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2. Today's Globe article has a few interesting nuggets on the Liberals' election campaign:
-There's talk of a 308 riding strategy
-Kennedy has a quote on the importance of winning seats in the West
-Mark Marissen and Nancy Girard, the party's Quebec vice-president, will be the campaign co-chairs
-A focus on local platforms such as the Made in BC and Made in Alberta policy documents we saw during the last election
3. Susan Delacourt has a fun little Christmas Carol in today's Star.
4. This Decima poll has some interesting snap shots of what Canadians think of the new Liberal leader.
re the 308-riding plans. "...Mr. Kennedy argued that the Liberals' leadership convention opened doors in the West, where people saw “a party that is more likely to connect with the people in their communities.”..."
I'll bet that the only reason McLellan kept her seat so long was pragmatism on the part of the voters (other than the diehards and the illegally registered voters that WORKED rather than lived in her riding). With the CPC in power, we have more than "a" seat at the table.
Candace, at 1:01 a.m.
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