Boisclair Sniffs Victory
That aside, with the PQ doing well in the polls, I imagine Boiclair is on quite the high right now. He also managed to get off the best line of the night while accepting the win: "This is a great step on the road to an independent Quebec."
(OK, OK. It's not a great line, and I just made it up so Boisclair may not have even said it, but I wanted to use the "line" pun and none of the news stories have quotes of his up yet)
He may be a terrible politician, but Charest is a lot worse, unfortunately.
Though maybe now people will realize that a coke-snorting premier is not such a great idea. Maybe. Probably not. I should probably move out of Quebec right now.
Justin, at 11:04 p.m.
Alternate Title: "At least he didn't blow his lead ..."
Jason Hickman, at 12:27 a.m.
Keep lining up those cocaine jokes. Boisclair has proven to be pretty thin-skinned about them so far, and he gets nasty when he's mad, which disrupts his pretty-boy image.
I also think that the overwhelming Quebec tolerance for his cocaine-snorting past might not stand the test of time - particularly the next time that biker gangs are front and centre in the news.
I wonder who has been dispatched at La Presse to work on a new invesigative report on gang control over the drug trade...
Matt, at 6:45 a.m.
This should be fun... at least for us Anglophones. The problem in this country, the great divide, is that the separatists - other than a few pundits - aren't even reading or watching any of the same stuff. And Google translators just down quite get the nuance of these funny, er, lines of yours CG.
(BTW, you almost had another pun there with the word "step" as in this is the "first of twelve steps" toward independence.)
Ted Betts, at 1:49 p.m.
"a government official abetting/funding organized criminals and murderers"
Well said Matt. That's got to become Charest's focus. Having said that, if he goes after Boisclair too much too soon, it's old news by the time the real election starts a year and a half from now.
Ted Betts, at 11:34 a.m.
It is with these attitudes that we will get finally our country. You can't even judge the skills of Boisclair as a politicians because most of you don't even understand him. And I am pround to be French Quebecer and know that I am less redneck thinker than people from Calgary ;P Honnestly, i don't give a shit about his cocain experience : what would it change ? He doesn't take drug anymore... About the Hell's have you thought to not vote for Trudeau or Charest because they took some weed (all drugs come from organized crime) ? Oh no, it is true, you dear canucks would like better the Harper way : put all druggies and gays in prison :)
Ah qu'il fait bon d'être au Québec et d'être issu de cette culture TOLÉRANTE
Sans rancune,
Montréal, Québec
Anonymous, at 11:20 p.m.
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