The Race is On
I may have more to say on some of these races later but, for now, here's a list of the candidates:
(if I missed a website link, just send it to me and I'll update - the websites aren't all up yet, but I've included them anyways as a reference to check back on later)
National Executive
President: Alfred Apps (acclaimed)
VP Francais: Fabrice Rivault, Brigitte Garceau, Ryan Hillier
VP English: Stephen Kukucha, Daryl Fridhandler
Policy Chair: Joan Bourassa, Maryanne Kampouris, Hélène Chalifour Scherrer
National Membership Secretary: Rob Jamieson (acclaimed)
Young Liberals
President: John Lennard, Kerry Nelson, Sam Lavoie
VP Finance: Andrew Block (acclaimed)
VP Organization: Elyse Banham (acclaimed)
VP External: Tom Chervinsky, Aamar Yaseen
Vice-President, Communications: Braeden Caley (acclaimed)
VP Policy: Pierre-Luc Lacoste, Timothy Smith
How many of the candidates are from Alberta?
Anonymous, at 8:16 p.m.
I see three from Alberta: Tim Smith, Daryl Fridhandler and Joan Bourassa.
Matt Grant, at 8:18 p.m.
Kerry Nelson:
Anonymous, at 9:11 p.m.
I notice that Lennard put up a facebook note and Rocco Rossi "likes" it. Does Rossi endorse Lennard or just Lennard's position against the Young Liberal amendment of One Member One Vote?
Anonymous, at 12:35 a.m.
I think it's safe to say you can like someone's facebook link without formally endorsing them...
calgarygrit, at 10:16 a.m.
Yeah Rossi was probably just saying he didn't like the YLC amendment like John was saying.
Dan what's your view on the YLC amednment? Did you support it last time?
Time to get off the fence, lol
Anonymous, at 2:54 p.m.
Dumb and dumber = Kukucha v Fridhandler
Lloyd Snelgrove's Creepy Goatee, at 3:04 p.m.
I'm frankly surprised that John Lennard is running against an amendment that would ensure the youth remain a powerful force in the party. This is coming from a guy who wrote a scathing blog post a few months back attacking the renewal committee for not having youth representation on it. Now he is ready to get rid of a guarunteed say for Young Liberals in determining the party leadership.. what gives? Is the reason Rossi "likes" John's facebook post because John is now doing Rocco's bidding?
Anonymous, at 3:40 p.m.
Monika Drobnicki - YLC Women's Rep, Acclaimed
Chad Cowie - YLC Aboriginal Rep, Acclaimed
Zac, at 7:59 p.m.
James Houston - YLC constitutional and legal affairs rep
Anonymous, at 8:53 p.m.
above is acclaimed
Anonymous, at 8:54 p.m.
John Lennard does not stand against the YLC amendment to OMOV. He has stated that, if the amendment is not included, he will still support OMOV.
I've met far too many young Liberals who cannot afford to go to the Biennial Convention. OMOV, with or without this YLC amendment, will allow the youth voice to be heard whether they have over $1000 or not.
Anonymous, at 12:19 a.m.
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