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UPDATE: Giant Political Mouse has all the olden goldies from "the best of Wajid Khan".
posted by calgarygrit at
7:48 p.m.
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As a short-term tactic, it would give the government an easier time in negotiating with the NDP to save themselves, since the need for Turner or Arthur is removed.
As a PR move, it's nothing the government hasn't taken from the Emerson fiasco.
Long-term (ie, whenever the next election is), Mississauga-Streetsville is a slightly better prospect then Vancouver-Kingsway, but I wouldn't bet on the Tories keeping it (unless Khan has a massive personal constituency).
IslandLiberal, at 8:12 p.m.
Best headline in a good while, Dan.
Tom, at 8:13 p.m.
This will end the search for wajid. But will this final frontier be his undiscovered country?
Jeff, at 8:14 p.m.
Who made first contact, and what prompted this insurrection? He's our nemesis now, it seems.
IslandLiberal, at 8:16 p.m.
If so Stephen, you'd better hope Harper didn't take short cuts and use proto-matter.
Jeff, at 8:36 p.m.
Gurmant Grewal was apparently hiding in Khan's office closet when negotiations took place, and reportedly will be releasing the tape to the media tomorrow, as soon as the tape splices dry.
The Anonymous Green, at 9:06 p.m.
Should have been expelled from the party when he took the job from Harper months ago.
No great loss. One more anti-gay bigot for the Cons, one less for the Liberals. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Reality Bites, at 10:26 p.m.
If he runs in Mississauga-Streetsville, he is toast. True he won't lose as badly as Emerson or as a matter fact even Fortier if he runs in Montreal as promised. That being said this is not a safe Liberal riding, rather it is a Blue Liberal/Red Tory riding that I could seeing going PC in the next provincial election. The only reason Harper cannot win there is the central regions of the 905 belt have little tolerance for the hard right. I believe both Mulroney and Harris won this riding, however Mulroney was more centrist than Harper and Harris ran at a time when government cutbacks were more popular than they are now and he steered clear of social conservatism.
On the other hand even a Red Tory couldn't win in Vancouver-Kingsway. In fact even if the Liberal Party had a Blue Liberal leader we would probably lose that one to the NDP.
Monkey Loves to Fight, at 11:30 p.m.
It is interesting to look through hansard and see what Mr. Khan has to say about the Conservatives.
I did just that here
Giant Political Mouse, at 3:55 a.m.
I dunnno. Khan's not my favourite MP, that's for sure. But, I've never had any problem with floor-crossing (I prefer sitting Independent, however) and it's always best to have the widest array of perspective and experience in our government - he'll be a good back-bencher, I figure. (I'd be unimpressed if he was getting anything but back-bench)
BTW, I just began watching Star Trek Next Generation, I'm almost up to Best Of Both Worlds. This is hands down the best tv series I've ever seen. I love it even more than The Prisoner now.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 8:38 a.m.
Why not post Belinda's comments about the Liberal's before she crossed as well?
I believe she used the words corrupt,incompetent more than once.
Why not post Brison's comments about the Liberals before he crossed?
Its a fact of life that politicians criticise their opposition and praise their own party.DUH!
paulsstuff, at 10:12 a.m.
I just find it interesting that people can either say something they don't mean o so completly change thier minds. Politicians like to complain about cynisism but acts like that just make people think that all politicans are bad. That's not fair.
Giant Political Mouse, at 1:10 p.m.
Surely, we all agree that Harper did break a promise by appointing Fortier to the Senate. He said he had no choice because it isn't fair to have such a big city with no cabinet member.
Given the above, why won't he give Khan a cabinet position considering the exact same: it isn't fair to have such a big city with no cabinet member?
I think if Montreal deserves a voice at the cabinet table, so does Toronto. And if Toronto does not, then Fortier should give up his Senate and cabinet post.
kenlister1, at 1:28 p.m.
The big cities both chose not to have a representative at Harper's table. Not surprising. Decent people wouldn't touch Harper with a 3-metre pole.
