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I'm usually way off base on this things, but they do match what I was thinking watching the debate. The obvious disclaimer is that these post-debate polls rarely tell the full story - Harper won the '04 debate but it marked the begining of his tail spin. But the news is good for Dion today.
Most Convincing
Duceppe 33%
Dion 30%
Layton 15%
Harper 12%
May 2%
Least Convincing
Harper 46%
May 32%
Layton 9%
Dion 6%
Duceppe 5%
Did Your Opinion of the Parties Improve or Worsen?
Liberals: 45% improved, 10% worsened
NDP: 33% improved, 4% worsened
Green: 37% improved, 8% worsened
Bloc: 21% improved, 8% worsened
Tories: 9% improved, 29% worsened
So, the CROP summary is: Duceppe did great but everyone expected him to, Layton was good but didn't really grab anyone, Harper sucked, and Dion gained the most of anyone.
Dion 40%
Duceppe 24%
Harper 16%
Layton 11%
May 1%
Most Prime Ministerial
Dion 36% (!)
Harper 31%
Duceppe 17%
Layton 12%
May 1%
Did Your Opinion of the Leaders Improve or Worsen?
Dion: 67% improved, 11% worsened
Layton: 55% improved, 7% worsened
Duceppe: 41% improved, 11% worsened
May: 42% improved, 24% worsened
Harper: 14% improved, 53% worsened
Labels: Leaders Debate
Harper's goal was probably to get throught the night without saying anything stupid.
nuna d. above, at 12:02 p.m.
Harper's ability to get through the night without saying anything stupid was greatly aided by the fact that John Howard doesn't speak French.
Despite all the bad press he's had, Dion comes across as a decent, if uncharismatic guy when people get a chance to listen to him. This is a hell of an improvement over Harper, who's an uncharismatic bastard.
Reality Bites, at 12:24 p.m.
Dion benefited from low expectations last night.
He'll have those again tonight but will he actually be able to communicate in English?
Anonymous, at 12:36 p.m.
Looking forward to the final polls before election day
JimTan, at 1:59 p.m.
Despite all the bad press he's had, Dion comes across as a decent, if uncharismatic guy when people get a chance to listen to him. This is a hell of an improvement over Harper, who's an uncharismatic bastard.
I agree, I´m a dipper who hated Martin and who has been very overwhelmed by the Liberal strategy to huff and puff and then abstain from voting in the House, but I actually do have a soft spot for Dion. I think he is basically a principled decent sort, which is saying something for a politician, and he is obviously handicapped in that he is only the face on a party that has no principles. I think the bloodthirstiness the media and the Cons have gone after him with for being a "wimp" is really a sad reflection of where a lot of Frat boy assholes ended up. Stubborn strikes me as a lot more accurate than weak, its a shame so many people have bought into this shallow narrative.
Anonymous, at 2:59 p.m.
I'm hoping tonight is a repeat of last night, more or less.
I'm hoping that Harper comes across as smug and irritated as is his natural nature. And in terms of content, his remarks were vapid and repetitive speaking points -- much like what you hear from freepers. Pulling out a few enticing baubles out of your ass on a bad campaign day is not the same as a platform.
Beijing York, at 5:30 p.m.
A lot of effective data for myself!
www.crearpaginaweb.com, at 8:15 a.m.
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