100 Down...
The 101 People Screwing up Canada blog has counted down from 101 to 2.
So, as an open question, who would you pick as your top 5 or numero uno?
posted by calgarygrit at
2:42 p.m.
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This list is horrible, I would suggest that the blogger and his friends the blogging tories should be number 1.
Ames Way, at 4:10 p.m.
I was surprised that I agree with more than half the list. With Brian Mulroney, Conrad Black, Mel Lastman, Tony Merchant and Nelly Furtado, Ralph on the same list I have to say that someone has done a lot of research.
I nominate for # person screwing up Canada - Don Cherry.
Bob McInnis, at 4:16 p.m.
I don't agree with a lot of picks (or the "reasoning" behind them) but the writer sure is meticulous.
KC, at 4:53 p.m.
I've been reading since 101 and while we can quibble about the list, we can't argue the fact that Spinks has put a lot of work into this. My guess for #1 is Celine Dion.
Reg, at 5:11 p.m.
Good grief. This list is complete and utter trash.
Unknown, at 5:53 p.m.
Obviously there are some on his list I don't agree with, but overall I think its thoughful and well researched.
My "worst of the worst" top 5:
5. David Miller
3 (tie). John Baird (for buying into all that eco-nonsense)
3 (tie). David Suzuki
2. Chief Justice Beverly McLauchlin
1. I don't know if you can pick dead people, but Pierre Trudeau did more to screw up Canada than the rest of the list combined, so I'm putting him up there.
Anonymous, at 6:03 p.m.
5. Gilles Duceppe
4. Chuck Guité
3. Jacques Parizeau
2. The Crazed Hockey Parent
1. Stephen Harper
rob, at 6:23 p.m.
I do not know how great his analysis is - when he confuses responsibilities conferred by our Constitution for judicial activism he shows that he does not understand the role of judges at all.
Gayle, at 7:09 p.m.
Not to mention that he takes McLachlan's quotes out of context and distorts their meanings.
Unknown, at 7:19 p.m.
Yes well - if he quoted her accurately he would not have much of an argument to make now would he?
Much better to make it up as he goes along...
Gayle, at 7:34 p.m.
5) Kate McMillan
4) Charles McVety
3) Tony Cannavino
2) Jean Charest
1) Stephen Harper
KC, at 7:36 p.m.
1. Wayne Gretzky - because he, more than anyone else, is responsible for creating the belief that hockey can, and needs to, succeed in the south. Which, in turn is responsible for...well everything bad that has happened since 1988.
Leny Vilekoskytch, at 12:08 a.m.
Was it based on Goldberg's book? His was about who was screwing up America, and it had a big right-wing bent too.
Anyone with Stephen Harper at #1 needs to give their heads a shake. You're just being a left-wing partisan.
In Canada, we've got murderers, biker gangs, cop-killers, politicians stealing money, separatists, pedophiles, the openly racist/sexist/homophobic, people destroying churches, you name it ... and everyone's lists has public servants and journalists whose only real problem is that their vision of Canada is ever-so-slightly different than yours?
Come on.
Robert Vollman, at 11:04 a.m.
Would you prefer "Top 101 Public Figures who are screwing up Canada?" Making a list of all the nuts and creeps (ie Paul Bernardo, Robert Pickton, etc.) just isnt as fun. Im not sure why they are even listed together.
And Stephen Harper is making a mess of things. How can you be a "left wing partisan"? Don't you mean either a "left wing ideologue" or a "Liberal or NDP partisan"?
KC, at 11:36 a.m.
I don't think that common criminals belong on these kinds of lists. These kinds of lists should deal with macro rather than micro issues.
rob, at 11:58 a.m.
It has to be Steven Harper. If there is anyone who has failed to Stand Up for Canada, it is ol'Steve-o.
I would love to see who would make Spinks list of 101 people who make Canada great.
Wheatfield, at 12:14 p.m.
There are two Stephen Harpers. "Real" Stephen Harper and "Make Believe" Stephen Harper.
"Make Believe" Stephen Harper is the one everyone seems to be talking about. MBSH is the one who outlaws homosexuality, sends our troops to Iraq and bans abortions. In fact, some people say MBSH will eat the poor, destroy the environment single-handedly and put women in the kitchens.
I agree, "Make Believe" Stephen Harper is #1 on the list of people screwing up Canada.
Fortunately, we are governed by Real Stephen Harper, not MBSH.
Robert Vollman, at 1:05 p.m.
The "real" Stephen Harper is doing plenty of things I strongly disagree with (ie "ruining Canada"). I dont need to believe the "make believe" stuff to think Stephen Harper is "ruining Canada".
KC, at 1:48 p.m.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Grant, at 12:23 p.m.
If you take the time to map out all the various ways Canada has allegedly been screwed up on a detailed timeline, you can see quite clearly how deranged sociopaths and similarly deranged progressives have quite obviously conspired to take turns messing everything up. The level of coordination required for such a prolonged bout of screwing-everything-up is really quite impressive. I'm dissapointed that #1 isn't an obvious mastermind and kingpin behind this organized and terrifying coalition of pedophiles, polygamists and liberals. Perhaps there's a power vacuum, to be filled - no doubt - by someone aspiring to the evil greatness of the Dark Lord of the Charter P.E. Trudeau.
I’d like to thank you for pointing me to that blog and destroying every productive hour I had planned on Tuesday afternoon. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Matt Grant, at 12:35 p.m.
Jean Chrétien is worst canadian
The demographic winter is here.
Aging workforce in the US.
Website with good information on the subject.
Have a nice day.
Solange Miller
Unknown, at 7:41 p.m.
Then appreciate all those 100 haha
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Anonymous, at 9:24 p.m.
Would you prefer "Top 101 Public Figures who are screwing up Canada?" Making a list of all the nuts and creeps (ie Paul Bernardo, Robert Pickton, etc.) just isnt as fun. Im not sure why they are even listed together.bohyme
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Anonymous, at 7:07 a.m.
its a realy good post.... freetress
checking, at 7:05 a.m.
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