Results for People
One hundred days in, let's take a look at the results Jack has generated. Since, as a Liberal, I might be somewhat partisan, I'll let a completely unbiased person judge the results for people achieved by this government. This completely unbiased person will be...Jack Layton.
Results for People
1. A "made in the Oil Patch" environmental program which has killed Kyoto and "abandoned the environment".
2. Nothing to create a National Child Care program.
3. "Nothing for EI, precious little for training." In short, Canadians have been given "a lost opportunity for working families".
4. A budget with "nothing for post-secondary education". This country will be full of "empty libraries because students won't be able to afford to use them".
5. An "arrogant and rigid" approach to Canada-US relations, leading to a "rather dramatic extension of military integration with the United States".
6. Massive corporate tax cuts; "an imprudent action that takes us closer to a deficit".
I'd say the Liberal TV ads meant to appeal to NDP voters next election are going to write themselves. Or, more precisely, Jack Layton is currently writing them.
And if he can't talk about "results for people" or name drop "Ed Broadbent" eight times a day, Jack's going to need a new pitch to keep the Liberal votes he "borrowed" last time.
There seems to be this general consensus from Liberals that the NDP single handedly installed the Conservative government.
I'm sure that the previous caucus of nineteen NDP MPs would have loved to have had the power to change governments at will.
Unfortunately, the fact is that Canadian voters were the ones who put the current government in their seats. The very same group of voters chose to give the Liberals some time in the opposition benches.
I bet Jack Layton would have loved to have input into the budget so that he could have gotten results for people. Apparently, only the Liberals allow that to happen.
Nick, at 7:34 p.m.
Hmmmm... One of my NDP friends and two NDP campaign workers (one on the phone and oneat my door) urged me to vote Conservative if I wasn't going to vote NDP because the Liberals were far worse neocons and needed to be removed from government. I'd say that's pretty pro-active re electing the government we got. BTW - thanks for the commentary CG.
Anonymous, at 7:39 p.m.
The Conservative budget does have results for people, just different results than what Jack Layton wanted.
eastern capitalist, at 7:40 p.m.
Jack's going to need a new pitch to keep the Liberal votes he "borrowed" last time.
I think Jack's going to need a new pitch just to keep his job. Daily, Layton comes across as a chirping irrelevance in the corner of the House. Dropping Broadbent's name eight times a day is only reminding the party faithful of the mistake they made nominating him leader.
Omar, at 8:07 p.m.
It's clear the NDP will join the Rhinoceros Party in oblivion or be absorbed into the LPC in the next 5-8 years.
Let's take a look at some of Harper's "Made in the USA" ideas:
Questioning Judges: Boy was that little get-together at tax-payer's expense so userful
Tough on Crime: Money save on gun registry diverted to federal prisons for inmate housing. Impact on crime rates - still no correlation after 40 years of studies.
$20 Billion Tax Relief over 2 years: Throwing a bunch of money into the system at a rate faster than the system's growth doesn't mean any real money for Canadians. It means inflation. (But it's good politics, I admit.)
Ignoring Kyoto: Well, Harper's asthma will let him know how good an idea that was next time he's in smog-infested GTA on a 30 celcius July day.
Yeah, what a great idea it was to bring down a corrupt but progressive government in favor of a neo-con government! It's not fantastic, it's fantabulous.
Dr.Winston Chan, chiropraticien, at 8:53 p.m.
I think your stretching a bit here, or perhaps roadtesting some new partisan attacks on the NDP.
The Liberals defeated themselves, so there's no need to blame the NDP. Or quite simply, the Conservatives beat the Liberals. So leave the sour grapes at home.
People who voted NDP instead of Liberal last time, obviously couldn't stomach supporting the grits anymore, so voted for a different party. Some people in the last two elections are also new supporters or supportes who came back after their era of alienation ended in BC and Ontario.
Part of the renewal of the Liberal Party should be looking in the mirror, not blaming other parties, such as the NDP.
