Ignatieff Heads West
1. A few weekends back, he hit the Saskatchewan Liberal Party convention.
2. He was speaking in Toronto earlier this week, on Canada-US relations.
3. Next week, he will be doing a youth fundraiser in Calgary. Mostly out of curiosity, I've already bought my ticket.
4. Rumour has it that he'll be hitting the federal Liberal convention in British Columbia Grey Cup weekend.
While I think it's a little premature to talk about him for leadership (even Trudeau made a name for himself in Justice first), I do hope he decides to run at some point since he would certainly bring a lot to Parliament.
So will this gentleman be another resounding success that Paul Martin has been?
Anonymous, at 4:44 p.m.
I tend to agree with your post - it'll be interesting to see how he does in Cabinet. It'll certainly be beneficial, I think, to have a politician again who thinks in terms of grand ideas, not just short-term, public-endearing policies and gimmicks.
Ian, at 4:58 p.m.
I am not interested in any federal Liberal politicians unless they are committed to a positive vision for Western Canada. Any potential leadership candidate who does not fit this bill can go to h***.
John Murney , at 5:40 p.m.
Come on, Belinda is going to be the next one.
Anonymous, at 6:15 p.m.
Pierre Pettigrew is the only guy in the Liberal Party that can actually thread together ideas and deliver them with passion. Too bad the PM takes his role as Foreign Minister all the time. Pettigrew can inspire.
Anonymous, at 7:59 p.m.
Are you kidding? I have been so totally uninspired by Pettigrew throughout his career - should've kept Bill Graham in Foreign Affairs. Besides, I've heard that he's thinking of leaving politics shortly - his seat isn't even safe.
Ian, at 9:38 p.m.
It'll certainly be beneficial, I think, to have a politician again who thinks in terms of grand ideas.
Ignatieff's "grand" ideas:
1. The invasion of Iraq was necessary.
2. Torture of America prisoners is also necessary.
You sure you want these ideas in the Liberal Party?
Simon Pole, at 10:20 p.m.
Here's the link to the youth event...
Anonymous, at 10:24 p.m.
"Pierre Pettigrew is the only guy in the Liberal Party that can actually thread together ideas and deliver them with passion"
Are you kidding? What about Joe Volpe?
daveberta, at 10:47 p.m.
Just wanted to let you know that I dropped by, after finding you on a Google search for blogs about Calgary. I go there 2 or 3 times a year on business and always enjoy my time there. Will drop by from time to time and learn more about a city I'm enjoying!
Janet, at 3:34 a.m.
"Ignatieff's "grand" ideas:
1. The invasion of Iraq was necessary.
2. Torture of America prisoners is also necessary."
Of course, that is exactly why the man is back in Canada. He has no credibility left in the U.S., so he returned home to peddle his goods to fellow colonials.
Anonymous, at 8:00 a.m.
Ignatieff is very interesting -- have seen the man lecture twice (once at the AY1999/2000 Tanner lectures at Princeton, once at a synogogue in TO, introduced by his old university apartmentmate, Bob Rae).
He's wobbly on his policy ideas in a way that Paul Martin has been -- he almost withdrew his support for the Iraq war after the Abu Ghraib revelations -- but he's intellectually honest enough to take on his opponents openly and publicly.
I wonder, though -- do foreign policy thoughts like his have a place in the Liberal Party, or among a majority of Canadians? I really doubt it.
The Tiger, at 9:46 a.m.
This guy can't win the leadership race this time. He has lived outside of Canada for most of the past 30 years. He's an expert on stuff that most Canadians don't give a shit about. Unless he runs in this election and gets into cabinet, he won't go far. He has Alf Apps running his campaign from Toronto, and Grit's know Alf's track record.
Anonymous, at 3:01 p.m.
Are you saying that Canadians "don't give a shit about" human rights issues? Because that is Ignatieff's specialty, he's written on it extensively (see his 2004 The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror. The notion you raise here is out of touch, IMO.
Also, for anybody who plans on visiting Halifax this coming March, Ignatieff will be a keynote speaker at Dalhousie's Graduate Symposium.
