Up For Grabs
PC 32% (-22% in January)
Lib 16% (+0%)
NDP 11% (+2%)
Alliance 5% (+2%)
PC 30%
Lib 17%
NDP 8%
Alliance 5%
Ed Stelmach Approval Rating
Strongly approve 7%
Somewhat approve 38%
Somewhat dissaprove 20%
Strongly dissaprove 11%
(Calgary: 38% approve, 40% dissaprove)
Right Track/Wrong Track
Right direction 26% (-28% from January)
Wrong direction 30% (+20% from January)
Top Issues
Healthcare 29%
Homelessness 22%
Crime 17%
Infrastructure 15%
Education 13%
Rent Control 12%
Taxes 11%
Drugs 11%
Labels: Alberta Election, Ed Stelmach, Polls
I sure hope we can capitalize on this drop in support; the fact that the undecideds are not choosing the Liberals instead means that we still aren't a viable option in their minds. This needs to change.
Brandon E. Beasley, at 2:52 p.m.
This needs to change.
It won't change until the Liberals have a leader of the caliber of either Peter Lougheed (the last Opposition leader to become Premier) or Lawrence Decore (who came close). Is Kevin Taft the person for that job? I don't think so, though he might still surprise me. If the Liberals do lose their 23rd consecutive election, then I think a switch is in order. Among the current crop of MLAs, I think Dave Taylor (from Calgary) would be their best bet.
Brian in Calgary, at 3:55 p.m.
It’s a little premature to be talking about replacing leaders. Seems a little Parti Québécois-ish to me, and we all know how well that work out in the last Quebec provincial election.
The Alliance Party had a stand in front of the Legislature yesterday at lunch with delicious corn from Taber. I wonder if they’ll be our ADQ? Or will it be the Wildrose Party? Here’s the scariest thought I’ve had to date concerning Albertan politics: consider how bad it would be to have a PC minority with the Alliance Party holding the balance of power. Why the Liberals need to win – and why any Albertan with a progressive bone in their body needs to vote and chose carefully – should be blatantly obvious.
Matt Grant, at 12:01 p.m.
Is Kevin Taft the person for that job?
Actually, I think Taft has done a very good job getting his message out to the public - especially in the shadow of an overwhelming Conservative majority and very limited resources.
Additionally, Taft is not perceived as a polarizing person between Calgary and Edmonton - as Decore was.
MgS, at 11:46 a.m.
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