Fun Fridays
1. Signs the human race is too stupid to live, courtesy of James Bow.
2. I've really been digging the freakonomics blog of late. Some interesting posts include a study on a placebo price effect and an interesting spin on helping people quit smoking.
3. The final season of BSG starts April 4th.
4. Must be spring - the Leafs are out.
Labels: Battlestar Galactica, freakonomics, hockey, Off Topic
That placebo price effect is interesting. I'm almost tempted to pick up the book.
By Bailey, at 2:17 p.m.
BSG season 4 starts. IMO, Season 3 was the best yet.
By JimTan, at 2:18 p.m.
Again jimtan, your anti-Baltar partisanship shines through. Season two was the best, followed by season 1.
By french wedding cat, at 2:29 p.m.
"Again jimtan, your anti-Baltar partisanship shines through"
Do you need any help in your research on Benjamin Strong and the Great Depression?
By JimTan, at 2:37 p.m.
Are they going to air the full season starting now? Won't that take it into July or something?
By Anonymous, at 4:59 p.m.
So sad that this is BSG's final season. Awesome show...
If the Leafs can hopefully move down to fifth worst in the league, then they have a chance for a decent pick. From all accounts it is a deep draft this year. We need "Tank Nation" in effect for the rest of the season.
By liberazzi, at 9:29 p.m.
Thanks for the link!
By James Bow, at 12:15 a.m.
Ez lesz az én napom vége, de mielőtt véget érne...
olvasom ezt a nagyszerű cikket, hogy növeljem a tapasztalataimat.
By gizmodopowerball, at 4:38 a.m.
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