RGM, at 3:46 p.m.
"Are you saying that Canadians "don't give a shit about" human rights issues? Because that is Ignatieff's specialty, he's written on it extensively (see his 2004 The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror. The notion you raise here is out of touch, IMO."
Richard, that is precisely what I'm saying. Go ahead and take a poll of Canadians and ask them to rate or rank a list of the most important issues, I would wager that anything foreign affairs related would rank near the bottom of most of those lists. Let's hear Ignatieff comment on urban transit in our major cities, or problems on the prairie farm, not torture in far away lands 90% of us will never visit. I saw his speech in Ottawa at LPC; he's certainly an impressive intellectual. Unlike Trudeau, his intellectual curiosity revolves around topics that don’t win elections in Canada, no matter how important his ideas are with the "book-smarts set". He's an expert in areas that not 1 in 20 ordinary Canadians ever think about once in any given week.
Like I said, if he got into cabinet and proved himself able, he could have a chance. But for a guy who has lectured for the better part of three decades outside of Canada on topics that are inconsequential to the daily lives most Canadians, he’s got a lot of balls, thinking his resume will make him a contender. How absurd.
Anonymous, at 4:49 p.m.
Perhaps that is EXACTLY what is needed. Say what you will about Trudeau, but he had a VISION for Canada, and he sold that vision ot the people. Anyone can govern on what the people find important at the time (here's a hint: it is, was, and always will be health care). You are probably right that most Canadians don't know and don't care about Human Rights, but perhaps they SHOULD. If you asked Canadians 25 years ago whether or not they cared if their constitution was here or in Britain, and whether it contained a Charter or not, most of them would have not cared. I mean, constitutional politics? Show me one in twenty canadians who find THAT important. Yet today 91% of Canadians support the Charter. That's pretty amazing, and we wouldn't have had it without the vision of a Prime Minister on how this country SHOULD be rather than how it IS. I am not saying Ignatief is good or bad, but if he can get Canadians interested in something other than themselves it will probably make for a better Canada and a better world.
~ Matt O
Anonymous, at 6:10 p.m.
I think you're rewriting the history of the Charter. Trudeau introduced the Charter, but people saw what it was and gravitated towards it immediately. During the time of its passage, it came to be known as the "People's Charter".
In fact, the elites were against it (people like Michael Bliss) -- it was average Canadians who embraced. They "gave a shit" about it.
Trudeau understood global issues. But he also deeply, deeply understood Canadian society. Like Laurier, he came out of the rouge tradition in Quebec, with the added strength of being bicultural (his mother was English).
Honestly, Ignatieff does not understand Canada. He has learned his lessons in Britain and the United States. You can't apply those lessons to a unique place like Canada (which is why neo-conservatism continually fails). The Liberal Party will make a mistake if they give him any power.
Simon Pole, at 6:45 p.m.
"But he [Trudeau] also deeply, deeply understood Canadian society."
Sure - if you define "Canadian society" as Montreal, with periodic visits to Ottawa and Toronto to learn about les Anglais. Despite 'Trudeaumania' - which was fundamentally and appeal to youth and image - Trudeau no more understood (or was understood by) Canadians outside the chardonnay and brie set than an Australian bushman.
deaner, at 7:18 p.m.
Did you know that Trudeau's mother was one of les Anglais?
Are you an Australian bushman?
Simon Pole, at 8:19 p.m.
deaner, at 8:27 p.m.
Trudeau's legacy was only saved by him winning in 1980 and then repatriating the Constitution. His stewardship from 1968-1979 was abysmal, a lost decade.
Even the Charter, though many blindly profess their love for it, is lacking. The notwithstanding clause, and all the "except in the case of ..." clauses make it almost a useless document.
And Trudeau didn't understand global issues. His Peace tour was an absolute joke, just a reason to slag Reagan and Thatcher. On most of the defining issues in the world during his time in office, he had an amazing record for coming down on the wrong side of history for most of them.
But the (fake) legend of Trudeau is already firmly ensconced in the national psyche.
