The ONLY Question Remaining:
Nothing else matters anymore. I don't want to call the election because a lot can change in two weeks but it's safe to say the Liberal government has defeated itself. Nothing they do over the last two weeks will change that. It's been a disastrous campaign, dogged by what now seem to be daily scandals. Canadians have had enough and want change.
The only hope left for Martin is that we see a repeat of 2o04 when voters did not want Stephen Harper as Prime Minister. It happened then, and I don't want to say it can't happen again but, to quote the Tory "change" commercial "something feels different this time". Harper has run a slick campaign, the media is 100% on his side, he's laid out his policy, and Martin is being dogged by daily scandals.
I think Harper will be PM and for a very long time. I also think it will be good for Canada and good for the liberals.
Anonymous, at 1:04 a.m.
Yea I agree, CG, it's been tough to watch o'l party self destruct...and I'm a Conservative. Bearing some unforseen miracle, I think you are right - the Lib's are finished.
I think Martin and his election strategists have mis-calcuated this election on a massive scale so much that he will have to resign.
Anonymous, at 1:10 a.m.
Hopefully Harper won't rush down to Washington and fall to his knees for the Bush Cartel.
Anonymous, at 1:16 a.m.
I think Paul Martin still thinks the election is 30 days after Gomery hands in his second report.
Anonymous, at 1:19 a.m.
Wow, scary... they are going to return the taxes to what they were under the Liberals.
Anonymous, at 1:20 a.m.
The CBC is reporting that the Conservatives would tax the poor, substantiated by Jason Kenney, Conservative MP.
Anonymous, at 1:20 a.m.
The CBC didn't uncover this tax increase, the CPC pointed it out. Think..why did the CPC call the CBC to remind them they would raise the lowest tax bracket from 15% to 16%...?
Who is giving away millions and billions a day AND at the same time promising the biggest tax cut? It isn't the CPC.
While Paul Martin is out promising all things to all people, whose plan actually sounds more reasonable?
JL, at 1:32 a.m.
CBC story was apparently untrue. This was posted on the comments section of my site, however I cannot find the source as of yet:
Taxes would be far lower under a Conservative government
CBC Reality Check is wrong
January 6, 2006
OTTAWA – This evening, CBC’s The National ran a so-called “Reality Check” alleging the Conservatives would raise taxes.
This report is not just misleading; it is false:
* Taxes would be drastically lower under the Conservatives than under the Liberals.
* Our tax plan will include cuts to the GST, and large cuts to personal income taxes and business taxes.
* Under our plan, all Canadians will pay lower taxes.
* Only the Conservative plan will cut taxes for the lowest-income Canadians – the 32% of Canadians whose income is too low to pay any income tax.
Under a Conservative government, taxes will be dramatically lower – billions of dollars lower – than under the Liberals. That’s a fact. Details on our entire fiscal platform will be released along with the entire Conservative platform in the near future.
We have been upfront about replacing the Liberals’ inferior tax plan from the outset of the campaign, beginning on December 1st – Stephen Harper’s first announcement on the Conservative tax cut plan. Any attempt to build an argument to the contrary, based on a particular, selective point, is not only misleading, it is false.
Anonymous, at 1:37 a.m.
Gee CG; The polls show a statistical dead heat and the ONLY question remaining is Harper PM material? I agree the Tories do have the big mo, but with 17 days left, lots of questions can be raised. Can you trust the Tory front bench? Will they appease the Bloc? Other than the crime & scandals issues, do the Tories really have a winning issue in their platform that Canadians prefer over the Grits? Harper doesn't have to implode to still lose this thing. Stop being so defeatist! :-)
Anonymous, at 1:48 a.m.
Doesn't anyone else out there think it's a bit convenient that all these scandals are "suddenly" appearing smack dab in the middle of a campaign... not trying to defend any wrong doing... it's just that "investigation" means "we think there might be something wrong"... meanwhile people will vote as if "investigation" means "something was wrong + we fully researched everything + that's why we're laying charges.
Anonymous, at 1:50 a.m.
Andrew Coyne is reporting that tmrw's National Post will contain a poll where Tories are 35-31% lead over the Libs, nationally.
Anonymous, at 1:53 a.m.
Yes the seat distribution may finally be re-allocated under a Tory gov't. The Lib's wont do it as it would eat their power structure away.
Anonymous, at 2:15 a.m.
Neil McDonald feels so bad for the poor little shipping magnate that he is trying to win this election for him all by himself. Nice try if it wasn'to much bullshit.
Of course the Conservatives are not going to implement the Liberal budget.
They will implement their own. Now who in the hell would of thunk it?
Frickin' arrogant Liberals. Even when they lose we are still supposed to do their biddin'.
Anonymous, at 2:23 a.m.