To leave them out if they'd elected Conservatives would be insulting, but to force Fortier and Emerson on them was even worse.
Reality Bites, at 4:58 p.m.
when you say big gov liberals, i assume you were refering to the recent increase in cabinet size from 27-32 by the conservatives. If we just give Harper one more year, maybe we can make it to 40 or 50.
but you have gotten me off track. If bad optics and a broken promise was excusable to appoint Fortier to cabinet to represent Montreal, why is bad optics and breaking another promise not excusable to appoint Khan to cabinet to represent Toronto? There is a clear link.
kenlister1, at 5:39 p.m.
Okay guys, I get your perspective - your team is valiant, and the other team that you don't play for is hypocritical and ignoble, and a menace to Canada.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 5:56 p.m.
Stephen Harper, noted for his reputation of reaching out and consulting with individuals, accepts an offer from a Liberal backbencher to consult on Middle East and Afghani issues.
Mr Khan's qualifications? He is a Pakistani Muslim who was in the military prior to his immigration to Canada in 1974.
This was when Ali Bhutto was Prime Minister of Pakistan and Indira Ghandi was Prime Minister of India. And what was happening in Afghanistan? This was the period leading up to the Soviet invasion in 1979.
So, in the press conference today, Harper acknowledges that his consultant, Mr. Khan has yet to travel to Afghanistan (ever?)- but he provides detailed reports about the Middle East.
Give me a break. This is simply the story of an insignificant member of parliament enjoying his 15 minutes of fame. Used by Harper for political gain. Nothing more. Nothing less.
He adds nothing of value to the Conservative gov't - just another vote in times of need.
If you were serious about Middle East/Far East issues is this the person you would consult on Gov't policy? Someone who hasn't lived there for over 30 yrs?
He was duped, as a result of his own naivety.
The Anonymous Green, at 7:36 p.m.
Fortier thinks Khan must quit and run in byelection?
Members of Parliament who bolt from their parties and cross the floor of the House of Commons should have to quit and face their voters in a byelection, says new Public Works Minister Michael Fortier.
kenlister1, at 7:52 p.m.
I am waiting for more comment from Rajotte and Epp, but until they say otherwise, here is their opinion on floor crossing:
"My view, my personal view, is that an MP has to consult his constituents before he makes a move to another party," said Rajotte.
Epp said he also still supports the idea of forcing MPs to fight byelections before switching parties.
kenlister1, at 7:56 p.m.
Peter - I know Mississauga has gone Progressive Conservative in the past so since John Tory is more of an old PC type as opposed to a Reformer like Harper, that is why I think he can win the riding. I believe Ernie Eves got around 40% in 2003, which was a bad election for the Ontario PCs. There are lots of people I know who use to vote Progressive Conservative but now vote Liberal since they find Harper too right wing.
Monkey Loves to Fight, at 9:30 p.m.
Once again JBG highlights why he's one of the best bloggers up here with the "yawn" comment.
RGM, at 10:30 p.m.
"Most Canadians want his sorry ass out of Parliament"
Not according to the latest decima poll.
paulsstuff, at 10:58 p.m.
giant political mouse - did you notice that all of your quotes took place under PMPM's reign? Think that might have made a difference?
Just askin'
Candace, at 2:08 a.m.
"Decima lacks credibility because its bought and paid for by the "neocons" that run the Oil Patch in Calgary for the Houston Oil Barons."
Funny,CTV,CBC,The Toronto Star among others referred to Decima polls when the Liberal's had the big post convention bounce.
Most of the polls by all the different polling firms put them in a virtual dead heat.That would seem to mean the majority of Canadaians who want Harper's "sorry ass out" feel the same way about keeping Dion's 'Sorry ass out",no?
paulsstuff, at 9:47 a.m.
Harper didn't poach anything. He took the bait and a pawn that Dion brilliantly used to control election timing.
Pay closer attention Calgary.
Harper was just outfoxed and that hasn't been done by a Liberal in over a year. Brilliant move by Dion.
S.K., at 11:14 a.m.
