I'm not sure what specifically we can do, but I guess this means we'll all have to force ourselves to watch the next season of Canadian Idol now...
posted by calgarygrit at
9:05 a.m.
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Let me clarify it for you.He is warning Canadians about voting for the left who have a thing for supporting islamic terrorism, any terroism for that matter.
Honey Pot, at 10:37 a.m.
Yes, it is definately important to report on any activity by someone that is not US. To be US is to love US. Them cannot understand US and so HATE US for our freedoms.
Watch my neighbours? By all reports that I've hear these folks were normal, nice and helpful. Upstanding members of their community. None of their neighbours knew what was going on. So, I guess I got to ask, what exactly are we looking for and why should we rat on each other?
I used to have trouble with believing that elected folk in a democracy talked this way. Used to.
Shame shame shame.
PeterC, at 10:47 a.m.
And while you're at it, watch out for thought crime... But forget about that domestic terrorism... just look the other way... You know, the domestic terrorism where women are the vicitms, and where long guns are often used by the perps.
Vic (the moron) would rather we watch for suspected, possible foreign agents, but "don't look over here" at the NRA supported gun nuts who would love to create wacko militias of gun nuts like they have in parts of the USA...
I guess "law and order" only applies to certain people...
WesternGrit, at 11:05 a.m.
It also dovetails nicely with their ongoing war against the pointy-headed elites, too:
Say, Ma, I just saw one 'o them geeky terrists working on one o' those 'lectronic 'puter thingies over there -- building a bomb! ... hand me some 'o those cartridges, will ya?
Anonymous, at 2:17 p.m.
@ H.P.: Yeah, Vic 'terroism': I see death in all your futures, unless you only vote for us!
Anonymous, at 2:19 p.m.
A funny post on how a terror suspect was on Canadian Idol turned into a comment thread on how those with whom you disagree are Orwellian imbeciles?
It's politics people, not professional sports. Put down your scripts and stop cheering for your team.
Robert Vollman, at 2:32 p.m.
Okay, Okay ... I will respond in a fair and candid manner, consistent with reasonable expectation to the always MORONIC VIC TEOWS >>>
You have terrorists of TREASON down the hall in the Parliament of Canada. There names are : John Baird, Tony Clement, Jason Kenny, Dictator Steve Harpocrit ... to name but a few of this little secret society >>> they somehow believe the best interests of Canadians are best met by these shameless & godless terrorists of TREASON deliberately misleading AND outright lying to Canadians, almost all the time
In fact Vic Moron you are also a terrorists of TREASON !!!
Dennis Hollingsworth, at 1:40 a.m.
Well, that was an improvement...
The Invisible Hand, at 7:55 p.m.
Robert Vollman:
You are not entirely correct. The current situation is indeed Orwellian in addition to the compounding and complicating factors introduced by 'Minority Report'. Individuals are going to be charged with crimes that are future probable (This is happening now, real time. I say future probable and not future certain, simply because our 'pre-cogs' are not yet as proficient as the ones in the book/movie.). As well, always remember, the stupid party is called stupid for an entire litany of well founded reasons.
Anonymous, at 11:35 a.m.
i am not sure it is a matter of voiting- still we can watch expansion of islam. islam as religion is not agressive and nothing is wrong with it but it became ideological weapon in hands of such organizations as hamas. and we hardly can prevent cosiquenses of this expansion.
asya@israel, at 3:28 p.m.
I don't care how many innocent civilians die as a result, there's nothing that can make me watch Canadian Idol
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