January 6, 2006
OTTAWA – This evening, CBC’s The National ran a so-called “Reality Check” alleging the Conservatives would raise taxes.
This report is not just misleading; it is false:
* Taxes would be drastically lower under the Conservatives than under the Liberals.
* Our tax plan will include cuts to the GST, and large cuts to personal income taxes and business taxes.
* Under our plan, all Canadians will pay lower taxes.
* Only the Conservative plan will cut taxes for the lowest-income Canadians – the 32% of Canadians whose income is too low to pay any income tax.
Under a Conservative government, taxes will be dramatically lower – billions of dollars lower – than under the Liberals. That’s a fact. Details on our entire fiscal platform will be released along with the entire Conservative platform in the near future.
We have been upfront about replacing the Liberals’ inferior tax plan from the outset of the campaign, beginning on December 1st – Stephen Harper’s first announcement on the Conservative tax cut plan. Any attempt to build an argument to the contrary, based on a particular, selective point, is not only misleading, it is false.
Anonymous, at 2:43 a.m.
CBC smear campaign falls flat: Taxes for ALL Canadian will be lower under a Conservative government
Tonight the CBC suggested that the Conservatives would raise taxes for the poor because they would not implement the 1% income tax reduction introduced cynically by the Liberals one week prior to the election (like most Liberal policies). What the CBC failed to mention is that the GST tax cut proposed by the Tories would save low income earners more money than the modest income tax cut proposed by the Liberals. Additionally, they purposefully failed to mention that the complete Conservative platform has yet to be released and may yet contain additional tax cut measures. In their zeal to smear the Conservatives, the CBC failed to responsibly present the truth to Canadians in a segment they like to call "Reality Check". The only reality that needs to be checked is the CBC's dedication to the PMO. The ENTIRE board of the CBC donates almost EXCLUSIVELY to the Liberal Party of Canada. The CBC is attempting to create the impression that the Conservatives are raising taxes for the poor when the reality is that not only have the Conservatives already offered greater tax relief for the poor than the Liberals but the complete Conservative tax policy has yet to be released.
Anonymous, at 2:45 a.m.
Ok. Seriously people. Read the comments. That release has been posted THREE times so far!
Anonymous, at 3:04 a.m.
"I think Harper will be PM and for a very long time."
If Harper wins, it will be a poisoned chalice. The US will drag Canada into a recession sometime around 2006Q4-2007Q2 as the housing bubble pops in the US and their current account / fiscal deficits lead to serious bond market problems.
A Harper government would be blamed for the macro mess in Canada and the Liberals would run in 2010 on a platform of "don't you remember the economic good times under the grits?"
Van Housing Blogger, at 3:08 a.m.
Gee, I wonder where Harper is tomorrow and what policy he plans to release... hmmm
Candace, at 3:10 a.m.
To answer Candace's question, this is Harper's agenda today: Tour Event 07 January 2006, New Hamburg, ON 10:00 AM
Paul Martin's efforts today consist of a single speech at 9am in Montreal.
What's your point?
RGM, at 7:57 a.m.
Come on!
I found the "Reality Check" bit by the state-run Communist Broadcasting Channel to be a bit fishy. I think there is more to that story. They did say the Conservatives have yet to release their full tax package.
Anonymous, at 7:58 a.m.
Wow, I've just found this. An Alberta Liberal? I'm surprised and confused at the same time. What to think...
Anonymous, at 10:03 a.m.
I am not so sure the liberals can shake the impression they have made on Canadians in 12 years. I think Canadians have finally had enough of 12 years of Liberals telling Canadians they know what is best for them. The liberals like to break the rules for their friends, and do favors for their friends at the expense of Canadian Tax Payers. People may not be embracing Harper, but they are so sick of liberal scandle, I think they are finally ready for the devil they don't know.
Anonymous, at 11:08 a.m.
Although I support the CPC, I think Van Housing Blogger may have a good point. There is a good chance that the USA may ineed go into a recession over the next few years. It is inevitable that Canada would follow suit. This would certainly give a refreshed Liberal Party an excellent base on which to fight the next election on a platform of "bring back the good times".
There must be more than a few backroom Liberals who are privately hoping for a minority Conservative Government as the best thing that could happen for for the long-term prospects for the Liberal Party.
Anonymous, at 11:19 a.m.
A big part of our economical success is due to the American economy right now. Try and find a Liberal with the honesty to admit that.
Anonymous, at 11:31 a.m.
It is not actually inevitable that the United States would drag Canada into a recession. It's possible -- likely even -- but we shouldn't take it as a given. The United States was in a deep recession from 2001-2004, and Canada barely noticed. This was the subject of a series of blog posts starting here.
James Bow, at 11:36 a.m.
This is hilarious:
Anonymous, at 11:47 a.m.
