The Lord is Dead
Is there any doubt that Bernard Lord's decision to not run for CPC leadership in 2004 is one of the dumbest political moves in recent Canadian political history?
posted by calgarygrit at
8:07 p.m.
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He may not be CPC leader, but I'm hoping he can still serve as an inspiration to Stephen Harper. May he follow in his footsteps.
I wonder if this is what did him in:
"Lord also reminded voters that he enjoys a close, personal friendship with Prime Minister Stephen Harper"
Would that count as going negative on himself?
Reality Bites, at 8:35 p.m.
I think, at the time when Lord decided to not pursue the CPC leadership, the Libs were still high in the polls, and Sheila Frasier hadn't yet given her report.
The Gomery inquiry obviously helped the Tories immensely. But how was Lord to know what was coming?
Unknown, at 9:20 p.m.
just to clarify, it wasn't the bilderbergs who installed Harper, it was the freemasons.
And Lord, is sadly a Templar, which means he has a better chance taking over New Zealand than Canada. Even the Templars themselves know that.
Tarkwell Robotico, at 10:22 p.m.
Is there any doubt that Bernard Lord's decision to not run for CPC leadership in 2004 is one of the dumbest political moves in recent Canadian political history?
yes, there is a lot of doubt. I would add:
Shoot, shovel, and shut up
chow chow
Appointing fortier to the senate
and Layton's decision not to use a razor on that damned moustache.
kenlister1, at 10:35 p.m.
Well, I like to see strong people in both parties, regardless of who is Government and who is Opposition - I hope Lord finds his way into the federal Tories soon.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 12:39 a.m.
50 bucks says Lord runs for the CPC in the next election if he can find a safe seat.
calgarygrit, at 1:21 a.m.
And further to the original post, Lord's stock was high even after the last election and he probably could have won the CPC leadership. I know Martin still look invincible at the time but most should have realized that Lord would get two elections and that a Liberal Party which had been in power for 13 years would have to eventually lose, despite Martin mania.
On the slipt side, Lord's still young and if he jumps federally now, he could eventually replace Harper, I suppose.
calgarygrit, at 1:28 a.m.
Lord might well run federally as soon as Spring 2007, if a federal election is called after the next budget.
It would serve New Brunswick well to elect a promnent citizen to the federal parliament.
If the CPC win, he would be a shoo in for cabinet.
What future does he have in New Brunswick now?
The best he can do is what he has already done.
Politicians are ambitious by nature and few (Robert Bourassa being the exception) choose to try to return to a post that they have already held.
Bernard Lord is a young politician at the age of 40 with many years ahead but probably very few in provincial politics.
Ideally, both he and Frank McKenna will choose to run federally in the next election, in the same riding.
Down & Out in L A, at 4:07 a.m.
Lord's PC's actually won the popular vote and increased their vote share from the last election in many areas. After appointing a speaker, Graham has a slim majority and any Liberal MLA angry at not being in the cabinet becomes quite poweful. Lord's popularity in Moncton could win him that riding federally. As Canadians usually vote for different parties at federal and provincial levels, Harper will likely gain seats in NB next time around.
It's interesting how the NDP is dead in NB but is currently the most popular party in NS.
nuna d. above, at 11:41 a.m.
nuna D. above is right,
I wish Lord was eradicated, but his party did win the popular vote by a slim margin and a roll of the dice brought the Liberals a majority of three more seats than the PC's.
I wish we could, but no one should count Lord out just yet.
Forward Looking Canadian, at 1:50 p.m.
Bilderbergers, Templars and Masons! Are you guys serious???
When in doubt, throw in a good conspiracy theory. After all, they can't be proven, and they can't be disproven, so let's just throw them around.
Do you truly think that spouting that kind of bunk builds any credibility? I hate it when some of my fellow conservatives thinking partake in that kind of nonsense, and I cannot believe that liberal thinking people are bamboozled by those same conspiracy theory idiots.
I know! Let's bring back McArthy, and see how many commies we can find under the beds of the nation!
Andy, at 5:09 p.m.
While Peter seems to be serious about the Bilderberg thing, I'm pretty sure Chuckercanuck was just having some fun with the idea.
Besides, everyone knows that it's really the Trilateral Commision who's pulling the strings.
The Invisible Hand, at 8:56 p.m.
Nobody believes in the stuff about Templars et al. Besides, anyone with half a brain realizes that it's really the International Bagel Vendors' Association who wield real power...
Jarrett, at 10:39 p.m.
In some ways, it is probably a good thing for the Liberals Lord didn't become Liberal leader. He probably could have won in 2004 and in 2006 I think he could have won a majority. Lord has two characteristics Harper doesn't have
1. He is moderate and close to the centre, while Harper is still a well to the right of the majority of Canadians
2. He is likeable as a person, while Harper is a cold fish who generally turns people off.
Monkey Loves to Fight, at 11:48 p.m.
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