Harper's Migraine Inducing MPs
The best use of Harper's time right now would be to call up his candidates one by one and tell them to zip it.
posted by calgarygrit at
7:51 p.m.
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Something else to think about before the election:
Anonymous, at 8:00 p.m.
If anyone is interested in seeing just another reason why the Liberal party is imploding, check out my blog at www.rileyspoliticalrant.blogspot.com
Liberal candidate Martin MacKinnon, looking to unseat Alexa McDonough in Halifax, couldn't even show up for a debate on foreign affairs and defence organized by Dalhousie University. Why not you ask? Because Carolyn Bennett, minister of state for Public Health, was set to campaign with Mr. MacKinnon in a last minute deal... thats right.. THE Carolyn Bennett. She's about as well known in Halifax as Rick Mercer is in Asia. And carolyn Bennett is NO Rick Mercer I'll tell you that!
Forward Looking Canadian, at 8:04 p.m.
To anonymous:
Constitution Act, 1982
Enacted as Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.) 1982, c. 11, which came into force on April 17, 1982
Canadian charter of rights and freedoms
Fundamental Freedoms
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
a) freedom of conscience and religion;
Anonymous, at 8:11 p.m.
freedom of religion and freedom from religion :)
Anonymous, at 8:48 p.m.
Riley, maybe he was hanging-out with Jason Kenny?
Jeff, at 8:48 p.m.
Freedom from religion means you don't have the tenets of another's religion imposed on you, i.e. having to close your store on Sunday when you're Jewish.
It doesn't mean that a Christian/Sikh/Muslim ought not to be elected as a politician.
And, if an MP is elected, then that's hardly imposing something.
Anonymous, at 8:50 p.m.
Another take on Liberal's imploding.
Can you believe the meltdown of the Liberal Party? It could get much worse for Martin according to this link.
Martin's Resignation Prediction
Anonymous, at 10:41 p.m.
Hey, what about the Liberal MPs who also oppose abortion? Yes, some Conservative MPs have strong views. That doesn't mean that the Harper government will take action. Indeed, it is the official position of the party as passed at the Convention in Montreal not to table any legislation.
This is a red herring.
Anonymous, at 10:52 p.m.
I just read with dismay the article linked to this website about the January 11th town hall meeting held in Canmore, Alberta.
This story is totally inaccurate, and a prime example of what constitutes amateur and biased journalism. I was in attendance at this meeting, and in fact am now serving as Myron Thompson’s campaign manager. What was reported in the Banff Crag and Canyon is a totally inaccurate version of what transpired at that meeting, and is at best a torqued and inaccurate version of an already torqued story.
What Myron actually said at that meeting was that “One of the reasons I want to go back to Ottawa is that I want to keep working on the issue of crimes against children, for example I want to see the age of consent raised, and an end to child abortion – did I say abortion? - I mean child pornography.”
Furthermore, the quotation regarding “good Christian values,” is taken completely out of context, and should never have appeared in any serious article or publication. When Myron made the comment, he was introducing his campaign staff and happened to introduce myself as a “good Christian”. At no point were we talking about values or what would constitute Conservative government policy. I reiterate that he was only referring to the characteristics of an individual, and not to his views, nor those of the party.
While I have serious reservations about what appeared in the Banff Crag and Canyon, I am disappointed with the ridiculous spin put on it by Digital Banff. The summary quoted on the website is a complete and total falsehood.
Anonymous, at 11:54 p.m.
I just read with dismay the article linked to this website about the January 11th town hall meeting held in Canmore, Alberta. This story is totally inaccurate, and a prime example of what constitutes amateur and biased journalism. I was in attendance at this meeting, and in fact am now serving as Myron Thompson’s campaign manager.
What was reported in the Banff Crag and Canyon is a totally inaccurate version of what transpired at that meeting, and is at best a torqued and inaccurate version of an already torqued story.
What Myron actually said at that meeting was that “One of the reasons I want to go back to Ottawa is that I want to keep working on the issue of crimes against children, for example I want to see the age of consent raised, and an end to child abortion – did I say abortion? - I mean child pornography.”
Furthermore, the quotation regarding “good Christian values,” is taken completely out of context, and should never have appeared in any serious article or publication. When Myron made the comment, he was introducing his campaign staff and happened to introduce myself as a “good Christian”. At no point were we talking about values or what would constitute Conservative government policy. I reiterate that he was only referring to the characteristics of an individual, and not to his views, nor those of the party.
