Can't Beat the Real Thing
I know a lot of people will be saddened to miss Question Period today so, in it's place, I present "20 second virtual QP":
Adscam, Adscam, let Gomery work, Adscam, moral authority, this Prime Minister, corruption, cancer, Gomery, corruption, racist, Klan, Adscam, Jack Layton asks a question on smog
Well, gotta admit Layton's not having a hard time distinguishing himself...
While we wait for things to fall apart once and for all, CG, have you heard through the Calgary grapevine if the folks at are going to be at it again this year?
Anonymous, at 5:40 p.m.
Haha...a question on smog. Funny stuff.
Anonymous, at 6:26 p.m.
And, why they did it...
When the House is not in session, CPAC shows Gomery live across the country! The Cons want everyone to get as much Gomery as possible.
Anonymous, at 6:48 p.m.
Yea.. I bet those CPAC rating are breaking the 500 + people/day rating mark.. all mostly the fanatics at Andrew Coyne's site
Oxford County Liberals, at 7:47 p.m.
Wyre; I'm not sure. I actually talked to one of the voteoutanders guys last August but I forget if he said he'd do it again. I know it was some University students who did it before so the timing would be good for them. I'll definitely post on it if they do revive the operation.
It also sounds like the Liberals will have a descent candidate in West. I'm not positive, but I believe it's a lady with a lot of connections on a school board, or health board, or something like that.
calgarygrit, at 7:52 p.m.
lol at the virtual question period!
Jason Cherniak, at 8:50 p.m.
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