Another brilliant move by Dion is to be on national television making contradictory remarks that make him look stupid. Speaking bad English and reading from papers rather than addressing the camera also help in this "lower their expectations, then slam them" strategy. I expect keeping the Liberal party broke is another "strategy".
nuna d. above, at 12:14 p.m.
S.B. must have had a lemonade stand as a child.
If Dion didn't want to bring down the gov't on a confidence vote in the near future, he could simply have a member stay home with the "flu", or travel abroad.
The logical extension of his "brilliant move" is to have another 25 or so Liberals do the same thing - thereby guaranteeing no election date until the party is good and ready.
It would be Fall of '09.
The Anonymous Green, at 12:39 p.m.
Dion has to say that Khan is a loyal Liberal until he announces otherwise, or Dion would have to kick him out of caucus.
Dion orchestrated this move and its timing brilliantly.
Harper was going to back us into a wall on the budget, now he can't and the NDP take the blame.
Harper has never faced a unified Liberal PArty with all its minds and resources behind one leader and he's about to find out how difficult that can be.
The Liberal Party is back and Harper isn't going to outfox us any time soon. We now have until at least the fall if not longer to prepare for a federal election, which we will win.
S.K., at 12:43 p.m.
paulsstuff said "Most of the polls by all the different polling firms put them in a virtual dead heat.That would seem to mean the majority of Canadaians who want Harper's "sorry ass out" feel the same way about keeping Dion's 'Sorry ass out",no?"
"People can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. Forty percent of all people know that" Homer Simpson
kenlister1, at 3:29 a.m.
The key is that we needed time. Dion needs time to forge relationships with lots of Canadians even Liberals. Quebec first because of their imminent election and then yes hopefully Alberta would be great. With a new Premier and leader anything is possible.
No crystal ball or inside information needed here. Getting someone to stay home sick doesn't cut it. We can now actively criticize and oppose the budget, which is actually the primary job of the loyal opposition, while not risking an election call.
This is very very important. As I have said, opposing the budget is the most important thing an official opposition does. We needed to be able to do that as a Party. We needed to be able to do that without bringing down the governement because we needed more time.
Now we don't have to cut any deals with the Conservatives the NDP does or the BLOQ and we can focus on opposition building the PArty, forming relationships, getting used to our new leader and our new jobs, building an election machine and dealing with a Quebec election in February.
I would say that Kahn's floor crossing was a God Send but it was precipitated by Dion and hence has to be one of the most brilliant and understated political moves, I've seen in a long time.
S.K., at 10:55 a.m.
Oh I forgot, I would like to assure all bloggers and in fact all Canadians, much to their relief I'm sure, that I am not now, nor have any intention to seek elected office at any time. I don't even want a job. I like to cook really. I want to learn French and cook. That's it.
S.K., at 10:57 a.m.
Well,looks like Cherniak's little hissy fit is over.Now he's gone back to his Harper lied about talking to Dion on the nation motion.Problem is Cherniak won't post the link showing Dion was the one who misled the media.Here's my post to Jason.See if he puts it up.
Jason.i would be happy to post the article where Dion stated during a radio interview Harper called him and wanted his advice.
I've tried posting this several times on your blog but for some reason you won't allow your readers to see it.
So once again,allow the post or stop with this blatant lie.
Sorry,i know it's off topic,but,here it is:
Thursday, 23 November 2006
NATIONAL NEWSWATCH - During an interview Thursday afternoon with New Brunswick talk radio show host Tom Young, Liberal Leadership candidate Stephane Dion took partial credit for Prime Minister Harper's stand asking the House of Commons to declare that Quebec is a nation — "within a united Canada." ....
Describing himself as a "trouble fixer," Dion told host Tom Young that the prime minister called him for advice on how to solve the Quebec Nation issue. Dion indicated he advised the PM on how to fix the problem. He also indicated that he will be supporting the government motion because it's very close to the solution he freely gave the prime minister.
