After months of recalibration, refocusing and consulting with Canadians...
From today's throne speech:
• In recognition of the contributions seniors make to society, our Government will support legislation establishing Seniors Day.
• In recognition of the contributions seniors make to society, our Government will support legislation establishing Seniors Day.
posted by calgarygrit at
3:50 p.m.
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Is this stuff serious!?
Unknown, at 3:59 p.m.
He has to justify prorogation in some way.
Stephen harper is a big fat loser.
Anonymous, at 4:18 p.m.
So, he's not proposing a holiday then? He's just proposing to pick a day and stick a label to it. Is that it?
Anonymous, at 4:43 p.m.
I can't believe this is the kind of crap government that the Canadian people want.
Give me a freakin break
How much longer do we have to put up with this guff.
Anonymous, at 4:51 p.m.
Hey, don't forget - the Anti-Communism memorial!
Next, we'll have important news on Canada's combat role in the Boer War!
Anonymous, at 4:58 p.m.
Must be a great throne speech. if this is all you can find fault with it.
I loved the part of freezing all wages of all Federal Govt employees and MP's.
Anonymous, at 5:10 p.m.
The damn liberals never gave me my own day. That Harper knows how to respect his elders, Now that I am in my golden years, I finally feel appreciated.
Thank you Steve...
and I hope that WalMart will excuse me from my greeting responsibilities on my day.
WILLY, at 6:05 p.m.
Due to cutbacks in tory head office "talking point" pay will be frozen.
Feel free to keep on using the same old and tired baloney we have all heard a miilion and five times before.
Canadian people are stupid.
They voted for us didn't they?
Dimitri Soudas
Anonymous, at 6:19 p.m.
"Due to cutbacks in tory head office "talking point" pay will be frozen."
I would not call it a "cutback", I'd call it being responsable. Besides, these are not Government empployees, they are hired from the Cons. Just like the war-room for Liberals hire their own promotion personal ... not not the government.
"Canadian people are stupid."
Elizabeth May said that once.
"They voted for us didn't they?"
Yes, the Green Party is a great party for people who do not know who to vote for. Perhaps next time we can split the vote between the Libs and Non Democradic Party and become offical opposition party - at least they have a platform.
Go Greens!!!!
Anonymous, at 8:31 p.m.
Wow anon 8:21 - another product of an inadequate education, yes ladies and gentlemen a thesis from our friendly anon mouth breather - "Democradic", really???
This has to be a joke.
Anonymous, at 8:36 p.m.
Anon at 8:31
I should rephrase that.
That better for you you flippin idiot.
Anonymous, at 9:03 p.m.
Anon at 8:31
Making a fool of a conservative
Anonymous, at 9:07 p.m.
Anon at 8:31
You can't even spell you illiterate
conservative creep.
At least try to put something together that makes some sense.
Anonymous, at 9:15 p.m.
and I hope that WalMart will excuse me from my greeting responsibilities on my day.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 9:29 p.m.
Anonymous 9:15 PM:
Ok, I confess, I hit “d” instead of “t” sorry you are offended. If you never made a spelling mistake in you life then you have the right to cast stones. (I am sure you have made at least one spelling mistake since grade one.)
I see you do not know how to read, it clearly said; "Canadian people are stupid." Where do you get CONSERVATIVES out of that? I suggest you learn to read, and stick to original comment. Typical Liberal, changing what is said.
I'm happy, though, that you are anti-conservative for you are stuck with them for at least a year because your party does not have the guts to vote out the Cons. Also the Liberal party is broke and still have not paid back money lost in Ad-scam. One of the main reasons, if you vote them out now many Liberal MP’s will not get their gold-plated pension. At least IF the Greens had a MP he/she would vote against them.
The budget comes down today, this will be the second chance you will have to vote them out, please do, the Greens are ready for an election and May will get a seat – she will not run against a high profile candidate this time, but where she has a better chance to win her seat.
What do you have against the Greens? Were we not partners’ last election? (Where do I state that I am conservative?) Is anybody who disagrees with you automatically a conservative?
Anonymous, at 9:45 a.m.
Hey, it was either that, or declare seniors a nation.
