This should end the whining about the "Liberal Senate" which in recent years has been responsible for everything from stopping crime legislation and setting pedophiles free on the streets, to the Maple Leafs' on-ice woes.
Now let's see how serious Harper is about Senate reform and the host of other issues he's blamed the Liberal Senate for holding up.
Oh, to be an independent or even Progressive Conservative senator.
Just imagine the wooing.
Brian Busby, at 6:40 p.m.
"plurality" Dan.. not "majority".
The 5 Independents hold the balance of power still.
Oxford County Liberals, at 6:53 p.m.
Senate retirements
Keon (PC) May 2010
Stollery (Lib) Nov 2010
Lapointe (Lib) Dec 2010
wilson, at 7:31 p.m.
yup. plurality only calgarygrit. they'll get the committee chairmanships and be able to control the agenda... so a plurality is no small thing... but a majority it is most definitely not.
Backseat Blogger, at 7:56 p.m.
Now let's see how serious Harper is about Senate reform
Just a wild guess here...
Not very!
Jacques Beau Vert, at 12:56 a.m.
About Harper's crime bills - Clara Hughes has been chosen to carry the Canadian flag (good choice). She was a troubled youth involved in drugs, booze, etc. She turned herself around.
If it were today and Harper's crime bills put through, would she probably be in jail with little chance to change?
Just wondering.
Anonymous, at 8:26 a.m.
Drugs and booze
Are good for yous
Don't believe me?
Ask Clara Hughes
Anonymous, at 8:33 a.m.
Anon 8:33 - how old are you? 12 or 13?
Anonymous, at 12:12 p.m.
If a few of the indies jump to the Libs before Parliament resumes, so that the Cons don't get the chairs, Stephen Harper would be so mad his head would explode.
Dan F, at 12:35 p.m.
"to the Maple Leafs' on-ice woes"
I believe Ken Dryden is still "just" an MP, although he's done his part against the TML over the years.
The Senate is more balanced, with Frank Mahovlich (TML) and Jacques Demers (Mtl) on opposite sides of that Other Place.
Paul, at 3:46 p.m.
Some of us remember the Big M only as a valuable member of les glorieux. He, too, did his part against the Leafs.
As for Demers, being a Conservative - not even a Progressive Conservative - from Quebec makes him a very odd creature, indeed.
Brian Busby, at 5:08 p.m.
"As for Demers, being a Conservative - not even a Progressive Conservative - from Quebec makes him a very odd creature, indeed."
Totally agreed. Quebeckers generally and french people in particular do not have the mental faculties to develop independent political thought. Anytime you see a Quebecker veer from the prescribed path of social justice, you know there is likely a tumor on the brain or chemical imbalance causing it.
I wish some Quebeckers, like Demers, weren't so uppity. They should get to the Hamas rally toute suite and be good little Quebeckers for the rest of us.
Quebecois pour un Canada Ignatieffienne, at 8:33 p.m.
So, Quebecois pour un Canada Ignatieffienne, what is it you're saying? That Quebeckers are incapable of independent political thought because so few carry Conservative Party memberships?
This Quebecker, for one, proves you wrong. Or am I just an exception to the rule?
Enough spiteful spit and bile. Why not share what you really think?
Brian Busby, at 9:12 p.m.
Anonymous 8:12
Impossible de vous dire mon âge : il change tout le temps !
Anonymous, at 10:03 p.m.
the poster is suggesting that *YOU* are saying Quebeckers are incapable of independent political thought, b/c in the poster's eyes, you apparently espouse the idea that a Quebecker can't be a conservative (unless they're maybe a PC).
Anonymous, at 10:08 p.m.
Oh, I think you're right.
At the heart is the denial that Conservative Party members are a rare thing in Quebec.
This is not to say that they don't exist. Of course they do... as do copies of Laure Conan's The Master Motive.
Brian Busby, at 10:42 p.m.
"This is not to say that they don't exist. Of course they do... as do copies of Laure Conan's The Master Motive."
And in both cases, we are working to cleanse the area of them!
Iggy Fans for an Ideologically Pure Quebec, at 6:42 p.m.
I don't like the fact that a nutcase like Ann Cools (former student radical computer lab occupier who left the Liberal party in opposition to gay marriage) could hold the balance of power in the senate.
french wedding cat, at 10:37 p.m.
Dan F said...
If a few of the indies jump to the Libs before Parliament resumes, so that the Cons don't get the chairs, Stephen Harper would be so mad his head would explode.
Or, he asks the Queen for those extra 8 senators, like Mulroney did to get the GST through. I'll venture he does this before his cranium explodes.
I will also say that stacking the senate with extra CPoC cronies will still not help him with meaningful senate reform. That requires talks with the 10 premiers and re-opening the constitution. It will however help cement the public image that's he's a control freak, and together with proroguing parliament is not a good thing.
In the end those extra 8 senators didn't help Mulroney (who attempted senate reform in the Charlottetown Accord - anyone remember that?) but it did help Preston Manning. The older I get, the more I notice politics rhyming with the past - lets see how it goes this time.
Tof KW, at 10:35 a.m.
"That requires talks with the 10 premiers and re-opening the constitution."
The changes to proroguing Parliament that Ignatifeff is proposing would require re-opening the constitution according to what I've read, so there would be two parites on board. It would be a good chance to let Harper give the western provinces the number of Senate seats their populations merit as well.
nuna d. above, at 1:01 p.m.
Oh yeah, plurality - my bad.
calgarygrit, at 4:19 p.m.
Quebecois [sic]/Iggy Fans, just you keep banging away at that same note. One day someone might even join you and hit another; then you'll have the beginning of a clangorous tune.
Brian Busby, at 4:50 p.m.
nutcase like Ann Cools (former student radical computer lab occupier who left the Liberal party in opposition to gay marriage) could hold the balance of power in the senate
Quelle surprise, another nutwing partisan appointed to the Senate...
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