A few days after burying Anne McLelan and ending his promise to reach out to the West by playing the Alberta card, Martin has decided that improving US relations is no longer a priority.
So there you have it. The choices are:
1) A George Bush loving, health care privatizing, anti-abortion, pro-Bloc Albertan with a secret agenda (which he may or may not be conspiring with Ralph Klein on).
2) A health care destroying, homeless killing, corrupt, arrogant, senior citizen who enjoys a little child porn every now and then.
And, I guess, Jack Layton. He does have Ralph Nader's endorsement which is right between an Al Gore and Ralph Klein endorsement on the list of endorsements you'd least like to get.
It's kind of sad that Gilles Ducceppe has run on the highest road of the four parties.
Thank-you so much for finally stan ding up to our absoloutly atrotios health care system and what our idiotic government is trying to do to it. PRIVITIZATION MEANS DEATH! why don't people see that!
Samantha Ferguson
Ontario Canada
Anonymous, at 11:15 a.m.
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