Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Where do we go from here?

This is where things get interesting. Now that the prospect of a Conservative victory are very real to everyone, this campaign will change dramatically. And since it's happening so soon in the campaign, there's still lots of time for the Liberals to fight back or (in my opinion, more likely) for Martin to continue mimicking John Turner and see the slide get worse and worse. Without Quebec, Harper can't get a majority, but is 140 seats out of the question? A week ago I would have said yes, but now...

The question now shifts from whether or not people want to punish the Liberals by giving them a minority to who people want as the next Prime Minister (which may be a moot point since there's no way the parliament we're heading towards could last more than a year...and likely both leaders will be given a chance to test parliament's confidence at some point in the mandate). The Conservatives will soon release their platform and people will take a good look at it. It's all fun and good to say "Damn Dalton McGuinty! Damn Adscam!" but now it's more than punishing Martin...it's actually about who will win the election.

Should be fun!


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