Dan McTeague doesn't sound like such a
bad idea:
This being said, we have consulted our militants as well as dozens of others in Mauricie, Lanaudière, the Laurentians and Eastern Montreal, and 90%of those consulted wish the return of Paul Martin and offer him the respect he deserves while admiring the courage he demonstrated
when faced with adversity in his leadership of a minority government in the last election.
Despite the January 23 loss, and following in the footsteps of some o fthe best Liberal leaders from Quebec and Canada, Paul Martin must now reclaim his position as leader.
Berthierville, Quebec, Canada,
March 14th, 2006.
As a conservative supporter I strongly urge the Liberal party to affirm Paul Martin as the rightfull leader for all eternity.
Once that is done we will schedule an immediate election to allow him to try to re-claim his rightfull place as prime minister.
Anonymous, at 6:19 p.m.
I guess the kool-aid is hard to stop drinking after a few years.
Anonymous, at 8:33 p.m.
Neither Dan McTeague nor Martin would be as bad as Belinda Stronach, but I hear you.
Martin was a disaster and no one in the prospective field to replace him seems to be all that much better.
These are good times to be a Conservative.
BL, at 8:38 p.m.
Luckily for us, 36% of our chattering colleagues have stumbled onto some true blue kool-aid of their own. Drink up.
Anonymous, at 10:38 p.m.
I was a P.Martin fan, and believed the man did not get a fair shake, but this is too much.
Talk about beating a dead horse!
We need a new leader, a scandal free leader.
Anonymous, at 10:54 p.m.
I think just for the sake of amusement that Martin and his supporters should be encouraged to try to hang on to the leadership and fight for it at the next convention, however at the same time I encourage Jean Chretien to reemerge and attempt to take over the party's leadership at the same time.
It would really add some more excitement to the race and allow the Liberal party to countinue a good fight for a little bit longer.
And heck, if we are going to blow up the party and screw ourselves of ever getting power again by chosing Belinda as leader we might as well go whole hog out and let Martin take the party down himself.
Anonymous, at 11:30 p.m.
Hey, forget bringing back Martin; how about bringing back Chretien? Eh?!
I think www.draftcretien.ca should come around soon!
Anonymous, at 12:20 a.m.
I for one miss dithers he you never knew what he stood for or what he would't do next .This Harper guy does everything he says he will do ,and I don't think he wants to steal my money how boring is that.
Anonymous, at 8:25 a.m.
Reading over this news release, I can't help but think they want the wrong guy back...
lots of 'since 1993' in there.
Anonymous, at 9:29 a.m.
After reading that I have two poached eggs and a slice of rye toast that are a tad queezy in my stomach.
Don, at 9:46 a.m.
Heck, let's exhume Trudeau and prop him up at a podium; he'd still beat Martin.
Anonymous, at 11:21 a.m.
Is the reason why no one is running for the liblead is that Martin still has his people in the party cutting strings?
Anonymous, at 11:39 a.m.
Just Who is Bob Rae?
An interesting take on how Rae has changed, both personally and politically, over the past decade, worthy of reading.
The Toronto Star March 14, 2006 about his chances (Jim Coyle):
"What's clear — as the former NDP premier of Ontario contemplates a leadership run for the party some think was always his natural home — is that rarely has a prospective candidate had so much to offer. At 57, Bob Rae is both personally and politically mature. He's known both public triumph and disaster. He owns the sort of perspective that personal tragedy — the loss of a brother to cancer, the loss of his in-laws to a drunk driver — can bestow. He's been so politically battered in the past that anything the future holds will be but raindrops on the roof. What's also intriguing about a potential Rae candidacy is that — though his background has made him an internationalist, though his experience as first minister made him expert in the regions and relationships of Canada — he's a thoroughly urban candidate in an age when cities purportedly matter most."
And did he learn from his five-year disasterous stint as Premier of Ontario?
"He was a media-darling member of Parliament at 30, articulate in both official languages. He was leader of a provincial party at 33. Much to his astonishment, and pretty much by accident, he was the first NDP premier in Ontario history in 1990. It was 10 years ago, 34 days ago yesterday that Rae, his government vehemently bounced from office by voters six months earlier, retired from politics. In the decade since, he's had an eclectic law practice, sat on corporate boards and continued to be a jack of all trades in the public realm — from helping rescue the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, to investigating the Air-India bombing to reporting to the provincial government on post-secondary tuitions. The truth is that Rae could have invented cars that ran on Kool-Aid in that decade and not won absolution from some critics for the turbulent years of his NDP government. But the more charitable might conclude that the hand he was dealt in 1990 was laughably rigged against success and that, in any event, it's the tough times from which people most learn and grow. What Rae learned was that government wasn't opposition, the '90s weren't the '60s, and that hard decisions — some of which cost him friends — had to be made."
And you have to love Jim Coyle's concluding statement (Stephen, your listening, boy?):
"The man has considerable experience bringing down minority Conservative governments."
Let's all take a closer look at this potential Prime Minister....
Anonymous, at 12:15 p.m.
Goodness gracious lets hope not.
We need this to be a 2 year old government at least so people FORGET about Paul Martin as much as possible.
Otherwise our new leader may turn into Kim Campbell.
Shawn, at 12:34 p.m.
Um. Kim Cmpbell? She volunteered to take the fall for Mulroney. Every non-delusional person knew it.
The Liberal party has already fallen.
Although, I suppose it hasn't dropped into oblivion like the PCs yet. The party infrastructure is decayed, discredited and in debt. Maybe there is something to the Kim Campbell comparisons. Maybe Rae has just the right kind of experience.
Anonymous, at 11:27 a.m.
Anyone else out there wondering how these guys did with Paul Martin as their leader?
2000 - 39%
2004 - 23%
2006 - 10%
Maybe they want to see if they can get negative votes next time.
Anonymous, at 2:53 a.m.
CKTC, you're gonna cannonball in solely on Jim Coyle's advice?!
Be my guest.
I like Bob Rae, he's a likeable guy, but his stint as Premier (even taking in the recession and the stagnation in revenues, as Coyle urges) was disasterous.
Ask yourself this: do you consider Brian Mulroney's time at the helm bad for the debt situation in this country?
If yes, then Rae's was 100x worse. He started from near zero deficit and a comfortable debt load, and proceeded to triple that debt load in the space of 5 years!
At least Mulroney has the defense that he came in at the time of the highest real-term deficit (8% of GDP) in the history of peacetime Canada, after a near-decade of even operating account deficits - nevermind fiscal deficits - together with a bigger relative debt load.
Anonymous, at 5:03 p.m.
Thanks so much for this post, pretty helpful data.
muebles camobel, at 10:50 a.m.
He started from near zero deficit and a comfortable debt load, and proceeded to triple that debt load in the space of 5 years!
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