I really hate to take on another big Alberta “grievance” so soon after the gun registry post but today’s Supreme Court decision is too important to ignore. Maybe I’ll even follow this up with my pro-Kyoto commentary if the Martin government ever decides to come up with some sort of plan for it.
As for gay marriage, I’m strictly against it. I feel that the definition of marriage must be changed, but it must be changed to the following:
1. No woman past menopause and no man with a low sperm count should be allowed to marry. Listening to conservatives today, I learned gay marriage is wrong because gay couples can not have children (and yet these same people are against gay couples adopting. Hmm…). In addition, any couple which fails to conceive within the first five years of marriage will have their marriage annulled.
2. Religious reasons are cited for opposition by those advocating the “traditional” definition of marriage. Given the numerous wives of key Old Testament figures, I therefore move that polygamy be made legal. I’m also hoping that the criminal code can be modified so that all who work on the Sabbath and commit adultery are stoned to death but this is a different discussion for a different time.
3. On the same vein why do we let atheists marry? Haven’t these godless heathens done enough harm as it is without destroying the blessed institution of holy matrimony?
4. Given the cry that marriage is a “traditional” institution and that modifications to it will lead us down a slippery slope to men marrying toasters, it’s paramount that we reverse previous changes to the “traditional” definition of marriage which have started us down this slope. Primarily, I have grave concerns about the move to allow interracial marriage. Likewise, I’m not keen on changes to the traditional voting definition so hopefully Mr. Cotler will move quickly to remove the franchise from women.
5. Given that we don’t want to “cheapen” the definition of marriage, why do we allow marriages by those who have already cheapened this institution by receiving a divorce? Or cheating on their spouses? Or forgetting their wife’s birthday?
Since this decision is now in the hands of such capable members of parliament as Tom Wappel, Dan McTeague, and David Kilgour, I’m confident we’ll finally get a definition of marriage all Canadians can live with.
On a serious note, if anyone knows of any good arguments against gay marriage, please post them in the comments section since I have never once heard a credible argument against allowing equal marriage. I’ve heard good arguments against Kyoto, against the gun registry, in favour of Missile Defense, even in favour of asymmetrical federalism. These arguments haven’t convinced me but at least they’re there. There has to be a reason 40-45% of Canadians oppose allowing gays to marry but, for the life of me, I have yet to hear a good reason. Surely one exists, right?
The only feasible argument I know of is that since "marriage" is defined as being between a man and a woman, allow homosexual couples who want to enjoy the same priveledges to enter into a "civil union" which confers all the same benifits of a "marriage" without actually being called "marriage".
Actually, I fail to see why this reasoning is not used more often - it gets around all of the sticky human rights/equality arguements and simple targets the semantics of the thing.
Thus the "tradition definition of marriage" folk should be satisfied (since marriage is still a man 1 woman thing) and the homosexual couples should be satisfied (since they get all the same rights as other couples).
Andrew, at 11:00 p.m.
Sarcasm aside, I'd be interested in hearing a liberal's opinion about the idea of marriage as something that only makes sense if you have (or are planning to soon have) kids. (Including gay couples who adopt, and I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be allowed to.) I've been thinking about that idea lately, and I haven't convinced myself yet, but the idea still seems kinda interesting to me.
Do you have an objection to the idea that marriage only makes sense when you've got kids, or are you just objecting to the hypocrisy that you perceive in conservatives?
Adam, at 1:52 a.m.
Ooooh, i know some PERFECTLY good reasons.
Prejudice. Bigotry. Intolerance. Hatred.
I think that's reason enough.
DJC, at 9:22 a.m.
The "civil union" idea is not adequate. If you need to give someone's rights a different name, then their rights aren't equal.
The civil union idea works only if all marriages, as recognised by the state, are defined as civil unions. If religious institutions want to ring bells and change hats during their civil union ceremonies -- heck, if they want to call them "weddings" or "partnerings" or "joininations" or whatever -- that's their business.
Let's take the civil institution back from the religious groups. About time that happened.