Plus, the NDP only increased their support by 2% since the 2004 election while the Conservatives went up by 6%. So, who really borrowed the big chuck of the Liberal vote? Hmmm?
bza, at 9:09 p.m.
Also, I don't know what kind of koolaid the Liberals are sipping if they think that their defeat could have been avoided if the NDP continued to prop them up.
What about Goodale? Brison? The horrible campaign?
I don't think there's anyway the NDP could have proped up the Liberals enough to save themselves. Their days were numbered. It was just a matter of time.
Besides, its not the job of the NDP to prop up faux progressive gov'ts.
bza, at 9:13 p.m.
off topic
Now here is a government that gets things done FAST:
the website is already up for parents to apply for their $1200.00
wilson, at 9:52 p.m.
You're stretching here CG.... the Liberal meme that the NDP helped elect the current government is really desperate.
I know you guys are worried about the NDP gaining more traction and challenging the Libs for the center-left vote, but come on - at least attack them on their ideas, don't invent cheap strawmen to beat up.
Andrew, at 9:53 p.m.
You've truly become a right whinger's best friend, Bart.
Robert McClelland, at 10:21 p.m.
Ouch.. burned by his own words.. poor Jack.
I won't comment on the substance of the budget but kudos to CG for taking Jack's words and pushing them back in his face.
Eric, at 10:55 p.m.
Maybe if you Liberals hadn't been running a directionless, corrupt government and hadn't royally fucked up your election campaign, your party would have more seats.
Stop blaming the NDP for your own incompetence. Even if the NDP hadn't gained a single seat, you still wouldn't have enough seats to form a government.
HAHAHAHA...well said! That should pretty much end discussion on this particular post! New topic SVP!
Thanks, BFHD ;)
Omar, at 11:39 p.m.
Oh that is rich, calling the site "universal childcare". What universe do these people live in?
Steve V, at 11:42 p.m.
What universe do these people live in?
The one were every person with a child under six is treated the same, as in including, relating to, or affecting all members of the class or group under consideration. This would also be known as "universal"
eastern capitalist, at 1:01 a.m.
Now, now. I never said the Liberals didn't deserve to be defeated last election. Or that the NDP caused their defeat. After the campaign the Liberals ran, it's hard to blame anyone for voting NDP.
I'm just saying that the "results for people" thing is a prime target for the Liberals to go after Layton on next election.
calgarygrit, at 1:45 a.m.
It pains me to think of what won't happen because the government fell. Kelowna Accord down the drain. Kyoto Accord down the drain. Sigh.
Shawn, at 3:33 a.m.
eastern capitalist
Maybe it should be re-named "universally inadequate childcare" then, just to be factual. Is universal health care taxed?
Steve V, at 8:34 a.m.
Jack will soon learn that the voters he "borrowed" are coming due and there's a huge interest payment attached to that.
Ted Betts, at 10:12 a.m.
You would almost think Layton was Prime Minister. It has a nice ring, I must admit. Given that Layton will be up against one of the 10 dwarfs (Dopey, Sleazy, Sleepy, Forgetful, Doleful, Baleful, Crazy, Creepy, Lazy and Doc), I don't think he has much to worry about.
Greg, at 11:02 a.m.
Oh, leave it to McClelland to be a pointless jerk as usual.
You're right, Bart, but what plagues the Liberals is a bigger problem than what Jack faces, methinks.
That said, I'm pretty astonished at the NDP's inability to make any significant gains in popular support, especially on election day. Everyone droned on forever about the inability of the right to be credible, get it together, moderate themselves, present a reasonable alternative etc etc, but really, the big story is the NDP's inability to do all of the above. They really are truly radical left-wingers, combining a toxic mixture of knee-jerk anti-Americanism, economic illiteracy and tried-and-debunked ideas. When are they going to "move to the middle", like the Tories did?
I mean, 29 seats? That's less than 10%. Talk about embarassing.
ALW, at 11:13 a.m.
The word "Grit" in your header looks NDP orange.
Michael Fox, at 11:30 a.m.
... and then failed to get their house back into fighting shape when their challengers were united once more.
