Lament for a Nation - Deux
Dear fellow Liberal:
There has been much discussion and debate in this party and in the media about Michael Ignatieff's stand on Quebec as a nation. Let me explain for a moment why I am in support of his strong position on this issue.
Michael has taken the position that we should simply acknowledge that Quebec is a nation. He points out that there are 5,000 nations in the world, but only 200 countries. My belief is that this position simply "guts" the separatists' initiative because it acknowledges what they really want to have acknowledged while clearly identifying that this is not inconsistent with remaining in Canada. He is not saying we need constitutional talks. He is not saying Quebec needs more powers. He is simply saying that we need to acknowledge facts. He is saying that whatever we do it cannot offend two fundamental principals: equality of individual rights and equality of provincial rights.
Michael states these points very clearly:
a) He did not make up the idea of Quebec as a nation out of the ether. The question of Quebec as a nation is a reality to the many people he meets in Quebec who ask him "What are you going to do about dealing with the Quebec issue?". As a politician, he has to deal with reality; he has to deal with facts. And this is an issue in Quebec. He first wrote about Quebec as a nation in his book Blood and Belonging in 1993.
Consider that we have only one MP in Quebec outside of Montreal - this says something important to us - we need to do something in Quebec. For those who are concerned about special status for Quebec, consider the fact that if a province is the only one of ten that isn't part of the Constitution, maybe that already constitutes special status.
b) He is also not a politician that in any way wants to divide. Quite the contrary; he is a politician who is a unifying force (witness the fact that he is not attacking anybody in this leadership race, instead making every effort to bring this party together and to bind it). He is clearly saying that this need not be and is not a divisive issue.
c) He stands firmly behind two concepts: the Constitutional equality of provinces and the Constitutional equality of rights for every single Canadian. It is not inconsistent with equality of rights and equality of provinces to recognize Quebec as a nation, given the specific standard definition of nation as a cultural, linguistic group. He has said no new powers. He also says that the recognition of Quebec as a nation is to be counterbalanced with the affirmation of the federal government's role in securing and maintaining the equality of citizenship.
d) Michael makes a very powerful point that in 1968 there was not a single person on the floor of the leadership convention who had even an inkling that in 14 years not only would Canada have a Charter of Rights, but the Constitution would have been brought back to Canada. And who did that?
One of the most controversial, provocative, and most respected Prime Ministers in this country's history. People may not always have been happy with Pierre Elliot Trudeau; but in the end they were respectful of his leadership qualities.
I want a leader who can express a vision of this country that is not mired in the past, who is not bound by "sacred cows". I am compelled by a vision of this country in which Quebec is recognized appropriately; in which we are not afraid to talk about an aggressive environmental policy to deal with carbon emissions and global climate change (and even talk about carbon tax in Alberta); about a vision that speaks of Canada doing some of the heavy lifting internationally; of a Canada that sustains equality of rights and equality of provincial rights, and equality of opportunity for those who are less fortunate. These are the elements of a great vision for this country and Michael Ignatieff is speaking about them. It is the kind of leadership that Canadians want.
Stephen Harper has to some extent figured out the style but not the content - he offers only a facsimile. Yes, he takes strong positions, but on issues of very limited consequence (such as mandatory minimums, which won't even work). Michael Ignatieff takes strong positions on issues of profound consequence to the betterment and enhancement of this country; of its place in the world and of the Canadians that live within it.
Hon. Grant Mitchell, Senator (Alberta)
Now, I like Grant Mitchell and the Ignatieff people have run a very professional campaign in Alberta. However, I feel the need to make a few comments on this:
1. "For those who are concerned about special status for Quebec, consider the fact that if a province is the only one of ten that isn't part of the Constitution, maybe that already constitutes special status."
Quebec is also the only province with a "Q" in it, but I don't think that alone makes it distinct. And it only inflames the separatist cause to keep repeating the myth that Quebec did not sign the constitution. 99% of MPs from the province, including the PM and Justice Minister voted in favour of the constitution. Every single opinion poll in the province showed that Quebecers supported it. Quebec signed - a separatist government which did not believe in Canada did not sign. Coyne goes into the entire argument beautifully here.
2. Grant mentions the constitution in that above section I quoted. The nation proposal is in the "constitution" part of Michael's platform. Yet Mitchell opens his letter by saying "He is not saying we need constitutional talks". Well, if you're going to argue that your candidate takes "strong positions", then he should take a strong position. I heard Ignatieff answer the nation question in person recently and he said "maybe we recognize it in a bill, maybe in the constitution, maybe in the preamble, maybe we don't do anything".
3. "He is clearly saying that this need not be and is not a divisive issue". I'm going to run for leadership on a platform to ban abortions in Canada but I'm going to clearly say that this need not be a divisive issue - does that make me a unifying candidate? Anyone who knows anything about Canadian political history knows that nothing is more divisive than the role of Quebec in Canada.