Hi JAmes,
you're right that it's not inevitable. However, the 2001-2004 recessionette was not a 'deep' one. Unemployment got up to, what, 7%? 6%? Growth was what -0.5%? -1.0?
Don't you remember what a deep recession looks like? We're talking double digit unemployment, growth at -2% etc. If an actually deep recession happens it would be harder to avoid a recession here in Canada.
And that will make the next election a very different beast. No more arguing over minor things like SSM or Kyoto. At least, they'd seem minor if we returned to 10% unemployment. It would all be about jobs jobs jobs.
Van Housing Blogger, at 12:03 p.m.
I just looked it up at the BLS site. Unemployment peaked at 6.3% in June 2003 for the US. That was not a deep recession.
Ok, back to Mr. Harper's prime ministership now . . .
Van Housing Blogger, at 12:10 p.m.
What is a deep recession for the United States is a lot shallower than for Canada. Canada's unemployment rate has always lagged behind that of the United States. Then, from 2001 to 2004, when more than a million American jobs were lost, their unemployment rate went up, and ours stayed static. The gap between our two rates narrowed to their narrowest gap in 30 years, defying economists' expectations.
You're right that the United States hasn't experienced a really deep recession since the Great Depression, and doesn't know what could be ahead, but if Canada could avoid America's last recession (something it hasn't done since Eisenhower was in office), then we aren't necessarily as dependent upon the American economy as we seem to think.
One thing that I credit Harper for is his statements that the United States isn't the only market available to us. This may become an important realization under a Harper administration should the United States be unable to purchase our commodities for an extended period. And I give credit Martin for bolstering the ports of BC, preparing Canada to sell to the Asian market. China and India could provide us with a fair amount of business.
James Bow, at 12:17 p.m.
It's not going to happen for one simple reason:
The message is coming from Martin, and not the press.
People simply won't take his word for it.
This election is over.
Anonymous, at 12:58 p.m.
My last comment was in reference to CG's original post BTW.
As for the CBC, what is particularily galling about the error was that it was defined as "reality."
Anonymous, at 1:08 p.m.
The guy weirds me out- and now he is all teleprompted and slick. His handlers must be telling him to shut up about any of his personal opinions.
2 reasons why you should not vote for Stephen Harper;
-he loves the Americans, and will erode Canadians privacy and independence
-wants to put armies in every city. this guy makes bush look good.
Anonymous, at 1:38 p.m.
"he loves Americans".
I guess it would be better to hate them, call them childish names or to mock them like a Canadian beer commercial, or hypocritically wag the "shame shame" finger at them where our policies are worse than theirs.
Sorry Eric, but I think its time for the adults to be at the wheel.
Anonymous, at 1:48 p.m.
I am afraid of PM Stephen Harper in a majority government but probably less so in a minority. The new Stephen Harper appeared in December 2005 so I lack confidence in his new found moderate positions. I also feel that Harper's apology to the US media for Canada's refusal to participate in the Coalition of the Willing and his suggestion of the Alberta Firewall render him undeserving of becoming the Prime Minister of Canada.
Psychols, at 1:54 p.m.
What the heck is all this crap about Harper and his firewall letter regarding Alberta? It was great letter.
So Harper happens to respect provincial rights under the constitution. It looks like the people in Quebec are starting to figure this out.
If we had a federal government that didn't try and intrude into provincial responsibities there would be no need for firewall letters.
Looks like we just might be getting one. So you can the file the firewall letter in the can.
One more NEP from the Liberals for the West and the firewall letter will look like a warm glass of milk compared to what you would see.
Anonymous, at 2:09 p.m.
I had the pleasure of spending my night reading the AG report after the "Reality Check" segment by Macdonald... I think Neil is about to put his credibility in the crapper on this, but whatever, CG has the right of it, short of Harper eating small dogs owned by old people on National Television, he's going to the big chair.
VanHousing, all these scandals are showing up because there are people who know where the bodies are buried and they are getting in gear for the CYA game.
Harpers going to be looking for every sin when he gets in, and the Liberal Gov. has left a lot of leads, most of which have yet to be uncovered.
Remember the AG has not been able to completely audit the Gun Registry because of poor documentation, and the HR scandal was shut down by Cretien, and although poor Jane Stewart took the bullet, all the money lost was under Pettigrew, who is also being scutinized over Options Canada... life's about to get nasty for that fellow.
Additionally, CBC report on Tax increase is Monte' way of setting the CBC up... You watch, CBC is going to burn by Tuesday morning for that one.
Ask youself, why would Jason Kenny confirm it, if he didn't have something nasty up his sleeve for CBC. You can say many things about Jason Kenny, but you can't call him stupid.
Joe Calgary, at 2:32 p.m.
If you vote Harper you will be voting for the CRAP party(conservatives,reform,alliance party)
ALiberal in conservative Alberta
Anonymous, at 4:08 p.m.