Which was exacerbated by vicious in house feuding. The Martin-Chretien war will have dire consequences in terms of the years the Liberals will now sit in opposition. With their traditional power base in Quebec pretty much snuffed, the Liberal party desperately needs a leader who will reconnect with La Belle Province. Where is the heart of the Big Red Machine gonna beat, Toronto? Calgary? Ppphhhttt...
Omar, at 12:13 p.m.
Bart, the reason people read this blog is that, although you are a Liberal - you don't come off as a partisan shill. Until this post.
Come on, your better than this.
On the substance of the post, people hold government's to their election promises, not opposition parties. If they didn't we would be all over the Liberals for the fact we don't have a national daycare program. Oh wait, the Libs had years to put that into effect to.
Art, at 12:20 p.m.
James Halifax; Yeah, popular budget. See my post directly bellow this.
pink; I don't neccesarily agree with all of Layton's criticisms, but if he makes it clear that the NDP couldn't accomplish anything during this minority parliament, it's going to be harder to get left wing Liberal votes next time around.
calgarygrit, at 12:25 p.m.
Davidt, if you honestly think the Liberals are far-right, Harper with a majority is going to give you a heart attack.
That said, his attacks on the Libs contain a basic truth: the Libs took their left flank for granted, and both the NDP and Tories know it.
Jack's not about "results for people", and he never was: that was just a line he needed to use as a party leader who couldn't possibly be PM under the current system. Jack's about one thing: squeezing out the Liberal party and taking over the Canadian left, so that when people finally get sick of Harper trying to make over Canada into Wyoming, he (or his successor) can be Canada's Tony Blair.
James: The Liberals oppose the budget because that's their job. The NDP opposes it because it cloaks the Tories' elitist agenda in pseudo-populist trifles. Smart people oppose it because $1200 a year for child care is insulting.
(And since when does day care have to happen in a city? If you're living in a tiny village in northern BC that might be a problem, but even a small town can open a day care centre.)
Demosthenes, at 1:07 p.m.
Congratulations on beating up the fourth party in the House. Can you do the Bloc next?
It's great stuff for demonstrating how Harper is getting his agenda through the House and steamrolling the socialists.
RGM, at 5:13 p.m.
It's great stuff for demonstrating how Harper is getting his agenda through the House and steamrolling the socialists.
How does somebody who declares himself a Master's candidate at Dalhousie University while studying Political Science and specializing in American Foreign Policy make the ludicrous statement that there are Socialists "to steamroll" in the Canadian Parliament? Not even the NDP(a so- called Worker's Party), let alone the Liberals, qualify as Socialist in the true sense of the ideology. Unbelievable.
Omar, at 10:02 p.m.
No, they oppose it because it allows people to MAKE THEIR OWN decisions without the benefit of Government assisstance. As any good NDP'er knows......Government knows best, because basically, Canadians aren't up to the task of making their own decisions without socialist assistance.
Yes, that's right - the NDP hates people making their own decisions. They just want to control what people say, especially to the media. Although, come to think of it, I can think of at least one politician with severe micro-managing tendencies who has evidently restricted his cabinet from using their best judgement, leaving them with vapid talking points. Hmm.
In any case, you've really dropped the ball on this one, Bart. The Liberals entirely responsible for their recent difficulties. I'm interested to know, for example, how the NDP is responsible for the Liberals' collapse in Quebec, or just which Liberal voters lended their votes to the NDP (if there were any, there weren't many). But, please, keep going down this strategy of blaming the NDP for everything. All it will do is further emphasize that Liberals stand for nothing.
JG, at 4:19 p.m.
Thanks for dropping by the blog and C/P'ing the bio. It's tongue-in-cheek, friend, and not meant to be taken literally. It's quicker, easier, and more pithy than "social democrats," and harkens back to an equally tongue-in-cheek scorecard a friend emailed with the election results spelling out the respective totals for "Fascists, Crooks, Separatists, and Socialists."
RGM, at 9:18 p.m.
Nice post!! Thanks for sharing a great post…
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