Sask Grit
Labels: David Karwacki, Saskatchewan election
Labels: David Karwacki, Saskatchewan election
posted by calgarygrit at
2:04 a.m.
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Umm, Bart, "sask-at-che-win-ians", it's "sask-at-che-wahn-ians".
Good interview. Don't move the mic around so much next time.
lance, at 4:02 a.m.
hey, that was really interesting.
I heard the word "boom" about 15 or 20 times. kind jars with equalization demands, doesn't it?
Tarkwell Robotico, at 10:03 a.m.
Awesome interview. I think he has a great take on the issues, and I think he should defiantly get the message out on his views on development because it is really right on. The education funding with property taxes is a big issue also in some US states, perhaps some lessons are to be learned from there?
Borges, at 10:54 a.m.
Wow, CalgaryGrit is a hottie - who knew?
Great interview, I thought you did a terrific job. And he has a great sense of humour - the part about his wife being the greatest Saskatchewinian was a good one.
Good questions, a lot of ones I wouldn't have thought to wonder about, and some good answers, too.
I think I'm with Chucker on this. Any leader who wants to transform a province into a "have" one always gets support from me.
Nice job all around, thanks for making the Saskatchewan election more interesting for me.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 11:33 a.m.
Lance - Everyone I've ever met since I've been living in Saskatchewan calls it "sask-at-che-win"
KC, at 1:46 p.m.
To lance - I would have to say that kc has the pronounciation down quite well. I was born and raised in Saskatoon, lived there until I was 30, and lived in Saskatchewan 41 of the first 42 years of my life.
Brian in Calgary, at 3:28 p.m.
You say tomaaato. I say tomaahhto.
But it's actually Saskatchewun.
Louise, at 9:16 p.m.
I'm with Louise. Also if you listen to the interview, Karwaki says it the right way and Bart duffs it.
BTW, Bart, you made the news here. It was on CTV Regina (I'm on Bell, so I don't get CTV S'toon)
We had our Saskblogs S'toon gathering at Jerry's. Karwaki came. It was a _good_ hour+ conversation with him and about 9 of us. (Wayne was there too, I understand you know him.) Lots of media, of course. I mentioned to Karwacki that you'd posted the interview.
Sure enough on the CTV interview outside afterward he brought you up in relation to our effect that the internet has on the campaign.
lance, at 1:57 a.m.
As an aside, when Karwacki first came in we were all basically at a loss. No one knew where to start.
After watching your interview last night, I quizzed him on the whole "rent" aspect that you asked about. Karwacki wasn't exactly clear about where he/the party stood on that.
He explicitly stated that the party was against any kind of control regarding rent and that they lobbied the NDP against it.
That cleared up my question, but it gave him an opportunity to steer the conversation away from politics (which was smart) and into blogging.
That hour+ conversation I mentioned previously was all about blogging.
Going into this election I was solidly on the SaskParty bandwagon. On Friday the SP's introduced an NDP style drug plan and that _really_ angered me.
After talking to Karwacki today, I'm solidly in the undecided camp. Not a chance I go dipper, but the Liberals are the other half of 50/50.
And yes, I'll be blogging about that on Monday too.
lance, at 2:08 a.m.
So long as everyone remembers it is NOT Saskatchelose, that's what matters. :)
Man, I wished I could've made it to the SaskBlog thing at Jerry's. It's within walking distance for me. Oh, well.
Good interview. Karwacki is starting decently this time.
Jadon, at 2:38 a.m.
LOL, Jadon. Funny.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 1:41 p.m.
Great interview. Good questions. As an aside, I liked the lighting.
(As someone that's done a few of these, I can appreciate good lighting and in general, good production quality.)
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