2005: Year in Review
Best Picture of 2005: Was it ever in doubt?

Dead Man Walking: Pierre Pettigrew
The “Liberation of Norway Award”: Goes to Paul Martin for his "Ambasador Williams" and "the best person to lose the country" comments.
Inadvertent Compliment of the Year: Bryan Wilfert introduces Paul Martin as “Jean Chretien”.
George Radwanski Golden Expense Account Award: Joe…Volpe…and his ever expensive pizza parties.
Quote of the Year: Pat Martin, on Liberal spending:
"(This recent spending) is like a Roman orgy. With the tightened election timetable, it's a Roman orgy with a premature ejaculation."

Winners of 2005:
1. Peter MacKay: Positioned himself as the heir apparent in the CPC and come out of the Belinda affair with a ton of sympathy from the Canadian public.
2. Irwin Cotler. Got SSM passed and, more importantly, proved himself to be a ping pong superstar.
3. Ken Dryden & Rona Ambrose: With all the talk of child care, these two have been thrust into the spotlight.
4. John Gomery: OK, OK. I don’t like the inquiry, and I’m not a big fan of the Judge, but he’s sure been a star in 2005.

Losers of 2005:
1. Conrad Black
2. The Board: Between Tim Murphy’s “welcome mat with lots of nice comfy fur”, David Herle’s consulting, Scott Reid’s “Beer and Popcorn”, Mike Klander's blog, and a rather underwhelming election campaign, it was a tough year for PMPM’s best and brightest.
3. Gurmant Grewal
4. Jean Lapierre: Just because.
5. David Dingwall
6. Judy Sgro

Back from the Dead:
1. Jean Chretien: Between the golf ball gag, his press conference on Gomery Day, and Paul Martin now supporting all things Chretien (from Kyoto to Clarity), he certainly made a comeback in 2005.
2. Brian Mulroney: The Newman book made us all remember lyin’ Brian. But he stole the show at the Press Gallery Dinner.
3. The GST

Breakthroughs of 2005:
1. Independent MPs: Chuck Cadman was one of the stars of 2005 and, independent MPs like David Kilgour, Pat O'Brien, and Carolyn Parrish made names for themselves throughout the year.
2. Policy
3. Jack Layton: "Better balanced budget", "Getting results for people", "Making Parliament work". Repeat.

Bloom is off the Rose:
1. Michael Ignatieff: Both him and Boisclair probably belong in the “breakthrough” category too. Ignatieff became a Liberal leadership candidate this year…but he also became a weak one.
2. Ralph Goodale: Ralph’s first budget of 2005 was supported by the CPC and generally well received. Then, Jack Layton became Canada’s Finance Minister. Then Ralph released his third budget of 2005. Then…well…you know the rest.
3. Andre Boisclair: He was a big winner, but the cocaine revelations have given pundits many a great line.
4. Paul Martin and the Americans: He said no to BMD, we had the Parrish incident, and then he got into a spat with the new ambassador.

Keep an Eye on in 2006:
1. January 23rd
2. Liberal and/or Conservative leadership race
3. Private Health Care – Jean Charest will be making reforms after the election and the Chaouli decision still lingers.
4. The Income Trust investigation
5. Managing minority parliament – whoever gets in will have a very unstable minority.
Wow, Im the first to respond to CG. Yes!
How about some predictions?
sir john a., at 3:10 a.m.
The "Grit's" review of 2005 is pretty good. However, I'd like to add the MEDIA to the list of losers in 2005.
From CNN's waiting with baited breath for the next hurricane, to CBC's axis of excuses for all things Martin, to CTV's once likeable Mike "stick a fork in him, he's almost done" Duffy, to the sometimes fence-sitting Global crew, they've all pretty much contributed to turning off their election reporting. CPAC, at least offers balance. Even TVO's becoming far superior to any of the major networks. Less hype, more discussion, fewer interruptions by hosts, and respect of the guests for the host/interviewer.
Print media's pretty much nowhere on my radar anymore re: election coverage. I'm more tempted to hunt for the daily SUDOKUs these days than election coverage.
Talk radio, though, now there's a medium that's highly underrated that
needs more focus in 2006!
Anonymous, at 9:11 a.m.
You can crap on Klander if you like. And you can crap on "the board" if you like. But you can't crap on Klander as part of "the board" because he isn't.
Anonymous, at 10:48 a.m.
"Andre Boisclair: He was a big winner, but the cocaine revelations have given pundits many a great line."
"many a great line?": was that pun intended?
Anonymous, at 11:26 a.m.
There will be a Majority Government; Conservative! and Paul Martin will resign on January 24th not on Dec 31 as I had hoped.
except for one thing..., at 11:54 a.m.
This Klander fellow is quite and idiot.
CG, great posting. At this point, I would bet on a Liberal Leadership race, regardless of the election outcome. I can hardly wait for the race to begin!!
John Murney , at 12:37 p.m.
If Grewal is a loser why not those idiots dosanjh and murphy. They started it......
Anonymous, at 2:43 p.m.
"many a great line?": was that pun intended?
from anonymous at 9:26am
the joke's not funny if you have to point it out.
Anonymous, at 2:54 p.m.
The Martin campaign plane has new novelty napkins:
Policy announcement: ______________________
Amount : ________________
[ ] Billion
[ ] Trillion
Timeframe: _______________
[ ] Years
[ ] Generations
[ ] Lifetimes
[ ] Light years
[ ] Confidential
[ ] Top Secret
[ ] Leak to the Conservatives
Anonymous, at 3:17 p.m.
"5. Managing minority parliament – whoever gets in will have a very unstable minority."
Minorities are not, by definition, that hard to manage. The NS Tories are on the road to changing leaders in the midst of a minority, probably a four year minority gov't. The same was true for Lorne Calvert's first term and, of course, Bill Davis had a four-year minority from 1977-81. The key is for the managers to get the idea in their heads that they are there for a full four years, not until the polls start to tilt.
A big part of PMPM's problem was that he and The Board spent all their free time trying to construct elaborate traps for the opposition (remember CO2 as toxic gas?) rather than saying to themselves "What do we need to do to string this mandate out to 2007?" One only needed to look at Reg Alcock (among the other preening water fowl) to see how full of themselves the Martinistas were. Their desire to pull the pin on the last Parliament for the first ten months permeated Parliament Hill like pheromones at a stud farm.
Harper, I expect, will not be so anxious to dissolve the next Parliament. After Parliament returns in March, I'm sure he will lay out a program to take the HoC well into 2007, possibly into 2008. With an eye on the long game, he and his house leader will know when to cut bait and when to dig in. It's not all that hard once you know that.
Anonymous, at 4:18 p.m.
Thanks for this usefull information, i really need it.
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