like it.
Bart, the contest was amazing - I learned a LOT from it, much of it was view-changing, and thanks to your hard work, I've got a better grasp of Canadian history than I did when summer began. Lot of work for you to do all that research, not to mention all that formatting and the graphics.
Thanks, man. You rock.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 10:01 p.m.
tiger; Yeah, Cartier was my choice of the final 4 left too.
Kyle; I'm not saying I'd want Preston to be PM or would ever vote for him, because of ideology. But compared to people like Campbell, Turner, Bowell, Meighen, etc, it's hard to say that Preston isn't at least as "deserving" as them.
calgarygrit, at 10:09 p.m.
CG - for your next competition, I have an idea "The Best Prime Minister That Never Had The Chance"
Of our 22 Prime Ministers, about half have never been elected or served only briefly.
Non-elected PMs: Abbott, Thompson, Bowell, Tupper, Turner, Campbell
Briefly elected PMs: Meighen*, Clark, Martin, (maybe Harper???)
And one might even include one-termers who lost by no real fault of their own like Mackenzie (a resurgent Sir John) and Bennett (the depression).
It would be neat to see who could have been a great PM if they'd spent more time in office.
nbpolitico, at 11:07 p.m.
I like Stanfield, and it was nothing against him.
I just like Preston Manning more. I think he would've done a great job, and I would have liked him to run for Premier of Alberta.
Michael Fox, at 1:20 p.m.
Ditto that TT... I'm not happy about Dinning, and Olberg just plain freaks me out.
I can't believe I'll end up voting Alliance, but either the PC's step up to the plate huge in the next 6 months, or they've lost my vote.
Joe Calgary, at 3:22 p.m.
What's with all the SPAM in the comments???
Anonymous, at 2:47 a.m.
Thanks a lot for this list, it’s very helpful
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