4. Still with the Trudeau comparisons?
5. Grant's lucky he's a Senator because running as a Liberal in Alberta on a "Quebec is a nation and lets bring in a carbon tax" platform is not the path to an electoral breakthrough here.
6. Taking a strong position isn't any good if it's a position Liberals and Canadians don't want you to take. It always amazed me how Ignatieff supporters will justify any stand of his they don't agree with - "sure, I don't agree with his stand on the Iraq war, but it was because of his bond with the Kurds", "I don't think Quebec is a nation, but his heart is in the right place", "yeah, I'm not big on his puppy genocide policy, but at least he's taking a strong stand". It's alright to say you disagree with your candidate on a policy topic and still think his other positives (and despite all this, Ignatieff still has a lot of positives) outweigh the policy differences.
It appears like a strategy of desperation.
I believe that Mr. Ignatieff's supporters have come to the realization that their candidate must do very well on the first ballot.
They are pulling out all the stops to contact uncommitted ex-offios and get their message out.
If he does not look unbeatable after the first ballot, he probably won't win and the Ignatieff team know that
Down & Out in L A, at 12:43 a.m.
5. Grant's lucky he's a Senator because running as a Liberal in Alberta on a "Quebec is a nation and lets bring in a carbon tax" platform is not the path to an electoral breakthrough here.
Coincidently, here's what was reported in today's Edmonton Journal:
"Albertans support carbon tax
poll: Environment resurfaces as top issue for Canadians
Allan Woods, CanWest News Service
Published: Monday, November 06, 2006
OTTAWA - Most Canadians -- including a majority of Albertans -- believe the federal government should levy a tax on carbon-based energy sources, according to a new poll.
Surprisingly, the country's top oil, gas and coal producing regions -- Alberta, British Columbia and Atlantic Canada -- showed the most support for a carbon tax.
Fifty-four per cent of Albertans and 55 per cent of British Columbians either strongly agreed or somewhat agreed with the statement: "Canada needs a special carbon tax to increase the cost of burning fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal for consumers and industry. This tax would promote energy efficiency and help the environment."
The Anonymous Green, at 1:02 a.m.
Very interesting on the carbon tax - thanks for the link.
I always liked the idea of a carbon tax, I just never thought it would sell. But if people are actually willing to accept it, then I say go for it.
calgarygrit, at 1:24 a.m.
Ignatieff is sucking and blowing on the constitutional amendment nations notion, and hoping that nobody notices this.
For a man who takes "strong positions", he sure jettisons them fast enough when the going gets tough.
Be nice if he stood by his principles, just for once.
Anonymous, at 1:46 a.m.
Jeezus Grant
Could there be more contradictions in one statement?
1. This is not about special status but Quebec is already special as a non-signatory to the constitution.
2. Iggy is "cleary" saying that this is NOT a divisive issue. If only Iggy saying so made it so.
3.It is not inconsistent with equality of rights and equality of provinces to recognize Quebec as a nation, given the specific standard definition of nation as a cultural, linguistic group.
I forsee some problems explaining the nuances of this position to ...say.. the Cree, Blood, Mowhawk Nations..etc...
4. I want a leader who can express a vision of this country that is not mired in the past, who is not bound by "sacred cows"
Ummmm....Grant in the previous paragraph you evoked the spectre of PET. Who exactly is stuck in the past again?
5. I am compelled by a vision of this country in which Quebec is recognized appropriately; in which we are not afraid to talk about an aggressive environmental policy to deal with carbon emissions and global climate change...
Grant I think the looming problem regarding the climate file has been a preponderance of TALKING and sweet fuck all for action. But if you think Iggy talking some more will help...well...god bless ya.
The fact that Albertans of all political stripes are willing to accept a USER based carbon tax to do our bit speaks to how far out of touch the LPC elite are with most Canadians.
Get a grip!
syncrodox, at 1:53 a.m.
I could be proven wrong but I just don't believe that Liberals and Canadians want a leader whose policy positions are so convoluted that no one understands what he is saying.
One aspect of leadership is clearly conveying ideas and policy positions in a manner that attracts support for the leader and the party.
Another aspect of leadership is the ability to capably defend a position and not cave in under pressure.
Is Mr. Ignatieff passing these tests ?
Down & Out in L A, at 7:55 a.m.
Dear Senator Mitchell,
I don't share your support or enthusiasm for Mr. Ignatieff.
He is my 8th choice for leader of the Liberal party. I am not a member of an “Any But Ignatieff” group
Mr. Ignatieff's championing of the "Quebec as a Nation" policy is testimony to his poor political judgment for several reasons.
1. It was opportunistic pandering to a segment of the population at an opportunistic time without considering the longer term implications.
