Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Do you think it is easy to make priorities?

Ask and ye shall receive. The Liberal priorities for the upcoming session of parliament:

-Job creation proposals to support manufacturers and young Canadians, and to encourage investment in start-up companies;

-Increase investments in clean energy and energy efficiency;

-Adopt a made-in-Canada climate change plan, including a binding and verifiable cap-and-trade system with hard caps, absolute reductions, and fairness to all industries and regions;

-Reform pensions to help Canadians save more and protect Canadians whose pension income is threatened by employer bankruptcy;

-Strengthen oversight of our independent watchdog agencies;

-Reaffirm the principle of equal pay for work of equal value as a non-negotiable right;

-Call an investigation into the national shame of missing and murdered Aboriginal women;

-Increase supports for Canadian veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder;

-Develop a National Neurological Strategy to address Alzheimer’s and dementia;

-Reaffirm Canada’s traditional support for a woman’s right to access contraception and reproductive health services as part of the maternal health initiative;

-Protect victims of white collar crime with measures like mandatory restitution and tax relief;

-Pursue proven crime-prevention solutions that reduce crime, prevent victimization and enhance community safety;

-Provide the public with transparency over the government’s role in the transfer of Afghan detainees by reconstituting and ending Conservative boycotts of Parliament’s Afghanistan committee, and respect the will of Parliament by handing over unredacted documents in a manner that protects legitimate claims of national security; and

-Free Olympic mittens for all Canadians.


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