Walk the Walk
While Jack Layton and Stephane Dion certainly appear to be living environmentally friendly lives, Elizabeth May is in an ecosystem of her own. Consider the following:
-She doesn't own a car or a bicycle...she tricycles
-She owned a pony as a child [not relevant, but I keep thinking of this]
-Her household does not flush the toilet "unless necessary"
-toilet paper is the only paper product she buys
-She buys second-hand clothes
-Her daughter "rejected the offer of a new TV for Christmas because, even though ours was broken, she insisted we try to get it fixed to avoid an unwanted landfill item."
Speaking of May, Jane Taber may have set a record for most anonymous Liberal sources ever used in an article, in today's piece criticizing the Dion-May pact.
Labels: Elizabeth May
Doesn't sound too bad.
Dion as the leadership underdog didn't have a strong cadre. Now, there are a mix of experienced and proven people managing the LPC. Should give stephan 'forked tonque' harper a run for his money.
JimTan, at 5:51 p.m.
Some hagiography. Of course, she'd be even more impressive if she took a pass on being chauffered around in other people's cars.
anonblogster, at 5:56 p.m.
By my count, as many as 10 different anonymous Liberal sources, only a couple of which were used more than once.
Why anyone in the OLO is answering questions like these, even anonymously, is beyond me.
Who the hell cares, anyway? A bunch of MPs don't like the fact that the leader doesn't pay attention to them? The last leader who didn't pay attention to them kept winning majorities.
People are not sure who's in charge? Dion's in charge. If and when things go wrong, blame him. Don't worry about how, exactly, he screwed it up. That's not your problem.
I didn't support Dion for the leadership, but the fact remains that he's smarter than damn near everybody he meets. It would be in the interests of these anonymous Liberals to keep their mouths shut. If he actually does screw it up, we'll all know, and your bitching won't have meant anything anyway. If he doesn't, you'll look like a fool. Either way, you demonstrate a lack of judgment.
Gauntlet, at 6:24 p.m.
Knowing that it is Taber who is reporting, I wouldn't at all be surprised if the anonymous Liberal sources turned out to be e-mails from Laureen Teskey. :)
The Anonymous Green, at 6:25 p.m.
Ya, "Gossip Queen" Taber should never be called a journalist.
It's too bad because i'm sure she's smart.
Enough with the gossip, Jane, report something important.
Gritty D, at 9:01 p.m.
"Taber should never be called a journalist."
Yeah, a journalist would call them "disgruntled Ignatieff supporters", not "anonymous sources".
nuna d. above, at 9:07 p.m.
-She doesn't own a car or a bicycle...she tricycles
ahh, the tricycle more stability to prevent her extra "ballast" from toppling her on a two-wheeler
-She owned a pony as a child [not relevant, but I keep thinking of this]
Funny, I always thought methane from farm animals was something like thousands of times more potent of a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, could be just me though
-Her household does not flush the toilet "unless necessary"
I hope she uses a very liberal definition of what's considered a necessary flush
-toilet paper is the only paper product she buys
She should get together with Sheryl Crow and ask baby Dion to consider her "Single-square toilet paper rationing act" and then maybe mass market Crow's "Dining sleeve" to show we can have economic growth with environmental responsibility!
-She buys second-hand clothes
Well that explains why she looks like a cross between an aging hippy and a dipper
-Her daughter "rejected the offer of a new TV for Christmas because, even though ours was broken, she insisted we try to get it fixed to avoid an unwanted landfill item."
aww, isn't that sweet!
Clayton, at 9:14 p.m.
May looks like an even bigger idiot than she did before she took this test - is this woman for real???
I have to say, Layton is a big surprise here. That's some walk to match the talk - I have to admit to being taken aback. I'll give him more credit for integrity/sincerity in the future, I guess.
Dion would most definitely pass if he were an ordinary citizen, but for a party leader who believes 2007 is the planet's last chance to be saved, this doesn't work.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 9:20 p.m.
Why does May look like an idiot? She walks the walk. Can't fault her for that.
Taber article - I actually thought it was pretty good. While she quoted the anonymous nay-sayers, she also quoted supporters.
CG - I am sorry about the Flames.
Gayle, at 12:11 a.m.
Uhh, I can totally fault May for that. Lets look at it this way, by her nutcase lifestyle, she has nothing to lose from radical and insane environmental policies (eg. hers). I however, would rather not wallow in the stench of my feces.
Actually I'm a pretty good environmentalist, but mostly because I'm poor.
french wedding cat, at 12:16 a.m.
Why dos`nt May complete the act and go live in a cave....as if anybody would care!
islandconservative, at 12:32 a.m.
I gather you didn`t like Tabers article....what is your take on todays Toronto Star editorial "Dion Wrong On Trusts"? It makes Dion, McCallum, and Goodale look like fools!
