Everyone's talking about Tout Le Monde En Parle
You can watch it online here (clip 2).
I do wonder what the Quebec polls would be looking like if we'd seen that Michael Ignatieff in the debates.
posted by calgarygrit at
10:50 p.m.
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Does any Liberal every accept the possibility that Michael Ignatieff was an entirely unacceptable choice for leader and PM? He didn't live here for decades. Even while here, he vacations in Europe every chance he gets. Why would you expect him to connect with or resonate with Canadian voters, no matter how good or serene or confident he is feeling? He just doesn't. And I knew that 2 1/2 years before any Conservative attack ad.
Anonymous, at 11:17 p.m.
Stevo Harper's Reform/PC/Alliance coalition govt doesn't represent Canadian voter's hopes and dreams either. I'd rather see the Liberals than the Conservaforms form a government, and I'm not voting for either party.
Anonymous, at 11:27 p.m.
Yeah and while we're at it, let's strip Sidney Crosby and Wayne Gretsky oof their citizenship. Honestly, the idea that it is a disadvantage to be someone who is well travelled, successful in a career OUTSIDE politics, either here or abroad, who comes to politics AFTER a record of achievement, rather than pinning their whole identity on being a career politician, is simply idiotic.
This sounds about as stupid as the (thankfully long gone) era in which some Quebecers felt that it was against their interests to learn to speak English or leave the province of Quebec. If being a stick in the mud who never leaves the country and slags those who do is what being a reconstructed Conservative loyalist is all about, I wish you the best, but have no interest in hanging out at your party.
Anonymous, at 11:40 p.m.
Just attended a rally in Vancouver East with Iggy as the star speaker. The small venue was packed. So, it's not going to be a repeat of 1993.
I left after five minutes because Iggy acted as the nice guy. “I have a vote. You have one vote. Stephen Harper has one vote.” Is this on message for a general election.
Let this be a lesson for the Liberals. You need an ideology and a leader with fire in his belly. Then, you can fight a ground war with little money.
Learn from harper. He started with a limited franchise and built on that. Fortunately, he's a lousy alliance builder. Unlike the Republicans down south.
It's now up to the voters. Are they willing to accept a harper majority?
JimTan, at 11:41 p.m.
In contrast I wasn't that big on Jack's Tout Le Monde En Parle appearance. So hey, you never know.
For the first time, I could see it being exciting have Ignatieff in the Big Chair. As the campaign is all about media image, I have surrendered and given in, and his was great. I could see him at the reigns.
I'm big on Ignatieff as an academic and scholar. As PM? Honestly, not that much -- I admit it. I felt a bit better about the idea after TLMEP, sure. It was a very good appearance, he killed.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 11:45 p.m.
Right, Sidney Crosbie would make a great PM, so would Wayne Gretzky. Why not Dan Aykroyd while we're at it?
Everything you say is right -- traveling is vital, and experience outside of politics is welcome, yet it still doesn't hold that a guy who can't even remember what elections he actually voted in now wants to be PM of a place he's held little interest in beyond the occasional aloof shrug and slag. He's earned a lot of things -- I don't think executive power over 35 000 000 people he held only disregard for the prior 3 decades is one of the jewels owed to his crown, though.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 11:49 p.m.
Anon 11:17
You might have a point - at least Dion had more credibility - and was ELECTED learder. Iggy was APPOINTED and wants to be appointed PM without the numbers. If anything, it might be Jack as PM, and I do not think Iggy wants to be Deputy(sp) PM - He has to be PM or not at all. Will probably stay around for his gold-plated pension - unless the Cons change that also. I guess his famous words: "You didn'y get it done ..." will come back and haunt him - ironic, isn't it
Anon 11:27
Good for you voting NDP (although you could always vote for my party - why put an amature in Ottawa, when you can get a professional.)
For you, there is no alternative, and the NDP will be a better opposition party than the LIEberals in the past. Sure, the NDP blew the gun regestry for the rural votes, yet as you can see by the results, the NDP have something better to offer Cannadians - position of a true opposition party.
Clown Party, at 11:53 p.m.
I like a nice guy approach myself. I definitely do love and respect his nice guy attitude -- he seems less political (in a good way) and less shark-y than almost all of Ottawa. He only lacks a compelling vision. He has much passion in his heart when he holds a vision in his mind's eye -- he just doesn't have a big vision at this moment in time. It's like he has to come up with a thesis but is a bit blocked and can't refine it.
He seems like a sincere person, and I respect that a lot. Of all the leaders, I'd trust him the most if I had to tell someone a painful secret. He'd never use it against you or tell anyone.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 11:55 p.m.
Haha just got your headline - nice one
Jacques Beau Vert, at 11:59 p.m.
CG has got a bad case of the conbots on his blog tonight. I hear that you can pick that up from public toilets and that it causes insanity.
Anonymous, at 1:41 a.m.
Jim Tan - Thanks for the recap. It's interesting to hear your take, since the Globe recap of the rally talked about Iggy being angry and fired up.
calgarygrit, at 3:40 a.m.
I don't think Iggy's weaknesses were a surprise to anyone. We heard these same critiques about him going back to 2006 (if you comb my archives, you can probably see making many of them against him).
Like any politician, he has strengths and he has weaknesses. The Conservatives have done an excellent job exploiting his weaknesses.
calgarygrit, at 3:42 a.m.
"Jim Tan - Thanks for the recap. It's interesting to hear your take, since the Globe recap of the rally talked about Iggy being angry and fired up."
I suppose that he worked his way up to it. Problem is that his message is inconsistant, and only relevant to the harper haters. What's in it for the middle class?
JimTan, at 6:09 a.m.
What if the NDP surge in Quebec is BS that has been invented by the boys of the PMO?
Their motive would be to convince marginal NDPers that it's okay to vote their first choice.
Or what?
Anonymous, at 11:36 a.m.
Yesterday, I voted Conservative for the first time in my life because Senator David Smith shoved Iggy down our throats, even after we voted against him DEMOCRATICALLY in Montreal. He was never acceptable as leader or PM. As far as all politicians having weaknesses, Iggy wasn't/isn't a politician. He has weaknesses as an academic. As a Canadian leader of a political Party that is vying for power, he is a non-starter. And I don't car how he is "feeling." That's a non-issue.
btw isn't Sydney Crosbie like 23? Um No he isn't qualified to be PM. He's a good hockey player who didn't even go to university or college, that's about it.
Anonymous, at 1:22 p.m.
The press is treating Iggy in a very sympathetic manner of the attack ads against him.
Photos from the ASpen Club in Vancouver
JimTan, at 1:32 p.m.
I was at the Vancouver East (Kingsway) event as well. To the person who left after five minutes because Ignatieff was too nice, I don't think this qualifies as deep analysis, or any snap judgement like that qualifies. The issue, if you want to count it as a "problem", is that he is quite thoughtful in his replies to questions and doesn't always drive them home in a way that fires people up in the moment. I found that after I reflected on the event, I was actually quite impressed with what he says and what he stands for...
em, at 2:04 p.m.
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