Summer Time News Stories
2. Stephen Harper will be guest staring on Murdoch Mysteries next week - presumably detective Murdoch will attempt to get a clear answer about the government's mysterious Strategic Review.
3. There's lots of buzz about why Kai Nagata quit his job. While I take a few issues with parts of his somewhat naive, somewhat self-righteous, and somewhat rambly manifesto, there's a lot of truth in what he's saying and he deserves credit for his principled and gutsy decision.
4. The David Suzuki Foundation goes after the Ontario NDP's platform - and justifiably so. The federal NDP and their provincial counterparts in nearly every province have opposed carbon taxes and supported tax cuts on pollution. There isn't an environmentalist alive who will tell you that's good environmental policy.
"The federal NDP and their provincial counterparts in nearly every province have opposed carbon taxes."
That would be a great point if the Ontario Liberals supported a carbon tax and their federal counterparts hadn't completely disowned the idea in the post-Dion era.
#FAIL, at 11:48 p.m.
I agree about Kai Negata.
The guy just tells it like it is.
I wish more 24 year olds were as wise as he is. If we did, maybe we wouldn't be murdering the planet with our carbon.
I think he should run for Liberal party leadership. With him at the helm, Jack will look old by comparison. And Kai will tell it like it is abou that evil Stephen Harper who is ruining the country every second he's PM.
Liberals for Kai Nagata, at 9:23 a.m.
The Liberals certainly don't have a flawless environmental record. But Dion is still the only federal leader to oppose a carbon tax, and Campbell is the only provincial premier to implement one (well, Charest has a token one too, I believe).
And Dalton does have the Green Energy Act under his belt (+ pesticide ban and a few other smaller initiatives).
The point of the post wasn't to compare the Liberals and NDP on the environment - truth be told, the more interesting comparison would be the NDP and Conservatives.
calgarygrit, at 9:56 a.m.
CG, Alberta has had a carbon tax since 2007; tho it is not imposed on the general public, the energy companies pay it.
Alberta built the first commercial wind farm in Canada in 1993.
wilson, at 12:02 p.m.
A guy who doesn't have a television in his house probably doesn't belong in TV news. Let's hope he's happier doing something else.
Anonymous, at 1:09 p.m.
CG, Alberta has had a carbon tax since 2007; tho it is not imposed on the general public, the energy companies pay it.
And this added expense isn't passed down to consumers? (The program also appears to kick in only on emissions over 100,000 tonnes). This hasn't stopped emissions from growing from the oilsands by 40% from 2005-2009 or prevented Alberta from becoming the top emitter in 2009 out of all of the provinces.
As for the wind farm... great, but alternatives are less than 10% of the energy supply in Alberta.
sharonapple88, at 3:09 p.m.
Wilson - correct you are. I'd forgoten about that.
Politically speaking, that's probably the best way to go about a carbon tax.
And it makes more a nice bullet point if I do evr end up contrasting Conservative and NDP environmental policies.
calgarygrit, at 5:15 p.m.
Negata is a narcissist, and little more: I haven't found a single source backing up his claim of greatness. And none suggesting that they've been begging him to reconsider.
Anonymous, at 10:31 p.m.
Re: the carbon tax, the point may not have been to compare the NDP and Liberal platform ... but really?
With all due respect, when a partisan blog criticizes another party for something that *both* parties lack in their platforms, it comes across as a little weak.
(Particularly when the Liberals have their own tax cut on pollution - the energy rebate.)
Plus, there is debate on the methods of carbon pricing - that's why the NDP's position (whether one agrees with it or not; I'm not sure I do) is pretty consistent.
There are a lot of angles the Liberals can get after the NDP - rural development, agriculture, economy, taxation, deficit reduction, economic development, fiscal management, voting NDP = "scary conservatives" etc.
That being said, although the Libs do have some bonafide successes, in particular the pesticides ban, they do have some bonafide ball drops - in particular, green energy where for every voter they win with green energy they lose two, particularly in rural Ontario where the wind issue may pummell them into third in many ridings.
Marc from soccer, at 3:38 p.m.
The NDP is in a weird position when it comes to the environment. Federally, they can get away with promoting tough environmental policies, because they can ensure that the resultant economic redistribution is largely to the detriment of a province that doesn't vote for them - Alberta.
However, within many provinces, mining and manufacturing regions form the base of the party. In Ontario, for instance, a provincial green shift would benefit urban Canada where the main industries are services (eg. finance) and dense population (and warmer climate) reduces the need for emissions. Places like Windsor and Hamilton - not to mention the North - would be on the losing end.
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Unknown, at 12:08 a.m.
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