Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid...
A senior adviser to five-term Liberal MP Dan McTeague (Pickering-Scarborough East, Ont.) confirmed last week that he is also exploring his leadership options.
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I guess someone needs to represent the right wing, hate mongering, racist wing of the Liberal party. It's not fair to have Liberal voices shut out of the debate.
One another note, is there a worse job in the world than that of a senior advisor to Dan McTeauge. You would have less to do than the Matag repair man.
Anonymous, at 3:12 p.m.
McTeauge is a great MP and a god loyal Liberal. We don't people in the party bad mouthing sucessful MP's with slander like they are "hate mongering"
Anonymous, at 3:35 p.m.
Anonymous 1:35 is clearing Mr. McTeauge himself. The bad spelling, lack of proper grammer and defense of a lame nobody Liberal back bencher is proot enough.
Anonymous, at 3:52 p.m.
manitoba liberal, you'd best check your own spelling.
It's McTeague, not McTeauge.
Anonymous, at 4:14 p.m.
I have no interest in learning how to spell worthless backbenchers names. I can call him McTeegy or even "A less smart version of Tom Wappel" if I want to.
Anonymous, at 4:29 p.m.
PROOF not Proot
Anonymous, at 4:30 p.m.
McTeague is better than David McGuinty any day.
Anonymous, at 4:57 p.m.
Dan is trying to prop his name because his seat has been targetted by two young South Asians and he fears he will lose it to one of them. As some would know Dan never controlled the riding membership and is a misfit for that riding.
Anonymous, at 6:08 p.m.
I'd imagine it'll take McTeague about as long to explore his leadership options as it would take me to explore my kitchen.
Slim and none would be my guess. And if I'm wrong.... God help the Liberals.
Lord Kitchener's Own, at 6:25 p.m.
I for one would love for McTeague to run... he's the only Liberal I've ever voted for in my life, and if I still lived in his riding, I'd have a hard time voting.
Last two elections, I've voted for the Tories, but had I still lived in Pickering, I might have to think twice.
Anonymous, at 7:22 p.m.
AP must his dad...
One of the worst things about the 2006 elections is not only did the Liberals lose government, but they did not lose badly enough so that some of our horrible MP's like Wappell, Dannyboy here, Telagi and others held on.
Anonymous, at 8:31 p.m.
If I wanted a mean-spirited, hate-mongering, puritanical, police-state bigot as my leader, I'd still be a Conservative.
Ryan Ringer, at 9:04 p.m.
PS: You're right, Volpe would be like another Trudeau compared to McTeague, a living example of the fact that just because you've been a Liberal for a long time doesn't mean you're actually a Liberal.
Ryan Ringer, at 9:08 p.m.
Volpe Dallah McTeague Coderre Stronach
Ruby Dhalla is thinking about running?
Is there going to be a preliminary qualifying round for these geniuses?
Add Cauchon, Bennett and some more low-hanging fruit in there, could be exciting.
Personally I hope Rae wins it. We would (or should have) with him a decent debate about Canada's future in an election period, yet he would safely lose, just because of Ontario.
Anonymous, at 12:37 p.m.
Just back from a restful week. Manitoba Liberal and Blue Grit see the political landscape through one issue only- SSM. Let you in a secret guys, most Liberal supporters don't and it helps explain our defeat at the polls nine weeks ago.
McTeague has more depth and respect than some of your left leaning Liberal leadership wannabees,whose ideals are frightfully close to the NPD. As someone who was with the Trudeau team during the repatriation debates, if there is one thing Trudeau did not want, it was the use of the Charter to redefine marriage. Even the NDP Premiers of Saskatchewan and Manitoba feared this as an outcome and said so.
For the two name callers here, where were your leadership hopefuls when the blood scandal took place and what did they do to prod their Liberal Government into action on Aids in Africa? I know what McTeague did on REAL Liberal issues.
McTeague would make an awesome Leader and bring the Party back to the centre
Anonymous, at 3:58 p.m.
This won't have effect in fact, that's exactly what I believe.
By, at 3:53 a.m.
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