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It's a joke right ha ha. We all know that it is magic. You know 'léger de main ' or sleight of hand or creative accounting for the academic types! With numbers you can fool anyone but only once! If Harper off loaded to the provinces, decimated health care like Martin did, and taxed and taxed sure there would be a surplus! Everyone understands that. No!
Anonymous, at 6:58 p.m.
No mention of the Trudeau deficits? Having said that, point taken. In Canada at least, Conservatives seem not to be fiscal conservatives once they're in government.
Just as only Nixon could go to China, it may be a sad fact of life that only Liberals can be fiscally conservative.
Jim R, at 7:09 p.m.
Yawn, whatever jonevan, you can't argue history - like the last two Conservative budgets have had more spending that Paul Martin beholden to Jack Layton. And included tax cuts.
Yes, increase spending at the same time you cut taxes. That's brilliant.
The CPC fiscal record is an embarrassment to drunken sailors and NDP premieres everywhere.
Mike, at 7:30 p.m.
It is a well known fact that Harper is responsible for global warming and now the world wide economic meltdown. That man has to be stopped.
Anonymous, at 7:42 p.m.
Right on Mike - and here's another example of NDP good money management and the later as once again, a part of the myth.
Why would we want a government in power that just doesn't get it? A government that puts ideology ahead of reality? And why would Iggy and the liberals prop up these economic mineons????
The facts: the NDP managed BC's economy prudently, they kept debt levels down, spent money on infrastructure and economic development and diversification and maintained employment while increasing the skill set of the BC labour force. The NDP balanced the budget and delivered 3 straight surpluses from 1999 onward:
1999: 54 million
2000: 1.3 billion
2001: 1.7 billion
Which Gordo Campbell who are really disguised socreds, promptly turned into BC's largest ever deficit of 5 billion in 2002!!!!
Remember the NDP’s Supposed $5 Billion 'Structural Deficit'?
Hopefully in the very near future we will be saying, "remember Stephen Harper" just as Sask. said "remember Grant Devine".
susansmith, at 7:42 p.m.
In rereading the article at the Tyee, this needs to be noted (as Iggy is now choosing which bed to climb out of and into)
Even worse for the new government, when the 2000-01 public accounts were made public, they would show that the defeated NDP had left the biggest surplus in B.C. history. It would not be possible for the incoming Campbell government to claim they had inherited a deficit from the New Democrats based on audited financial statements.
But just maybe the federal libs have more in common with the Harper Cons and hence find their ideology closer and more to their liking. Making the NDP look bad by "spreading lies."
In effect, the defeated NDP was blamed for the deficit arising from B.C. Liberal tax cuts!
susansmith, at 7:56 p.m.
...deficits started under Diefenbaker. Pearson made it worse and Trudeau kicked the door down. Thems the facts. Sorry.
Anonymous, at 10:15 p.m.
If only we hadn't cut the GST by 2% this whole fiasco could have been avoided.
Anonymous, at 11:29 p.m.
Does anyone give a sh!t what the BC NDP did?
Anonymous, at 11:49 p.m.
John D said...
Does anyone give a sh!t what the BC NDP did?
Soon the past tense in that sentence will be in the present. Bon Voyage Gordo!
Anonymous, at 6:43 a.m.
I sure hope you never run a deficit in your own life, since such things are so atrocious!
That means never carrying credit card debt, never paying bills late, never having a mortgage. Only buying what you can pay for immediately.
Of course, living beyond one's means (structural deficit) is a different beast entirely.
Far be it from anyone here to ask, perhaps, where we would be if the current Government hadn't been paying down the federal debt faster than its predecessor governments. If it hadn't put billions of dollars of consumer stimulus back into play already.
Paul, at 10:13 a.m.
This is one of the worst stereotypes in politics. People assume right-wing candidates are less wasteful with money, but that hasn't been true in a long time. Mulroney, Reagan, Harper and Bush have all spent money like it grows on trees.
To be fair, another one of the worst stereotypes is that right-wing candidates are less tolerant. And that they're more pro-war and pro-intervention.
Robert Vollman, at 12:03 p.m.
Sure. Surpluses by poaching the EI fund of hard working Canadians.
Anonymous, at 12:15 p.m.
For the period 1970-2008, it is worth looking at the federal operating budget for each year.
10 seconds of looking at that should reveal the hole in your "theory" and where the fault for our current debt lies.
Anonymous, at 1:01 p.m.
Yep. Damn those dastardly tories for causing the global credit crisis.
tory times are tough times. no extra thinking reqd.
Anonymous, at 4:29 a.m.
"The facts: the NDP managed BC's economy prudently, they kept debt levels down, spent money on infrastructure and economic development and diversification and maintained employment while increasing the skill set of the BC labour force. The NDP balanced the budget and delivered 3 straight surpluses from 1999 onward"
ROFLMAO... Where do you live... on the planet Mars????
From 1991 to 2001 the BC NDP, "doubled", yes "doubled" BC's provincial debt.
Deficits every year except for the last couple. Why? Because BC Hydro earned another $4 billion from the "Enron" fraud in California trading power and California is now trying to get the funds back. Yep, that helped balance BC's books.
In 2001, BC had the highest taxation levels in Canada besides Quebec. During the 1990's the lowest investment rate, high unemployment rates, government deceit. You name it...
Even Statistics Canada calls, “The 1990’s – A Lost Decade” in BC. The reality is that Statistics Canada and the federal government determined that in the years 1999-2000, British Columbia became a "have-not" province.
Is it any wonder then that in the May, 2001 BC election the NDP suffered the worst political drubbing in BC history with only 2 out of 79 seats??? Too funny.
Anonymous, at 5:45 p.m.
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