Christmas Letters: Jack Layton
Dear working families,
It’s been a great year for progressives across North America, with Barack Obama entering the White House, and the NDP winning the New Westminster-Coquitlam by election. All together now – Yes We Can! Yes We Can!

Then, in the fall, when Michael Ignatieff tried to plunge the country into an unwanted election, Canada’s NDP were there to support the Conservatives, in order to get real results for people.
People often come up to me and say “Jack, what do you do when you’re not getting results for people or offering hope to Canadians?”. After signing an autograph for them, I usually reply “thinking about getting results for people”. Because that’s really what it’s all about. That, and kitchen table issues.
Live long and prosper,
PS. Ed Broadbent
I was smiling by the time I read "Live long and prosper", but I had to do the impossible not to burst out laughing at the "PS. Ed Broadbent" ending. So sudden and unexpected!
Anonymous, at 9:31 a.m.
All three of these are great, but I agree with Anon -- the PS on this one was the best part of all. Nice.
Jason Bo Green, at 10:05 a.m.
lol... do the Bloc
Anonymous, at 11:37 a.m.
The only thing missing is "Vote Quimby". ;)
Greg, at 12:15 p.m.
"PS. Ed Broadbent"
Mike B., at 12:55 p.m.
Isn’t his wife’s last name Chow?
Chow usually means goodbye
Could have ended: Chow, Jack.
The PS. Ed Broadbent was a stroke of genius
Clown Party, at 1:07 p.m.
This is definitely your best one!
Damn Stephen Harper and his anti-kitchen table agenda!
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I got good information to read.
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