Harper's Reform/CA/Conservatives?
Or Martin's lying, thieving Liberal?
Gee, that's a tough one.
Signed: A Reformer/CAer/Conservative in British Columbia.
Anonymous, at 5:23 p.m.
Conservative Principles
Respect for Tradition
Myron Thompson: “I want the whole world to know that I do not condone homosexuals. I do not condone their activity. I do not like what they do. I think it is wrong. I think it is unnatural and I think it is totally immoral. I will object to it forever they attack the good traditional Canadian family unit that built the country.” (Hansard, June 15, 1995)
David Sweet: “men are natural influencers, whether we like it or not. … Its because Jesus knew women would naturally follow. Men, on the other hand, had to be called. (Christian Week November 27 2001)
Garry Breitkreuz: "In the 1950s, buggery was a criminal offence, now it’s a requirement to receive benefits from the federal government.” (The Leader-Post, March 3, 2000)
Darrell Reid: “The liberalization of divorce laws was the biggest disaster to hit Canada, short of common-law marriage” (
Free Market Economics
Paul Forseth: "Old age security is welfare for the aged." [Vancouver Sun, October 6, 1993]
Gary Breitkreuz: Using research done by a right wing Fraser Institute economist, Breitkreuz urged the provincial government of Saskatchewan to eliminate its minimum wage. People should be given the "freedom of choice". [The Potashville Miner’ Journal, Feb. 28, 1996]
Peter Goldring: “I have strong concerns that we're building [homeless] shelters on a grander and grander scale.” (Calgary Herald, March 6, 2002
Derek Zeisman: “I would advocate the elimination of all corporate and business taxes at the federal level.”
National Pride (Standing up for Canada)
Stephen Harper: “Any country with Canada’s insecure smugness and resentment can be dangerous.” National Post December 8 2000/
Stephen Harper: “Canada is a Northern Welfare state in the worst sense of the term, and very proud of it.”
Stephen Harper: “I delivered [speeches] everywhere I went … about the spirit of defeatism in the country”
National Post, May 31 2002
Stephen Harper: “Whether Canada ends up as one national government or two national governments or several national governments, or some other kind of arrangement is, quite frankly, secondary in my opinion.
Strong Foreign Policy
Mark Inky: “Foreign nationals without status should not be under the protection of the Canadian charter.” (Hansard, February 26 2001)
Leon Benoit: On Paul Fromm, head of Canada First Immigration Reform Committee who proclaim on their website “made with European culture accept no substitute”
“The first time we met I didn’t know his background … I chatted with him a little bit, I think on the Hill here. And I met him in Toronto, and you know, some of the things he said made a lot of sense. I think he offered some good suggestions for changing the immigration system.” (National Post, June 18, 2001)
Joe Li: “It looks like we just get all the garbage (immigrants) from Ottawa.” (Toronto Star, February 6 2002)
Stephen Harper: “west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society.”
Tough on Crime
Conservative press release: “Today, [Paul] Martin says he’s against child pornography. But his voting record proves otherwise.”
Myron Thompson “said he favored corporal punishment for young offenders. He says that during his years as a school principal in Alberta, he saw remarkable change in behaviour among those who had ‘tasted a piece of wood.’” (Edmonton Sun, March 13, 1995)
Art Hanger: “I suspect flogging straightens up behavior by jolting a criminal into reality … Compare it to our system, which provides no deterrence and is little more than a revolving door … Is corporal punishment extreme? … I don’t think so.” (Alberta Report, April 1, 1996)
Vic Toews: – Justice Critic “…Vic Toews says he'd like to go back to the good old days of tossing people into jail for unpaid traffic fines.” A number of years ago it used to be simply (if) you didn't pay the fine you went to jail," said Toews.” (Winnipeg Sun, July 26, 1999)
Support for the Traditional Marriage
Stockwell Day: “Homosexuality is a mental disorder that can be cured through counseling” Alberta Report, February 3, 1992
Gary Caldwell: “If homosexuality is normal, must we also permit bestiality?” (La Presse, September 9, 1995)
Art Hanger: “Homosexuality, to anyone who has not been brainwashed by the last decade of effective propagandizing by the gay lobby, is unnatural. It is a repudiation of nature. Nature requires procreation. Morality must defend the continuation of humanity. Rights must protect those things that promote the continuation of our country and of our species. Homosexuality does none of those things. Homosexuality is nihilistic. It protects nothing, it defends nothing, it continues nothing, and it sustains nothing." (Hansard June 1, 1995)
Cindy Silver: “I happen to believe that homosexuality is wrong.”
Koby, at 12:10 a.m.
One thing about this site, every Liberal in Alberta participates. Must be...what about 30 of you?
Anonymous, at 3:52 p.m.
Thank you for this article, really useful material.
By, at 3:27 p.m.
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