Incidentally, I have to commend Martin for having the foresight to bring into the Supreme Court decision the question of religious institutions being forced to perform gay marriages. That whole straw man argument is now moot.
Does anyone know of any specific Charter right that would be affected by gay marriage? (I asked my (CPC) MP but haven't heard back yet.)
Sorry if this was a threadjack -- this is my first time reading this blog and I enjoyed the post very much.
M@, at 11:54 a.m.
The problem with civil unions as I see it is that they come down to a "separate but equal" type law. You know, blacks can have their own schools and waterfountains so it's OK to ban them from the public system.
I simply don't see the objections religious groups have since they're not being forced into this. If they're worried it will cheapen marriage, why not give special "Holy Catholic Marriage" licenses to those married in a Church, to "prove" their marriage is worth more?
calgarygrit, at 12:18 p.m.
Continuing to play the devil's advocate, I fail to see how giving people the EXACT SAME RIGHTS but just calling the two types of unions something different is discriminatory.
M@'s scenario is especially off-base. A better analogy would be to say that both white and black folk can drink from the same water fountain, however when a white person does it we'll call it slurping, and when a black person does it we'll call it drinking.
When you start claiming that people have the right to apply a certain label to themselves you cheapen the whole concept of rights. A right is a set of priveledges that society allows you to enjoy. Labels and semantics have nothing to do with rights.
Andrew, at 4:14 p.m.
Whoops - that was Calgarygrit's example
Andrew, at 4:15 p.m.
What the hell is a 'civil union' anyway? I know that Montreal streets are icy, and the civic union there is anything but civil about it.
Article 16 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), states that men and women of "full age" have the right to "marry". Of course this is just a silly United Nations document, but if it had said that men and women of full age have the right to "civil unions" then everything would be fine.
But what happened is that Canadian secular law uses the term "marriage" in the same way as it would use "civil union", while religious organizations choose to define it a different way (even different religions define it differently among themselves) - "marriage" is (effectively) a synonym.
L. Miller, at 6:55 p.m.
Having a two-tiered system -- hetero marriage and same-sex civil unions -- is indeed a possible case of "separate but equal" not really being equal.
If we followed the civil union path, it is quite easy to imagine a province passing legislation that gives benefits to married people but not people in a civil union. Or a corporation could confer benefits to married employees but not civil union employees.
That's a decidedly different outcome than the one we seem to be headed towards now.
Andrew Spicer, at 8:00 p.m.
James; You might be right about the election thing...this legislation might not pass until the end of 2005 and we could have an election before that. Considering Martin's never really been adamently pro-gay marriage, he's going to have a tough balancing act.
I disagree with you on the "tragedy" point though. That argument rests solely on the assumption that marriage=children. As I was trying to point out, a lot of people don't get married to have children. If you want to say that only those interested in having children can get married, then fine - otherwise, it's discriminatory to deny marriage to gay couples.
I'll look up those articles someone posted above because I've yet to see a good argument on how allowing gays to marry "cheapens" other marriages.
calgarygrit, at 10:08 p.m.
Matt stole all my arguments - so I'll just say: "what he said". This country has lost it's will to compromise on anything.
Andrew, at 11:52 a.m.
realwannabe: It isn't about love. It's about children. I agree that the conservatives seem to me like they're kinda hypocritical about this, but I still think there's a really important point there.
Why do you value commitment? I like waking up every morning and knowing that my girlfriend is still with me because she chooses to be, because she hasn't found anybody better, not just because she made a promise. I'd be willing to give up that feeling for the sake of providing a stable household for my kids, but why would you give up that feeling if you can't have kids, or aren't planning to have kids for a long time?
