Let's Try That One Again
Cindy Ady becomes Hector Goudreau's
This was obviously a move of desperation because you'd have to look long and hard for the last time a Canadian Premier shuffled his Cabinet before getting a mandate to govern from provincial voters (educated guess - Harry Strom was the last one to do it). And while it's going to look like a panicked move, politically speaking, burning his promise of a smaller Cabinet was likely worth it to try and stop the bleeding in Calgary.
In a related story, a new Ipsos poll has the voting intentions right where they were at the last provincial election but this still marks a noticeable fall for Stelmach since taking over, and should be somewhat disconcerting for him given that the Alberta Liberals always poll low between elections when those being phoned get a little confused between the provincial and federal parties. The regional breakdowns are also quite interesting since the Tories are actually doing better in Redmonton than in Calgary. Go figure.
Finally, Link Byfield is planning to start yet another fringe party in Alberta since “If we don't create one, the Liberals will win by default.” If the right in Alberta had its act together, they'd merge the four or five right wing parties into one viable entity and go to Preston Manning on bended knee asking him to be their leader. If that happened, Alberta would probably be set up for the same type of three way race we saw in Quebec this spring.
Labels: Alberta Election, Ed Stelmach
Wow, so Byfield thinks the Liberals will win by default? I suppose that's encouraging...
Those regional sample sizes are awfully small, though.
JG, at 2:59 p.m.
GC, what ought to concern you is the abundant paralells to Stephane Dion. A long ensconced political party picks a compromise candidate mistaking it's membership for the electorate, and discovers the actual electorate at odds with them.............Hmmmmmmmm.
Please, at your earliest opportunity, agitate for a federal campaign, so the voters can take their revenge on Stephen Harper. Please.
Peter, at 7:59 p.m.
Why should Preston want to lead a new party?
Far better to make a good living as an "elder statesman" who pretends he has answers than be revealed as just another politician surrounded by a bunch of incompetent idiots.
It's like asking a successful stripper to become a hooker.
Reality Bites, at 10:26 p.m.
Yeah, considering Manning turned down the overtures of those that wanted to make him Premier of Alberta, I'm not so sure he is going to want to lead Alberta nut job party, part 10.
Actually earlier last year he was talking about the need for Conservatives to bring together the environment and conservative ideas (something I broadly support). Is Manning too conservative for the Liberals? Maybe, but they still haven't topped Decore's very successful (and conservative) leadership for some time.
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