Anonymous, at 5:30 p.m.
nDavid Amos wrote:
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 09:36:05 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos
Subject: Fwd: I guess I should Stockwell Day now EH?
To: infos@acadienouvelle.com, philippe.ricard@acadienouvelle.com,
CC: graham.b@parl.gc.ca, stanton.b@parl.gc.ca, st-cyr.t@parl.gc.ca,
shipley.b@parl.gc.ca, savoie.d@parl.gc.ca, petit.d@parl.gc.ca,
priddy.p@parl.gc.ca, paradis.c@parl.gc.ca, ouellet.c@parl.gc.ca,
norlock.r@parl.gc.ca, nash.p@parl.gc.ca, nadeau.r@parl.gc.ca,
murphy.b@parl.gc.ca, mourani.m@parl.gc.ca, merasty.g@parl.gc.ca,
mayes.c@parl.gc.ca, mathyssen.i@parl.gc.ca, marston.w@parl.gc.ca,
manning.f@parl.gc.ca, malo.l@parl.gc.ca, lusssier.m@parl.gc.ca,
lemieux.p@parl.gc.ca, lake.m@parl.gc.ca, laforest.j-y@parl.gc.ca,
keeper.t@parl.gc.ca, ignatieff.m@parl.gc.ca, hawn.l@parl.gc.ca,
harvey.l@parl.gc.ca, gourde.j@parl.gc.ca, galipeau.r@parl.gc.ca,
freeman.c@parl.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca, fast.e@parl.gc.ca,
dykstra.r@parl.gc.ca, dhaliwal.s@parl.gc.ca, dewar.p@parl.gc.ca
David Amos wrote:
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 07:35:39 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I guess I should Stockwell Day now EH?
To: eopsinfo@state.ma.us, OIG@ftc.gov, info@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, Martin.P@parl.gc.ca,
Scott.A@parl.gc.ca, tracy.parsons@pcparty.org, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca,
icurman@shaw.ca, Emerson.D@parl.gc.ca, ahamilton@casselsbrock.com,
Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, graham@grahamsteele.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca,
guyjl@rushcomm.ca, michael.baker@ns.sympatico.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca,
jacques.sabourin@justice.gc.ca, justice@gov.nl.ca, MKBRAATEN@GMAIL.com,
davidamos@bsn1.net, mackay.p@parl.gc.ca, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca,
moore.r@parl.gc.ca, solberg.m@parl.gc.ca, strahl.c@parl.gc.ca,
thompson.g@parl.gc.ca, toews.v@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca,
casey.b@parl.gc.ca, hearn.l@parl.gc.ca, arthur.a@parl.gc.ca,
duffy@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com
CC: Kandalaw@mindspring.com, fbinhct@leo.gov,
josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, alicia.mcdonnell@state.ma.us,
info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, ted.tax@justice.gc.ca, Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, lgold.blcanada@b-l.com,
Rep.LindaDorcenaForry@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MichaelMoran@Hou.State.MA.US,
canada@canadianembassy.org, brenda.boyd@RCMP-GRC.gc.ca,
Grant.GARNEAU@gnb.ca, racing.commission@state.ma.us, dwatch@web.net,
general.info@thomson.com, ombud@globe.com, dan@djflynn.com,
adams_sammon@msn.com, pduchastel@gmail.com
FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Mr. Specter:
I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.
Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com
David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote
To Whom it may concern
I know Petey Baby MacKay don't love me so there is no sense in wasting my dime calling him. Hell he has refused to answer my letters or call me back even after Belinda Baby dumped him, so I do not expect him to do the right thing as Minister of Foreign Affairs other than to accept nasty little Franky Boy McKenna's resignation ASAP. Tell me is Franky Boy entitled to severance pay like his fellow Malawyer ritime buddy Dingwall is? Whereas the liberals Wayne Easter and Landslide Annie refused to protect my dumb arse over the years in their capacity as Solicitor General/Minister of Public Safety. I guess I should be fair and allow it Mr. Day's to try to act ethically on my behalf for a day or so, before I sue the Crown. EH?
