Ad Watch: Let's celebrate the GST cut!
Yes, we all know Ignatieff won't raise the GST, but she doesn't. So no one tell her.
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Yes, we all know Ignatieff won't raise the GST, but she doesn't. So no one tell her.
You can rate other campaign ads here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Labels: Ads
posted by calgarygrit at
9:26 p.m.
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I like the new "opportunity" one better - its like the beer ad imitation, but less action movie and has more of a "its morning in America again" vibe.
As for this ad, to me it seems to naked a demographic appeal, and less well-produced than the 2008 version. That said, I understand why the Tories are running it now - women are more likely to be undecided late in the campaign, and ultimately, it is well-off suburban women (I like how they leave it ambiguous as to whether she has a husband or not) that will decide whether or not Harper gets a majority.
hosertohoosier, at 10:28 p.m.
The problem is people are not voting for an ad, they are being asked to vote for Harper. If they haven't in 2004, 2006 and 2008, why would they do so now?
Anonymous, at 10:41 p.m.
Does anyone know the full context of that "won't take a GST hike off the table" quote? I tried Google but just kept getting references to the ad.
Hishighness, at 10:59 p.m.
Ignatieff made statements shortly after becoming leader suggesting a GST hike might be one way to combat the deficit:
hosertohoosier, at 11:04 p.m.
Perhaps they believe Iffy, and the only promise that the LIEberals will have to keep is the tax increases. How can you go against your leaders word. If he says he will raise taxes, then he will. What part of the promise do you not understand, listen closely to his words until you hear him say: "So I'm not going to take the GST hike off the table" The same goes for corporate tax increase - which they helped vote in, and the biggest tax grab - the Cap and Trade.
If he does not raise taxes, then how will he pay for all the promises in the LIEberal Red Book?
Clown Party, at 11:11 p.m.
Clown Party how high up were you when you got dropped on your head as a kid?
Hishighness, at 11:18 p.m.
The interesting thing about this ad is that it's clearly targeted at women, but I saw it for the first time during the hockey game tonight.
calgarygrit, at 11:19 p.m.
"If he does not raise taxes, then how will he pay for all the promises in the LIEberal Red Book?"
How will Harper pay for his? There's money for Churchill Falls, income tax splitting, HST money for Quebec, some fitness tax credit, the corporate tax cut, support for caregivers and support for credentialing immigrants (not to mention F-35's and prisons, although Ignatieff would have to replace Canada's jets, and increase the size of prisons as well).
Harper has promised spending cuts, but if defence is a sacred cow, and transfers to the provinces are slated to rise (6% per annum increase to healthcare), and we know justice spending is slated to rise, there isn't a lot of room to cut. If there were billions of dollars of fat in the budget, why hasn't Harper gotten rid of it already?
Traditionally "find efficiencies" is a code-word for crossing one's fingers and hoping economic growth surges, eliminating the deficit. Its not even that bad a position. Canada's structural deficit (12 billion) is less than 1% of GDP. Deficits are bad because of the crowding out effect - they push up private sector interest rates. However, if you've noticed, low interest rates aren't exactly a huge problem. The effect is only large when the deficit is big.
hosertohoosier, at 11:27 p.m.
This ad is reminiscent of one Harris used in 1998 on McGuinty. Featured a woman running the household, thinking about those 'risky' other guys.
The ad is condescending in tone, but does communicate the theme well.
Mark Richard Francis, at 12:00 a.m.
1) wimmin watch hockey too.
2) the abrupt ending is this year's "honk".
Anonymous, at 8:34 a.m.
They ran it during House Hunter's International too.
My fist thought - is the CPC war chest running low?
Anonymous, at 11:06 a.m.
Ignatieff was explaining that raising taxes is sometimes preferable to more borrowing.
Ignatieff wants us to pay for our own programs rather than leave giant bills for future generations.
Robert Vollman, at 2:41 p.m.
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