Robert Vollman, at 10:03 a.m.
I don't know about the other Anon, but I like the Greens.
The only thing that worries me is a vote split, enabling Harper to be re-elected.
Elizabeth May will have a hard time against Lunn though.
It's not like he is a great MP, or anything, but he alway's manages to survive.
Anonymous, at 10:11 a.m.
"After months of recalibration, refocusing and consulting with Canadians... "
You think it's easy to make priorities?
nuna d. above, at 1:21 p.m.
nuna d. above
Congrats to you!!
Best line I have heard in a long time.
Stephen Harper is a strong leader
Anonymous, at 1:41 p.m.
Anthem change – I know this is just another diversion from Afghanistan detainee torture coverup issue but I simply can’t help taking the bait.
For the record, the line “In all Thy son’s command” refers to Christ’s command to “Love your neighbour as yourself.” I’m an English major and an agnostic, but I’ve always tried to live by “Thy son’s command.”
The seldom used English second person singular pronouns (Thy, Thee, Thine) are reserved for talking to God. They are a little like the French TU pronouns used for intimate conversations. These days in English Thy, Thee, Thine are pretty much only heard in anthems, the Lord’s Prayer, and bad Shakespeare parodies, but at the time this was written “Thy son” was Jesus Christ. And Thy Son’s Command was “Love your neighbour as yourself,” Christ’s replacement to reams of confused old testament laws. Basically Christ was saying “forget all this legal B.S. - just try to live your life by this single principle and you’ll be good to go. You don’t need any more lawyers or rabbinical law.”
Would this not be a wonderful country if everybody, religious and non-religious, lived by this command? Buddhist, Muslims, Wiccans, secular humanists, and Druids all have the same idea.
Crescent Heights Guy, at 2:39 p.m.
The sad part is, Seniors Day was the highlight of the Throne Speech ... that and coming up with new words to the national anthem.
Joel Klebanoff, at 3:00 p.m.
It is not much wonder we are a divided country after reading some of the comments from readers. For heavens sake stick to the question asked. I should take my own advice -- Leave Oh Canada alone. Giddy
Anonymous, at 4:53 p.m.
Crescent Heights Guy: There is no hard rule that the second-person singular pronouns are reserved for God. It so happens that most of the places they have survived are quotes from the King James Bible, in which "thy" frequently but not exclusively refers to God. But that's by no means a rule!
What about "Frailty, thy name is woman"? (Which is not a bad Shakespeare parody but Shakespeare himself.)
What about good ol' Rule Brittania? Verse #2 begins with "The nations, not so blest as thee, / Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall". Surely this "thee" is not God, but a personification of the nation-state, much as is seen in O Canada.
In this particular case the lyrics open with the direct address "O Canada", i.e. the singer is speaking to the nation itself. Therefore the "thou" to which the lyrics refer is Canada, the nation. Also, I would really hope an English major would be aware of the distinction between a plural and a genitive: the official lyrics say "in all thy sons command", not "in all thy son's command".
So to recap, we are talking about the plural sons of Canada, not the singular son of God. To be very specific, the singer is beseeching Canada to command something ("true patriot love") in all Canada's sons.
Even if you were right, there is no particular reason why we should take some ambiguous reference to Jesus' command to refer to the one you mean. Jesus said a lot of stuff; why should it be taken to refer to this command in particular?
In any case I don't really see the sexism here. We're basically asking Canada to tell all its menfolk to do something (be patriotic). It's not as if women aren't allowed to be patriotic too, they're not not ordered to be. Which I think would be a good thing!
saphorr, at 5:52 p.m.
Last week at the Olympics, O Canada was spontaneously sung over and over. It was the best thing that happened and equal to having the most gold medals. Not once did those singing appear to notice what we are commenting on now. Not one of the female athletes seemed to notice, and they sang along with pride. Shame on the Conservatives for starting this, I thought it was only the Liberals that never saw anything great of Canada.
It is just a few people that do not like it that are complaining. Canada, if there is a change, is becoming too political correct. (At least it hasn’t gone to the Canadian Human Rights Commission who would force the change because a few people were offended.)
Anonymous, at 8:04 p.m.
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