While I have serious reservations about what appeared in the Banff Crag and Canyon, I am disappointed with the ridiculous spin put on it by Digital Banff. The summary quoted on the website is a complete and total falsehood.
Anonymous, at 2:06 a.m.
The people in the bow valley don't want myron as their MP. He's a racist, a bigot and a total wackjob.
Go back to sundre, you're not welcome.
Anonymous, at 2:50 a.m.
Looks like this aidan guy is doing some damage control.
Anonymous, at 2:51 a.m.
Well, CG it may be time for Buzz to "zip it" as you say:
Well, I'm an Ontario born Albertan and I've had enough of the "bashing". If you are an Albertan, of any origin, just write to your GM, Chrysler or Ford president and explain to them that you will no longer buy their products. Buy Toyota or Mazda or whatever, but explain to these guys that no more CAW made products are going to be bought. After Buzz hargrove slagged Albertans as un-Canadian - as if we were freaks, it's time to put up or shut up, with the CAW. See the CAW website:
and this one if you read French:
http://www.tca.qc.ca/francais/ na...communique.html
Would you buy a used car from these guys?
Vote with your money as well on January 23rd.
Anonymous, at 12:19 p.m.
what about thes eLiberal whack jobs CURRENTLY in PMPM's cabinet
x stepehn taylor's site
January 20, 2006
Liberals are hypocrites on abortion
In their last ditch effort to keep the Conservatives from forming government, Paul Martin's war room is doing its best to try label Conservatives "regressive" social conservatives on the issue of abortion. They've gone after Conservative candidate Jason Kenney for attending a pro-life rally. However, the rally was co-attended by Liberal MPs Dan McTeague and Albini Guarnieri.
Let's consider a few quotes uttered by Liberals on this divisive issue:
Joe Fontana said that abortion should be limited to "exceptional extenuating circumstances" involving rape or incest (London Free Press, October 12, 1988). Joe Fontana is the current Minister of Labour
Minister of Veterens Affairs Albina Guarnieri on abortion and judicial activism and a woman's choice: "The decision as to which life merits protection cannot be left to judges, doctors, or even women themselves" (Hansard, November 23, 1989)
Joe McGuire, the current Minister of ACOA called abortion "the murder of another human being" (Hansard, November 27, 1989)
Consider Minister of Immigration Joe Volpe's comments on abortion: "The government has contented itself with casting the issue in the context of abortion, a context which invariably favours the rights of those who are present against those who are silent, a context which too often is seen as purely a woman's issue" (Hansard, November 22, 1989)
and now, drumroll please...
Paul Martin on abortion:
"I am personally against abortion on demand, but I believe it is very clear that there must be legislation brought in that will deal with what is becoming simply a mish-mash of approaches" - Paul Martin (Halifax Daily News, July 20, 1989)
according to the July 20th edition of the Halifax Daily News:
"Martin said the prime minister must immediately recall parliament to introduce new abortion legislation"
and finally, Paul Martin on abortion laws and judicial activism:
"It's very clear that we are going to have 10 different [abortion] laws and that we are going to have these laws made by judges" (Halifax Chronicle-Herald, July 20, 1989)
and these are just quotes from the PM and cabinet ministers... anybody got any good Tom Wappel quotes?
UPDATE: "There is no legal right to abortion in this country, according to the Supreme Court of Canada." - Tom Wappel, former Martin Liberal MP
According to Wikipedia: In his nomination speech, Wappel called for abortion to be made a criminal offense with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
Remember that at their inaugural (and latest) policy convention in March 2005, the CPC approved the following policy.
"a Conservative government will not initiate or support any legislation to regulate abortion."
and NEVER FOREGT there have been 3 Private Members Bills to limit a women's right to chose AND ALL WERE LIBERAL MP sponsored bills.
enjoy next Monday.
Anonymous, at 5:03 p.m.
Myron in cabinet? You have got to be kidding. Lets just get through Monday ....
Anonymous, at 11:19 p.m.
I absolutely demand that Myron Thompson and Garry Breitkreuz and Maurice Vellacott be added to cabinet! I will settle for nothing less! :)
John Murney , at 4:06 p.m.
Thanks so much for this article, pretty useful material.
sex shop, at 10:30 a.m.
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