Rest assured that I ain't holding my breath waiting for Mr. Day to call me back. Like many of the rest of you Stockwell Day has known of my troubles ever since Harper was elected as his latest boss in 2004 when he sat in the 37th Parliament
In the meantime in answer to Andrew Kyrstal's very dumb question on the radio just now.,methinks I should inform the NHL dudes that are being prosecuted by corrupt Yankees how I can help them.I know andrew Kystral and all the Rogers dudes never will. What the New Jersey Dudes are up to right now is merely a case of the big bad pot calling a minor little kettle black to me and Andrew Kyrtal know it too. Just like the Lord Conrad Black versus FitzGerald matter in Chicago everybody is trying to play dumb and it was to funny that Peter C. Newman apologized after i sent his lawyers some of my stuff..
Tell me something honestly if any you can find it in your soul to do so. Do you really think that the Conservatives thought that I didn't notice that Mulroney's right hand man Dereck Burney set up your Cabinet or that Michael Fortier was not a partner in his law firm?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
"Bachrach, Barry A." BBACHRACH@bowditch.com wrote:
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 11:15:33 -0500
From: "Bachrach, Barry A." BBACHRACH@bowditch.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
David, I have this day sent the tapes along with the following letter to senator specter. Specter (from barry) (00642699).DOC
Communications from our firm may contain or incorporate federal tax advice. Under recently promulgated US Internal Revenue Service standards (Circular 230), we are required to inform you that only formal, written tax opinions meeting the requirements of Circular 230 may be relied upon by taxpayers for the purpose of avoiding tax-related penalties. Accordingly, this communication is not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding tax-related penalties under the Internal Revenue Code.
This e-mail message is generated from the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains information that is confidential and may be privileged as an attorney/client communication or as attorney work product. The information is intended to be disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by return email and delete it from your computer system. For more information about Bowditch & Dewey, please visit our web site at www.bowditch.com
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 12:55:34 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Cry me a river Billy Graham you did nothing for me when the Yankees were picking on me
To: graham.b@parl.gc.ca, stanton.b@parl.gc.ca, st-cyr.t@parl.gc.ca,
shipley.b@parl.gc.ca, savoie.d@parl.gc.ca, petit.d@parl.gc.ca,
priddy.p@parl.gc.ca, paradis.c@parl.gc.ca, ouellet.c@parl.gc.ca,
norlock.r@parl.gc.ca, nash.p@parl.gc.ca, nadeau.r@parl.gc.ca,
murphy.b@parl.gc.ca, mourani.m@parl.gc.ca, merasty.g@parl.gc.ca,
mayes.c@parl.gc.ca, mathyssen.i@parl.gc.ca, marston.w@parl.gc.ca,
manning.f@parl.gc.ca, malo.l@parl.gc.ca, lusssier.m@parl.gc.ca,
lemieux.p@parl.gc.ca, lake.m@parl.gc.ca, laforest.j-y@parl.gc.ca,
keeper.t@parl.gc.ca, ignatieff.m@parl.gc.ca, hawn.l@parl.gc.ca,
harvey.l@parl.gc.ca, gourde.j@parl.gc.ca, galipeau.r@parl.gc.ca,
freeman.c@parl.gc.ca, flaherty.j@parl.gc.ca, fast.e@parl.gc.ca,
dykstra.r@parl.gc.ca, dhaliwal.s@parl.gc.ca, dewar.p@parl.gc.ca
Yet you apologize and shake Arar's hand when you are questioned about your incompetence? Unlike Arar I am a Proud natural born Canadian citizen but it seems that the Maritimes don't count for much in a Uppper Canadain lawyers view of the world EH? Arar still is a citizen of Syria as far as I know. Why was it Canada's fault that the Yankee's snatched him in the USA and sent him to where he was born. The Yankees won't do that for me. they wanted to ship me off to Cuba instead simply because i caught Tax Men and Bankers with their pants down.