To top it off Y2Koyoto is starting to blow up in their faces...what next?
islandconservative, at 12:49 a.m.
Any thoughts on the brilliance of bringing captured Taliban "insurgents" to Canada? Comments on our (left over from, I suspect, you-know-who) refugee policies?
I almost feel sorry for you guys.
Candace, at 2:31 a.m.
Evidently those shocked by May's comments about toilet flushing (or lack thereof) haven't spent time in Jamaica (and I mean the real Jamaica, not one of the all inclusive resorts). If you had you would be familiar with the adage....
If it's yellow let it mellow
If it's brown flush it down
Ian, at 3:58 a.m.
Actually I'm a pretty good environmentalist, but mostly because I'm poor.
Don't tell anyone, but - that's my secret, too!
I know lots of people with trikes, and I keep encouraging my mom to get one, but admitting you don't know how to ride a bike??? She's such a fucking fool it makes me sick. I'm embarrassed I ever considered joining that party - if that many members were willing to vote in this lightweight, I'm going to hold off a few years or so.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 8:31 a.m.
Actually Ian, I've been to the "real" Jamaica, and parts of the world much poorer, and I don't flush my toilet for pee myself, so can assure you your pretentious presumptions are off base.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 8:33 a.m.
I am shocked at how many unsanitary people there are! To not flush a toilet after use, well that's just going way to far! It's disgusting.
Clayton, at 9:29 a.m.
This same study in the States revealed Gore's hypocrisy.
"She doesn't own a car or a bicycle...she tricycles"
There's a difference between being green and being a wackjob.
"Her household does not flush the toilet "unless necessary""
I never knew my brother was an environmentalist until just now.
"toilet paper is the only paper product she buys."
What's wrong with paper products? They're renewable, and recyclable. So she buys plastic instead?
"She buys second-hand clothes"
I notice there's a great overlap between "green" and "cheap."
Robert Vollman, at 9:59 a.m.
Hey, all you folks who are whining about May's earnest efforts to conserve water need to do a bit of travelling.
Go to places like eastern Turkey where the toilet facilities consist of two spots to place your feet while you stand, and a hole in the floor. If you've got a good aim, you're doing well. There generally is no toilet paper, but rather a bucket of water. Right hands are dedicated for eating.
The Anonymous Green, at 10:53 a.m.
In England, they are referred to as "The Green Potty" :)
The Anonymous Green, at 11:12 a.m.
Hey Jason,
As you didn't make any comments on this thread about the flushing issue (before I posted), I don't know why you thought my post was directed at you? It was actually hosertohoosier's comment that trigger me to type.
I fail to see how it was pretentious of me to presume that some of those who claimed to be troubled by May's flushing habits, might not be aware of how common the practice is worldwide? Do tell.
Ian, at 12:32 p.m.
Go to places like eastern Turkey where the toilet facilities consist of two spots to place your feet while you stand, and a hole in the floor. If you've got a good aim, you're doing well. There generally is no toilet paper, but rather a bucket of water. Right hands are dedicated for eating.
I've been to Istanbul, and my hotel had toilets, so did everywhere else I went. Where did you go that the conditions were so primitive?
I don't understand the enviro's crusade against toilet paper. This is the stupidest issue for people to lock onto. Toilet paper is a necessity. When I go camping in the bush, life is quite simple, but I always bring enough toilet paper.
BTW, Forks and knives are made for eating, not hands!
Clayton, at 12:37 p.m.
This is quite common in many places when you get away from the touristy areas, not only in Turkey, but many countries.
Read the description. Bottom picture. Turkish toilets
The Anonymous Green, at 1:29 p.m.
BTW, Forks and knives are made for eating, not hands!
I'd be curious to see how you eat a sandwich. Maybe like Mr. Pitt on Seinfeld.
Pita bread is often used with the right hand in the Middle East to serve oneself from a common casserole.
If someone is a thief, in some strict countries (S.A.?) the penalty is to cut off the right hand - making the person a social outcast due to his limited dual function.
P.S. Did you note the two levels of flushing in the modern turkish toilet description?
The Anonymous Green, at 2:00 p.m.
I really don't care whether one can not flush the toilet in polite company in Botswana. It is something that I find gross (and like with me, more the result of being poor than a choice). Somebody that personally makes that extreme a tradeoff between environmentalism and economic progress is not somebody I will vote for, ever.
And if that wasn't enough, the thought of the Prime Minister being an overweight woman riding an adult tricycle really kills it.
french wedding cat, at 2:17 p.m.
Did you guys catch the debate in parliament on prisoners being tortured after being handed over?
The opposition had harper and conner nailed to the door. harper kept taking cheap shots at the opposition.
When will harper act like the prime minister? He makes martin look good.
