You know it's been a slow news week when...
And good on Paul for keeping her out. Anyone who openly says she has no loyalty to the party's leader shouldn't be in Caucus. Martin knows better than anyone how disruptive people like that can be.
posted by calgarygrit at
2:10 p.m.
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Well after her asinine comments about the role that we in the Canadian Forces are trained to do, (news flash; a by product of our training is that people get killed if we are ordered to do it by your elected government and we do our job right.) I'd be really pissed if she came back into the government.
Anonymous, at 11:22 p.m.
Actually for such a minor news item it strikes me that the right is making a big deal out of all this business regarding Ms. Parrish. Indeed, it seems that our colleagues at the Blogging Tories have almost unanimously argued that Carolyn Parrish is a reason why Canadians should not vote LPC. Moreover, even radio shows (especially those that lean to the right) have found themselves flooded with callers arguing that Parrish is some sort of secret mouth piece of the government and related nonsense.
Really, it all seems to be a rather inflated issue to me. Indeed, it strikes me that even Steven Fletcher's diatribe regarding the Japanese, which I would argue is far more worthy of condemnation, has attracted far less attention than Ms. Parrish.
-Socialist Swine
Unknown, at 3:33 a.m.
I guess that's what makes our political parties different - the prioriries we put on certain programs, certain behaviour, etc.
In Fletcher's case, he was, if I recall correctly, speaking of the torture his grandfather went through as a P.O.W. Ms. Parrish referred to the U.S. in gneeral, vague, terms. I certainly wasn't offended by Mr. Fletcher's remarks, mainly because it had context. Parrish conveys the message, right or wrong, that it's the whole country she has a problem with.
As an admitted Tory who is sometimes uncomfortable with the social emphasis some members of the CPC want to put on policy, I've looked at the Libs. It's not just Parrish who seems to have a general dislike towards the U.S., I've also noticed similar behvaiour in Yasmin Ratansi and among many of the LPC supporters, sort of the Liberal version of the religious wingnuts the CPC has. The criticism is, to me, not unfair.
Anonymous, at 8:50 a.m.
Parrish reflects a large segment of opinion within the Liberal Party.
If it is OK to trash the CPC for the views of a minority of its members who have extreme views on social issues, it is certainly OK to go after Parrish.
In any event, there were growing signs that the Liberals were getting ready to welcome Parrish back into caucus. The PMO may be fortunate that strong public reaction to her recent comments has given it an excuse to reconsider.
Anonymous, at 11:27 a.m.
Never forget - Parrish was kicked out because she said she didn't support the government. If she has changed her mind...
Jason Cherniak, at 12:29 p.m.
Whooee! I ain't a Grit an' I ain't a Big-C, neither. I reckon Parrish stepped over the line an' Fartin' Martin give 'er the heave-ho. Nuthin' wrong there, sez I.
I'm wonderin' 'bout where Two Cents got that data on that "large segment of opinion within the Liberal Party." I seen a coupla loose-canons like Parrish an' Volpe but I ain't seen a whole lot o' Grits comin' out with the stuff Parrish sez. There ain't any "large segment" that I can see, Two Cents.
Now, the HarpoonTosser's got a bunch o' loose-canons. Shee-it! Offa the top o' my head, I can name Randy White, Rob Anders, Cheryl Gallant and Gurmant Grewal. What sorta discipline did the Big-C leader hand out t' them?
One thing I think's funny is how the Big-C fellers's quakin' in their boots when Parrish opens 'er yap. They're so danged scared o' the Merkins, they damn near piss themselves everytime one dumbass Liberal makes a dumbass anti-Bush statement.
Now that Harpoon's communications team's up an' walked, he's lookin' more'n'more like a sinkin' ship. Fartin' Martin ain't doin' anything right, mind you. He's jest ditherin' in place while Harpoon's diggin' a hole fer hisself.
Yores trooly,
P.S. I got me a boog fight goin' on with the Alien Albert separatists. I'd be happy as Larry if sum Alberty federalists'd drop by an add the "two cents" worth. jb
JimBobby, at 1:27 p.m.
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