The the corrupt UN blames Canada for dropping the ball and not defending Arar's human rights. Yet the snotty little lawyer from McGill Stephen Toope who used to work with Cotler and now works with the UN for us and the Arar Inquiry as well says he does not care about my troubles because I did not allow the Yankees to make me dissappear?
I try to talk to any of the latest elected Members of Parliament and I am awayys refered to Peter Milliken's office and we all know why he will not talk to me. I just watched you and Landslide Annie piss an moan about Harper to all Canadains today on CTV and Layton is on right now. You people make me sick with laughter at the nonsense of it all. I tried to talk to you but your assistant hung up on me when I called you not long after polling day. Why is an Upper Canadain political lawyer too chicken to talk to a pigneaded Maritimer one on one? I did tell you assistant that I knew about you asking Cotler to investigate Byron Priors troubles. What the matter with you own sense of integrity. Can't you pick up the god damned phone? I guess not but someday you will have to answer a summons EH? Cya'll in Court Billy Boy.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 10:31:10 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I called the Yankee Senators Spectre and Feinstein offices again just as I said I would
To: senator@feinstein.senate.gov, Kandalaw@mindspring.com, fbinhct@leo.gov,
josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, alicia.mcdonnell@state.ma.us,
info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, ted.tax@justice.gc.ca, Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, lgold.blcanada@b-l.com,
Rep.LindaDorcenaForry@Hou.State.MA.US, Rep.MichaelMoran@Hou.State.MA.US,
canada@canadianembassy.org, brenda.boyd@RCMP-GRC.gc.ca,
Grant.GARNEAU@gnb.ca, racing.commission@state.ma.us, dwatch@web.net,
general.info@thomson.com, ombud@globe.com, dan@djflynn.com,
adams_sammon@msn.com, pduchastel@gmail.com
CC: eopsinfo@state.ma.us, OIG@ftc.gov, info@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, Martin.P@parl.gc.ca,
Scott.A@parl.gc.ca, tracy.parsons@pcparty.org, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca,
icurman@shaw.ca, Emerson.D@parl.gc.ca, ahamilton@casselsbrock.com,
Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, graham@grahamsteele.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca,
guyjl@rushcomm.ca, michael.baker@ns.sympatico.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, jacques.sabourin@justice.gc.ca, justice@gov.nl.ca, MKBRAATEN@GMAIL.com,
davidamos@bsn1.net, mackay.p@parl.gc.ca, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca,
moore.r@parl.gc.ca, solberg.m@parl.gc.ca, strahl.c@parl.gc.ca,
thompson.g@parl.gc.ca, toews.v@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca,
casey.b@parl.gc.ca, hearn.l@parl.gc.ca, arthur.a@parl.gc.ca,
duffy@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com
Everybody just played dumb as usual. Ask me if I was surprised I Double Dog Dare Ya particularly after Spectre and his fellow GOP cronies refused to allow Alberto Gonzales to be sworn in. Looks like I am going it alone in the pursuit of justice as usual too. In all sincerity I prefer it that way. After all of the people I have crossed paths with over the years, I truly would be crazy to expect integrity and ethical conduct from a lawyer, politician or public servant. I am certain the fellow whistleblower Allan Cutler would agree if he had had enough sand to call me back before he lost his bid for a seat in the upcoming evil 39th Parliament. Now that Humpty Dumpty has suffered his great fall. Harper is sitting in his perch. This is wickedly fun. EH?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 08:28:37 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: RE: The wiretap tapes Feb 6th is gonna be an interesting day EH Greggy Boy
To: gregbyrne@nb.aibn.com
After Stevey Boy Harper gets sworn in I will call Washington to see if Spectre got the wiretap tapes and then start forwarding this email everywhere. In an ethical effort to impeach Bush and his lapdog Harper myself.
What did Lamrock, Burke, Murphy, McGuinley and you think of the copy of # 139? Scared the shit out of you EH? Whereas you little local liberal lawyers would not help me unseat Premier Lord and stop Stevey Boy Harper in h9s tracks i will through in the same lawsuits with him. It is hard to get good help these days. The word integrity does not fit in the job discription of a lawyer or a Parliamentian. EH?