2. This is not unlike Mr. Ignatieff’s positions on the Middle East situation so there is a trend developing here.
3. “Quebec as a Nation” wastes energy and attention that should be directed to issues of concern to all Canadians, including Quebeckers.
4. If we need to acknowledge facts, and the BNA Act does that by the way, in its references to founding peoples, we had better be prepared to acknowledge the fact of our Aboriginal people as nations that have longstanding cultures and land claims, including significant areas within the province of Quebec.
5. Mr. Ignatieff may not be a politician who wants to divide but by championing this issue he is creating division within the Liberal party and that does not bode well for the future. Will Mr. Ignatieff persist with his position if the Quebec resolution is rejected by Liberals at our national convention? And why create a policy position that is not supported by a majority of Liberals or Canadians at a national level ?
6. Justin Trudeau makes a very powerful point that his father would want nothing to do with the Quebec as a Nation policy and as you say, people were respected Pierre Elliot Trudeau’s leadership qualities.
7. I want a leader who does not have to repeatedly revise his public positions and who does not pander to special interest groups. I am compelled to support a leader who recognizes the contribution of all provinces to the success of our country. I want a leader who is committed to Canada, as a nation, for the long term and who has demonstrated that commitment in the past through previous public service.
Mr. Ignatieff’s suitability as our leader troubles me. He has other characteristics that do not bode well for future electoral success.
Can Canadians identify with Mr. Ignatieff?
Electoral success will require Mr. Ignatieff to be able to communicate clearly to Canadians. He will need to tell them that their issues are his issues and that he is one of them.
I’m very concerned that many Liberals and many Canadians perceive Mr. Ignatieff as an elitist academic.
If Mr. Ignatieff succeeds in winning the party leadership and leading Liberals in the next election, he will have to dispel that perception or we will face electoral disaster.
… and then we will be back to revitalizing the party and choosing a new leader.
Down & Out in L A, at 9:39 a.m.
"Consider that we have only one MP in Quebec outside of Montreal - this says something important to us - we need to do something in Quebec."
This is my favorite quote --- uhh, what happens to those ridings inside Montreal when you nationalize Quebec?
Tarkwell Robotico, at 11:35 a.m.
"Consider that we have only one MP in Quebec outside of Montreal - this says something important to us - we need to do something in Quebec."
The Senator should check his facts before sending "please stick with Iggy" desperation messages.
In fact, we Liberals have 2 seats off the island of Montreal:
* Hull—Aylmer
* Laval—Les Îles
Anonymous, at 11:59 a.m.
actually, westmountliberal, he does say "outside Montreal" and does not get so specific as to the island of montreal - so Laval-des-Iles quite properly constitutes "inside Montreal" (the GMA).
Tarkwell Robotico, at 12:27 p.m.
One of my problems with the Ignatieff people is the extent to which they flat-out contradict themselves as to why they support their guy. So much of this phenomenon reminds me of how Paul Martin became leader. It was all about clinging to the expectations rather than the substance of a candidacy.
How many times do you hear Iggy supporters say that he should be leader because he's not afraid to tell it like it is. However, almost every time he does so, as was the case with nation status and Qana, Team Ignatieff spends more time explaining away the initial position rather than defending it. In fact, on Quebec as a nation, one of their tactics has been to try and suggest that the other candidates believe the same thing Iggy does, even though they don't. So much for standing up for what you believe in.
So, ultimately, not only is Iggy afraid to tell it like it is, he's afraid to defend himself grounds when he does.
Dennis (Second Thots), at 12:29 p.m.
When Gatineau (accross the river from Ottawa) goes to the Bloc Québécois, "desireable but not necessary (Dion) and "we will get there step by step"(Kennedy) no longer cuts it when talking about Quebec's place in the Constitution.
Altavistagoogle, at 12:55 p.m.
With all this constitutional nonsense, isn't it obvious that Iggy has spent far too much time outside of Canada?
If he had lived here rather than the US and UK for the past 20 years, he would have known there was no stomach in Canada for constitutional adventures.
He is demonstrating just how much of a foreigner he really is.
JL, at 12:57 p.m.
CG -
I believe that you are no.2 on Paul Wells' list of man-crushes (after Stephane Dion, obviously.)
Congratulations - a pretty impressive fellow to have endorsing you!
Tarkwell Robotico, at 1:39 p.m.
If Ignatieff is such a unifier, why was he just fined $1,000...
Pete, at 1:51 p.m.
I'm curious. The LPC has seats in Quebec, but none in Alberta, and this never seems to be a topic for discussion. Why is that? Is it the minimal number of seats the province represents? Is it the low budget due to low contributions that says "spend where it makes sense & screw the rest?"
Why does the LPC continually refer to itself as a "national" and "unifying" party when... it isn't?
And for those of you that want to pull the Screecher out of the closet, she lost. And Trudeau got a PC to cross the floor so he could call HIS Liberal Party "national." Go figure.
Candace, at 1:23 a.m.
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