I'm surprised that there is such a heated discussion about toilet flushing.
JimTan, at 2:36 p.m.
Clayton, did you by chance, happen to realize that the vast majority of Turks....don't live in Istanbul hotels? Did you notice that Istanbul....isn't in eastern Turkey?
These toilet comments are getting ridiculous. The point isn't that we should adopt different toilet habits of any particular country, but rather that many different cultures ahve many different standards.
The typical western toilet (especially North American) uses much more water than necessary- so we should look at ways to make relatively small changes to our lifestyle can make our ecoogical footprint much smaller. No-one is suggesting that we shouldn't use toilet paper, but we should concentrate on doing what is acceptable in our culture. The old saying is pretty old hat for some of us. Curiously enough, I think the first time I saw it was in ab British house.
Kyle Bailey, at 2:51 p.m.
I really don't care whether one can not flush the toilet in polite company in Botswana.
Yeah, you picked the right place to be born. Can't fault you for that.
But your worldly experience and views reminds me of this guy's interview just before the last election:
Peter Mansbridge: Have you travelled extensively?
Stephen Harper: I actually haven't travelled that extensively, Peter. I've travelled a lot in Canada . I've travelled a lot in Canada – not so much around the world. I've been in North America and Mexico and parts of Europe , but not large – there are large parts of the world I haven't been. My wife's different. My wife has travelled virtually everywhere in the world. I tell people she made quite a pilgrimage, drove from Johannesburg to Cairo for six months. I get a much more accurate read on the realities of life in other parts of the world from Laureen.
Thank goodness for Laureen or we might be in some diffculties in other parts of the world, as noted above.
Too bad she doesn't do make-up, or pick out clothing as well. Image, apparently is very important to many, here as well.
I dunno? Could Harper ride a mountain bike? Has he ever tried?
The Anonymous Green, at 2:56 p.m.
This comment has been removed by the author.
matt, at 4:06 p.m.
I'm really, really hoping Rick Mercer or someone announces that they have stopped using toilet paper entirely. And then offers to shake Dion's hand to get him to sign on.
As an aside, in a lot of places in Canada (well, Alberta at least) the only environmental harm that comes from treated sewage are the CO2 emissions from whatever power generation is used to power the treatment plant. Calgary's effluent, for example, is sparkling. (note that I'm not saying that our shit doesn't stink, but rather our shit stinks less than everyone else's once we've fixed it). Enmax has an option that lets you pay more for "dedicated" wind power electricity (Alberta currently has a moratorium on wind power because it has as much as the power grid can handle), so that seems to be easily dealt with.
I do appreciate that bleached toilet paper consumes trees and implies the release of dioxin, etc. into the environment. But if one uses unbleached recycled toilet paper, there's no reason Mae can't clean every speck of poo from her bum.
And I note that Mae, not I, brought the subject of the relative moral blameworthiness of her bum-wiping into this political debate.
matt, at 4:07 p.m.
And I note that Mae, not I, brought the subject of the relative moral blameworthiness of her bum-wiping into this political debate.
An obvious comment- you spelled her name wrong.
Another- are you confusing Cheryl Crow with Elizabeth May?
Please enlighten us with a quote or a link.
The Anonymous Green, at 6:30 p.m.
Regarding question period today,
You said "The opposition had harper and conner nailed to the door" and "harper taking cheap shots"....that is a joke. Harper did put Taliban hugger Iggy in his place and made him look foolish...not hard to do.
It is too bad Citoyen Dion wasn`t around to expand on his idea to bring Taliban head choppers to Canada!
islandconservative, at 10:13 p.m.
" Harper did put Taliban hugger Iggy in his place and made him look foolish...not hard to do."
Don't know which station you were watching. I was watching CBC as the debate was live.
It was pretty pathetic because harper looked like he was going to cry. And, conner looked like a very old man.
These guys kept saying that they had an arrangement with the Afghan HRC to monitor prisoner complaints. Too bad, the Afghan HRC has such limited resources.
Then, harper got sleezy. He attacked the credibility of the ‘suspected Taliban’. As we know from Iraq and Quantanamo Bay, lot’s of innocent bystanders get swept up too.
He also attacked Iggy for supporting the mission in the past. Of course, Iggy’s concern has always been about human rights. Canadian honor is at stake, and harper doesn’t get it.
Finally, harper pulled a really cheap shot. Dion had mentioned that the prisoners could be held in Canada (like German prisoners during WW2). Harper, to his eternal discredit, joked that the point of the mission was to keep the Taliban out of Canada. Haha!
This guy under stress sounds like Stockwell Day. This guy and Day represents Canada abroad. Sigh!
JimTan, at 2:00 a.m.
my mistake. Crow-May mix-up.
matt, at 9:57 a.m.
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