The fact that Emerson just crossed the floor and the Dastardly Dave Dingwall story broke yesterday kinda sends your wicked little party down the tubes EH? From my point of view it looks good on you dudes. Say Hey to Franky Boy McKenna for me will ya? I hope to argue you all very soon in court.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
"Bachrach, Barry A." BBACHRACH@bowditch.com wrote:
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 15:52:28 -0500
From: "Bachrach, Barry A." BBACHRACH@bowditch.com
To: "O'Rourke, Nancy A." NOROURKE@bowditch.com
CC: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Nancy please send the tapes in our safe to arlen specter address in other email, with a cover letter from me, and paste in david's letter on a separate page. Thanks.
Subject: RE: The wiretap tapes
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 15:43:32 -0500
From: "Bachrach, Barry A." BBACHRACH@bowditch.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
CC: "O'Rourke, Nancy A." NOROURKE@bowditch.com
i will send it out monday. i'll withdraw when you tell me.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 3:05 PM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: Re: The wiretap tapes
On the subject of the wiretap tapes please send them to Specter at the following address ASAP. I called him and the other Senators on the Judiciary Commitee and told them to expect them from you and the ADA McDonnell weeks ago. Everyone of them who is a lawyer received a copy of wiretap tape # 139 back in 2003 and many have answered me improperly. The most notable being Teddy Kennedy and the long gone Johnny Edwards. You should also inform them that the ADA McDonnell has nine more in her possession and has been attempting to pretend that she does not have them. You should withdraw from the Dorchester District Court matter as my attorney and become my witness once again against the malicious prosecution of me about the false allegations and the Troccoli emails.
It would be nice before you withdraw for you to demand that I finally receive proper two head recordings of all of my hearings in the matter and hard copy of the purported warrant for my arrest. Judge Hanlon ordered the clerk to provide me with the tapes and attested copies of all filings for free on Oct 19th, 2004. To date I only received one largely erased four head tape late in April of 2005 immediately before Hanlon and McDonnell tried hard to put me back in jail with the illegal motion she sprang upon me on April 28th. That was long before they threw Jean out of her home. I have yet to receive any notice of the Appeall of Judge Hanlon's decision no to recuse herself before she attempted to put me back in jail again and I do have proof that the Appeal was properly docketed on May 31st before you decided to renter the fray so that i would quit bothering your partner Rikleen about the Fraudlulent Title V inspeaction on the Beach House that she helped to cover up. If you don't think I have good reason to be pissed off and not trust anyone read Kerstein's accounts that I sent you as soon as Jean went back to Probate Court and got them after you and she were there on July 27th. If you haven't studied them already you should. You will see how sneaky Troccoli, McDonnell and Kerstein truly are and how McDonnell and Kerstein lied to you and played you like fiddle in June. You should be pissed off at them not me. That said I need the tapes and the documents ASAP as evidence to use against the Crown.up here in order to save my own dumb arse now that my wife has given me the boot.
As you read the following letter please understand I have crossed paths over the years with all the smiling bastards the other Senators have listed. Comey got my stuff in New York before he replaced Thomspon who quit to work for Pepsi after his boss Ashcroft received my stuff. Ashcroft now works for Pat Robertson and I began torturing Regent University as soon as he got the job. Another of Ashcroft former underlings who now works for the title company that sold insurance on the title for our home in Milton must be a very nervous camper now that his underling's false allegations to Nancy backfired on him.
On a funny note Andrew Card was once a neighbor of Woody's in Holbrook. I fire off an email now then to remind him that we are still breathing. Please never forget I sent my stuff to Alberto Gonzales when he was inside the White House. Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby and even Senator Obama the Senator FitzGerald he replaced and the Kickham cousin who is a lawyer in Illinios likely curse my name every night before they go to bed. Ask Patrick FitzGerald in Chicago why.