All future references to Dion will include "Trouble Fixer." On a side note, and in addition to the above account of Dion's interview. Dion said Harper sought his advice on the situation because he was the "Unity Minister" in a former Liberal government
And after Harper stated on his year ened interview he never spoke with Dion.Dion said this:
"Meanwhile, Dion seemed to downplay the apparent discrepancy over his involvement on Wednesday, though he did accuse Harper of "playing games."
"He did not phone me personally, and nobody pretended that," said Dion, who was in Winnipeg to express his support for the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly on marketing wheat and barley in the wake of Ottawa's decision to fire the agency's president a day earlier."
And sb,what happens if the bloc and ndp oppose the budget?And i am not involved in poilitics and have no planws on running.LOL
paulsstuff, at 12:32 p.m.
If the BLOQ and the NDP oppose the budget then the government will fall, but both of them won't for obvious reasons.
1) the NDP are way down in the polls and would lose seats. their best plan now is to cut a deal with HArper but its bad in the long run because we and the greens can use that against them in the next election but they have no choice.
2) the BLOQ have to fight an election in Quebec in Feb. Yes the PQ and the BLOQ are a seperate Party, but in reality there are only so many seperatist resources in Quebec. The BLOQ will try to get as much for Quebec out of the budget as possible and prop up the governement so they can use their resources on a provincial election.
The BlOQ could play hardball with the conservatives and bring them down but then they have to fight the Liberals in Quebec provincially and the Conservatives
federally. The Conservatives stand to win by this formula because they would be the only PArty in Quebec not fighting two elections at once and this is probably what would have happened.
However, now that the NDP hold the balance of power they will prop up the government because they don't want an election now either certainly not Jack Layton who would probably lose his job at this point in time afterward.
Yes Harper and Charest are buddies but the Conservatives would still have won by holding those two elections at the same time because its the Liberal machine that would have to fight the seperatists provincially and Charest could have taken the high road.
Now this scenario wont happen.
S.K., at 2:49 p.m.
sb,i respect your opinion.although i disagree.Layton won't support the budget because it will go against everything NDP.And Duceppe will be screaming the fiscal imbalance has not been corrected properly.
Harper is a smart strategist,if its in his interest for the government to fall it will,just as Martin and Chretien both called for unneccesay elections because the timing favored them.I know it sucks,but that's politics.
paulsstuff, at 4:12 p.m.
Yes HArper is a VERY good strategist and he would have brought down his own government onthe budget. Exactly. Now he can't. He will give Quebec a great deal of transfer benefits to help Charest and the BLOQ will probably support him, however, this is good and bad for them in Quebec, Charest gets to say he go this from Harper not the PQ.
Sorry to tel you this Layton went against everything the NDP stands for the last time he brought down the Liberals aka universal early childhood learning, aboriginal rights, Kyoto. He's toast. He has to support Harper because his Party and he are in trouble. He lost Hargrove too and doesn't have union funding anymore under the accountablity act. They are SOL right now big time.
No Harper can't let his governement fall on the budget anymore. (He was going to) It would have to be so bad as to lose him the election. That's not what he was planning.
This government is here until at least the fall.
S.K., at 4:44 p.m.
Yes HArper is a VERY good strategist and he would have brought down his own government onthe budget. Exactly. Now he can't.
Sure he can. All he needs to do is produce a budget that none of the opposition parties support.
And to repeat what was pointed out to you above, Dion was perfectly capable of letting the gov't survive while Kahn was still a Liberal. All he would have to do was arrange for one or two of his members to miss the vote. Losing Kahn gives him no strategic advantage whatsoever in making sure that the gov't doesn't fall (and if/when the time comes that Dion does want it to fall, he's lost a huge amount of leverage).
The Invisible Hand, at 5:04 p.m.
giant political mouse - did you notice that all of your quotes took place under PMPM's reign? Think that might have made a difference?
Given that Khan was only an MP during that time that is all I can work with.
Giant Political Mouse, at 11:11 p.m.
No having people be sick one day isn't the same thing it takes weeks to oppose the budget months even. NO.
Yes HArper could produce a budget that all other parties oppose but as I said that would probably lose him an election and tied in the polls why would he take that risk?
This also won't happen.
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