And Then There Were 2
It's good to finally see a GTA Liberal interested in the party's leadership...
posted by calgarygrit at
4:10 p.m.
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Interesting. I liked him a lot when I met him in Winnipeg last summer. At the breakfast I coordinated, I found that the talk was informative, intelligent and not overly intellectual.
Anonymous, at 4:24 p.m.
I like Godfrey. Smart, left leaning, well spoken.
He's a little old and a little un-exciting at this point but it's good to see him in the race.
calgarygrit, at 4:25 p.m.
But you mean, "And Then There Were 3", right?
Anonymous, at 4:29 p.m.
Anonymous, at 4:40 p.m.
lol! cg. last line is priceless.
Tarkwell Robotico, at 4:53 p.m.
Look, it's clear to me already that this thing is going to boil down to a fourth ballot, to be decided by a purse fight between Scott Brison and Ashley MacIsaac. Damn, is this a great country, or what?
Anonymous, at 4:58 p.m.
I am not a Liberal but I genuinely like Godfrey and think he would be an excellent choice. I am glad he is running, I did not expect him to and will be interested to see how he fares against a field of higher profile but tragically flawed other candidates.
Anonymous, at 5:12 p.m.
And then comes Ashley McIssac.
ON Mike Duffy this afternoon.
I am not making this up.
Anonymous, at 5:44 p.m.
Look, I like the idea of wide open leadership race as much as the next guy, but can't we just give Iggy the crown and save these people from their inevitable dissapointment?
Leny Vilekoskytch, at 6:18 p.m.
Godfrey is a great candidate, but he is missing one of my 4 leadership criterions. As I imagine many candidates, along with their advisors, will be able to dream up a vision I take that for granted. My YBRC criteria is as follows: Young, Bilingual, Red (ie a Liberal, not just a liberal or a turncoat) and Charismatic. Godfrey is many things, but he ain't young. Kennedy and McGuinty are the only two that fit my criteria. Leblanc would have as well, but it looks like he's out.
Anonymous, at 6:46 p.m.
Small town,
Iggy isn't even on top in organization yet. It is going to come down to about 5 candidates.
Anonymous, at 6:48 p.m.
I know there seem to be a few homophobes posting to this blog, but I also note a few xenophobes.
I am just wondering how liberal some of these supposed Liberals really are.
Anonymous writes, "a Liberal, not just a liberal or a turncoat.
Presumably anonymous also believes that the only suitable candidates for leadership are people born in Canada, because clearly if you immigrated from elsewhere then Canada was a second choice.
I suppose though 'anonymous' has grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents and great great great grandparents who were all Liberal. That would explain it.
Anonymous, at 7:17 p.m.
CG et al,
I saw MacIsaac on Duffy tonight as well as Ignatieff... both were unimpressive. Ignatieff didn't seem to know yet if "he was the guy" to lead the party.
Can anyone explain to me why the Leadership race is stuck in amateur hour still. Martin stepped down months ago its time for people to get their act together. I APPLAUD John Godfrey for actually having the balls to declare.
Forward Looking Canadian, at 7:36 p.m.
Ashley MacIsaac's interview was the highlight of a rather dull show. Duff scooping Newman on that one was a coup. Ignatieff looked a little uneasy on that type of interview (get used to it, boy!). He also clarified that he knocked on doors for Mike Pearson back in 1965 - so, he's not a newcomer. Then again, so did Bob Rae. Over on Newman's show, David McGuinty made some great points but totally evaded the leadership question.
My biggest disappointment is that this will be a traditional leadership race. Cutoff dates for membership, lowering the entry fee and capping expenses are all good. Disadvantage to Stronach. One member=One Vote, however, works. It's worked in various provincial political parties, worked for the Tories and it can work for the Grits.
I'll mull my decision.
David Imrie -
Anonymous, at 8:06 p.m.
Godfrey is an excellent addition to the race. Age should necessarily be a factor since the populatio is aging and not that many young poeple. Also, the real question about age is if he shows his age as Martin did in both campaigns.
Anonymous, at 8:08 p.m.
In light of how low the bar is for getting into this race, I've decided I just may throw my own hat in. I got all the details on my blog over at
I really think I have a good shot, I think I've got the techniques down pat to win this race.
As warning, It's reallllly cynical so I hope backers of other candidates don't get offended!
Forward Looking Canadian, at 11:02 p.m.
This race is certainly going to be a big one... already three declared candidates, and none of them were listed among the obvious contenders for the crown. I wonder how many others we'll get? It's quite unpredictable at the moment.
Ryan Ringer, at 11:50 p.m.
Erm - anonymous 5:17, the term "turncoat" most likely referred to someone who switched over from another PARTY (a Brison, say), not an immigrant.
There ain't nothin' xenophobic there.
The "purse" comment elsewhere would have been a better target.
Anonymous, at 11:37 a.m.
OK--first I have to say I'm not among the Red faithful, but I'm astonished by the favorable commentary on Godfrey. I've nothing against him, really, but I don't know just what he has to offer a party that has yet to pass the torch to the Bommers (who begin to hit 60 this year!!!)and stands in real danger of being unable to muster a candidate from west of Barrie or east of Blvd St-Laurent! As for me, I don't know that a man who'll soon turn 64 would be what I'm looking for!
Anonymous, at 1:10 p.m.
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