I wrote this shit off the top of my head. Trust me when I say I study my foes and even the very dumb Troccoli and McDonnell have to admit I am very hard to argue. Your nasty partner Rikleen and all her political friends suck. I warned them all and even you that if the bastards broke up my family and threw my wife and kids out of their home there would be Hell to pay but only in an ethical and legal fashion. I repeat I am no threat to anyone. Woody and I are alone with my little dog far away in the Canadian woods. However very soon I am suing the Crown and filing many wiretap tapes into evidence in federal court in Canada, just like I promised I would on Maritime TV live on the news suppertime when I was running against the former Minister of Indian Affairs Andy Scott. I went out of my way to introduce your to him last year for your benefit as well as mine. I also went to high school witht that dumb bastard as well as the president of the New Brunswick Law society. When we were kids I was one of their minor heroes because I would not take any shit from the bullies who used to beat them up. The dude Terry Curtis who went to jail after he beat up his former friend Andy Scott in his constituency office after he had double crossed him even admitted to me when I was running for a seat in Parliament again that I was one of his heroes too. Now that is truly funny. Small wonder why Andy Scott was so afraid to be in the same room as me EH? Everybody claimed that I might hurt Andy Scott because i was such a mean nasty ugly guy but in truth both they all knew that he did not have a hope in hell of winning any debate with me because everybody in Fredericton knows I am no liar but Andy Scott certainly is. His family used to burn KKK crosses in their gravel pit when we were kids. Some liberal EH? Methinks he is as you once discribed nasty old Noam Chomsky to me. Andy Scott is merely one of the Fake Left. Nobody in their right mind fakes right. EH? Only George W. Bush is too dumb not to.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. There was an interesting coincidence yesterday but you did send this email before I spoke so I sense no foul play on your part at least. However I know for a fact the Feds do listen to my calls and read my emails so I do not trust anyone anymore. On live Radio that was heard all over the Maritimes I again explained why I was about to sue the Crown next week in Federal Court in Canada I told everyone about the wiretap tapes and that Congress was expecting them hopefully before Alberto Gonzales testified. As a double check if the the tapes do not get there or they deny it all I am filing many more up here to use against the Crown that supported my false imprisonment for the benefit of corrupt Yankees. However I am saving many more just in case I need to give them to the mob. As I said Enough is Enough just uphold the law and let the cards fall where they may. I have done nothing wrong but many lawyers and Feds have.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
Committee on the Judiciary
Dear Senator Specter:
We applaud your decision to hold hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee in light of recent revelations about the Natjonal Security Agency's domestic spying program. The American people deserve to understand the legal authority relied on to wiretap Americans within the United States, and whether any laws were violated. We very much appreciate your leadership in scheduling the first congressional hearing on this program. In particular, we are heartened that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has agreed to testify at those hearings.
In light of news accounts that there was significant concern about the legality of the program even at the very highest levels of the Department of Justice, we also believe that it is critical for other relevant Administration officials to make themselves available at any hearings.
Because of the importance of their testimony, every effort should be made to bring these witnesses before the Committee, and we appreciate that your staff has reached out to several of them already. If these witnesses are unavailable for the currently scheduled hearing on February 6th, we urge you to schedule additional hearing dates as necessary to accommodate these and any other witnesses who can shed light on the nature and legality of the NSA program.
Among other people, we believe the witnesses should include at least the following high-ranking Administration officials, who were reportedly involved in creating, approving, and evaluating the NSA program:
Former Attorney General John Ashcroft, who appears to have personally approved the program;
Former Deputy Attorney General James B. Corney, who apparently expressed grave reservations about the program;
Former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson, who for at least some period of time was kept in'the dark about the program; and
White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card.
In addition, we hope you will join us in urging the Administration to allow these witnesses to waive any executive privilege in connection with that testimony. Only if we can obtain frank and forthright testimony from these officials - without resort to hiding behind the guise of executive privilege - can the Senate and the American people understand whether or not the law and the Constitution were inappropriately circumvented.
Charles Schumer
"Bachrach, Barry A." BBACHRACH@bowditch.com wrote:
Please advise me as to which congress person you would like me to send the tapes.
Anonymous, at 8:34 p.m.
This cannot truly work, I believe so.
muebles parla, at 4:56 p.m.
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