I'm completely in favour of allowing gay couples to get married and adopt kids, and I think it would be pretty silly to try to make a law saying that couples (gay or straight) can't get married until just before they plan to have kids. So I'm not talking about politics here; just about small-scale personal values. But my point is that if you're going to try to convince a conservative to see things your way, talking about how marriage is about "recognizing love" just shows them that you've missed the point. It undermines your position, because love is more meaningul when it's not promised, and commitment just for the sake of commitment just shows that you're scared that your partner will find somebody better. For a conservative, marriage isn't about recognizing love; it's about recognizing a sacrifice that you promise to make for the sake of your children. And I agree with them on that part.
Adam, at 4:43 p.m.
What's interesting is now that the Supreme court has ruled, how long until Mormons or Muslims are before the courts pursuing justification for polygamy? I'm a supporter of same-sex marriage, but I have to admit I have considerable discomfort with the idea of polygamy. But where's my justification for legally forbidding it now?
By the way, Andrew at Bound By Gravity also has an interesting post on this today.
Janie For Mayor, at 4:53 p.m.
While I think realwannabe is right from a legal perspective, I personally have no problem with polygammy. I couldn't care less if a guy marries five women or a woman marries four men. It doesn't affect me at all unless it becomes a sort of tax fraud situation and I don't see that happening.
So long as you don't make it specific to one gender (ie. only men can have multiple wives), I don't have a huge problem with it.
calgarygrit, at 7:41 p.m.
I can think of one argument against the vigorous pursuit of the SSM issue by the Gay & Lesbian lobby. Its a gift to the conservatives as the wedge issue that can win them seats in parliament or Presidencies of the United States. How many elections are the left of centres going to be willing to take it on the chin due to this issue?
Bill, at 4:45 p.m.
Neither present-day Canadian judges nor Canadian Members of Parliament are the ultimate authority on the lawful definition of marriage in Canada.
The Lawful Definition of Marriage in Canada
David Wozney, at 2:26 p.m.
Apologies, I didn't have time to read through all the comments before posting mine. I just started my own blog - although not a member of the Blogging Tories, my present political thoughts are much more at home there than here (I did pass for a Grit for a stretch in my young life) - anyway, my brand new blog started off with a copy of Calgary Bishop Fred Henry's recent pastoral letter regarding SSM. It's rather long (and I want more traffic anyway), so you can hop over my way if you're at all interested in what rationale he gave. Perhaps after I read through the comments, I'll leave my own take on why SSM shouldn't happen (later though). In the meantime, cheers.
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Was because of the potent ingredient Cialis was involved. It helps promote a large increase in blood flow Iron Stack Pro throughout the body. This is the best method to use when it comes to curing erectile dysfunction. The problem with using this ingredient is that it can cause large decreases in blood pressure that can be very dangerous for men of any age. Most natural formulas utilize natural aphrodisiacs like Yohimbe and Epimedium because they do not come with adverse side effects and can be very potent on their own.
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Was because of the potent ingredient Cialis was involved. It helps promote a large increase in blood flow Iron Stack Pro throughout the body. This is the best method to use when it comes to curing erectile dysfunction. The problem with using this ingredient is that it can cause large decreases in blood pressure that can be very dangerous for men of any age. Most natural formulas utilize natural aphrodisiacs like Yohimbe and Epimedium because they do not come with adverse side effects and can be very potent on their own.
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diet that works most of the time must seem as complicated as nuclear physics. It's not, but there are Eternal Nutrition Keto a bewildering number of choices for diets out there. High fat or no fat? High carbohydrate or no carbohydrate? Low protein or high protein? To make matters worse, there are a million variations and combinations to the above diet scenarios to add to the confusion. It seems endless and causes many people to throw up their hands in frustration and give up. In this article I will attempt to change all that.
