Friday, December 15, 2006

New Tory Cabinet

Ed Stelmach announced his new Cabinet today. At first glance it's very white, very male, and very rural. Among the highlights:

Lyle "skeletor" Oberg - Finance
Dave Hancock - Health
Ted Morton - is the man for sustainable resource development
Rob Liepert - Education
Iris Evans - Employment, immigration, and industry
Ron Stevens - Justice and Attorney General
Doug Horner - Advanced education


  • I suppose he had to give Morton a cabinet position (sigh). I wouldn't have noticed the white maleness of the cabinet had you not mentionned it but it is a reasonable thing to note. At least the cabinet is small. It will grow larger and Ed may make room for women or non whites then. He is such a dark horse that it is all conjecture at this point.

    By Blogger Psychols, at 7:05 p.m.  

  • Is Hancock the only Edmonton MLA in cabinet? That seems... a bit questionable, if so.

    By Blogger JG, at 9:29 p.m.  

  • "very white, very male, and very rural"
    yes it is, as every media outlet has pointed out, not to mention the libs and NDP... but what really matters is, will it be compitent? Only time will tell. I rather judge one on how they do their job rather than appearance, sex, color, roots or first impressions for that matter. When they screw up, lets judge them on that fact, at least then we have something real to base things on. And for the books, I am not a Eddy supporter, nor a Alberta PC supporter although I did pay my $5 to vote.

    By Blogger Tim, at 9:35 p.m.  

  • I agree with Tim.

    Iris Evans will be a driving force in Industry and will be no shrinking violet. in cabinet.

    And it's Janice Tarchuk's time to shine in Children's Services.

    The appointments of Hector Goudreau, Luke Oullette and Guy Boutillier give some nice Francophone representation.

    Appointments of Boutillier and Oberg are a kick in the front of the pants to the old boys club.

    People don't seem to like Oberg but I always did.

    He was one who did his job.

    I would like to thank him for AISI funding, the Premier's Award for Innovation, the Learning Commission ( he implemented over 90 recommendations, his successor implemented exactly zero of the remaining 10). He encouraged parent choice, improved access, more second language learning and during his tenure student performance improved dramatically.

    He always met with school boards to discuss issues and was very supportive in getting capital projects

    I have served on a school board for 14 years under 5 Education Ministers.

    I Have seen one do his job. Lyle Oberg.

    By Blogger Down & Out in L A, at 7:05 a.m.  

  • Does Ted even believe in "sustainable" resource development or does he feel it's a myth like the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, or "global warming"?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:31 p.m.  

  • Ted is in favour of trees and a variety of animals that provide food or recreational hunting.

    By Blogger Chris, at 8:51 p.m.  

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