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Workout routine is great, there are a few things you should consider: the first being that everyone is Keto Dual System at a different level when it comes to their fitness and how much intensity they can actually handle. If you have been physically inactive for a number of years, an intense work out for you might be, walking half a mile a day
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Was because of the potent ingredient Cialis was involved. It helps promote a large increase in blood flow Biocore Muscle throughout the body. This is the best method to use when it comes to curing erectile dysfunction. The problem with using this ingredient is that it can cause large decreases in blood pressure that can be very dangerous for men of any age. Most natural formulas utilize natural aphrodisiacs like Yohimbe and Epimedium because they do not come with adverse side effects and can be very potent on their own
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CarboFix Review If you have tried all ways and means to lose weight and stay healthy, but you haven’t achieved the best result, it’s time to purchase CarboFix. This dietary supplement helps you to lose weight without following a strict diet regime or strenuous exercises in the gym. So, get ready to lose weight easily without hurting your soul and body. Lose weight in a safe and natural way by using CarboFix.
Health News, at 5:05 a.m.
CarboFix Review The key to losing weight is to combine different approaches for a versatile regimen. Eating right and working out whenever possible guarantee that you’ll see results, especially after an extended period of time. However, overweight people who are dieting but losing no weight should consider trying a metabolic boost supplement. While results are certainly not guaranteed in this new industry, our research finds that some of the ingredients in The Carbo Fix might help people to activate their metabolism and shed additional fat cells.
The official website for this product is absolutely filled with reputable resources to back their claims. While we don’t necessarily think that this supplement alone can bring you to your goal weight, there’s reason to believe that it can help to speed your weight loss process along. We recommend trying this supplement today as you maintain your existing weight loss practices.
Health News, at 5:23 a.m.
The ReVision supplement is designed to improve brain functions and vision health. Unlike other dietary supplements, this product is not based on myths, vague or unrealistic combinations of ingredients.
Used as recommended by the manufacturer, this product not only improves your brain function and vision but also enhances your overall cellular health and immune system. It delivers mental clarity, improved focus, enhanced memory retention, a calmer mind, and sharp eyesight.
william, at 6:12 a.m.
The Bone Density Solution PDF is a powerful digital e-book that teaches you how to strengthen your bones, prevent fractures, and enhance your health. This e-book teaches you the skills on how to turn these practices into 14 daily habits.
Unlike the toxic osteoporosis medication, the Bone Density Solution is 100% natural, non-toxic, and pain-free. Furthermore, it doesn’t work on tackling the symptoms temporarily but rather it offers a long term solution. For example, Osteoporosis is primarily caused by the lack of calcium.
Thus, the Bone Density Solution contains a section that offers an extensive list of the right foods to eat to get this nutrient. Furthermore, the book illustrates the ideal quantities you should consume for each food to ensure optimum results.
william, at 1:42 a.m.
Sugar balance supplement is formulated from several potent ingredients that help you fight the major reason for diabetes. They enrich your body and alter it internally to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
This way, it fights off the debilitating symptoms of this disease. These include issues such as blurred vision, fatigue, neuropathy, etc. The regular use of Sugar Balance supplement is said to improve your overall health and prevent many such lifestyle diseases.
Diabetes has been a major illness for a very long time. A diagnosis with this disease was thought to be a death sentence where you have to give up on the things you love, while slowly withering away.
In the earlier days, if you were diabetic, you’d have cut down on your favourite sweets, drinks, and even carbohydrates depending on your condition. Slowly the illness took you down a dark lane when your sight starts to fail. Physical wounds and scrapes remained unhealed and your neurological structure would be in shambles.
However, a recent breakthrough has altered all this. And Sugar Balance supplement has gathered this life-altering knowledge to present to you a formula. A formula that would work on the underlying causes of diabetes to eradicate it from your life. Let us take a look at how Sugar Balance works
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Savage Grow Plus is a male enhancement supplement that uses 14 ingredients to help support an increase in the size of your penis by up to 3 to 5 inches with daily continual use. The supplement's herbal and plant extracts are sourced from the Somba tribespeople of Africa who have practiced these super elongation techniques for quite a long time. These powerful African penis growth nutrients in the form of plant extracts will work to improve sexual performance while also increasing the size of your penis. The best thing you can hope for with a penis pill is that it is able to improve blood flow significantly in the penis that allows for continual stretching and enhanced function overtime. Savage Grow Plus reviews reviews will talk about how successfully helpful the supplements were in penis growth.
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