For Immediate Release
CALGARY - CalgaryGrit today thanked the federal government for a recent $660,000 blogging grant. The grant was part of Ralph Goodale's announcement of 23 million dollars in support for progressive bloggers, one of 78 spending announcements he made on Thursday.
"This move was in no way related to the upcoming election," said Goodale. "I've been working on this file for six months." Goodale's other recent spending announcements have included $342 million in arts funding, $29 million to help Happy Valley Newfoundland diversify its economy, and $270,000 for Toronto's Beta Shoe Museum.
"I don't think this will hurt Paul's reputation as sound money manager," said CalgaryGrit writer Bart Ramson. "This is the kind of valuable legislation that will die because of Stephen Harper's unholy alliance with the separatists and socialists to force a Christmas election on Canadians."
Despite this, Conservative leader Stephen Harper maintains the Conservatives will not cancel this spending announcement if elected.
Cool.. so we can like.. finally upgrade the website?
Oxford County Liberals, at 11:27 p.m.
I think you will find in your contribution agreement a directive that the grant be partitioned on a 70:30 ratio amongst blogger and those who support the progressive blog (ie., comment contributors).
As PMPM stated today, "If any member of the voting public has not yet received a grant, or an increase to a pre-existing grant, then they really didn't read through this week's press releases. You're eligible, trust me."
Anonymous, at 11:28 p.m.
If we were in Mexico, we'd get free washing machines.
I'd settle for a video iPod.
Anonymous, at 11:42 p.m.
I can't beleive what I am reading here. I mean, it appears as though liberal crime, although rampant, really ISN'T that well organized.
Horny Toad
Anonymous, at 12:59 a.m.
Woo hoo! Now I can buy that ivory back scratcher I've had my eye on! -Sincerly Mr. Burns.
Meh, I'm not a big fan of all the spending either, but it's a small price to pay to keep Harper out IMO. I just hope we get a small minority this time so Martin will get the boot, then Frank McKenna becomes PM. ;)
Hishighness, at 6:54 a.m.
gimme gimmee....Money Makes da world go round....vat is it we fear?....hunger....well thats the lyrics in Cabaret...on the other hand clearly the ilLiberals fear da Harper...hey money for nothing (Dire Straits)...
EUGENE PLAWIUK, at 7:37 a.m.
How much of that is expected to be 'donated' back to your local Liberal riding association? This must be part of that new secret sponsorship program designed to keep Alberta in Confederation...
Oops, I've said too much...
Carry on folks, nothing to see here...
Anonymous, at 7:47 a.m.
lol Bart.
Liberal Party announces plan to use sponsorships to promote the Government of Canada in the province of the Internet.
James Bowie, at 8:54 a.m.
Unfortunately only $1.50 is allocated for 2005, with $3.00 for 2006 and the rest of the money flowing in 2525 if man is still alive.
Anonymous, at 11:19 a.m.
Nice cheapshot. If you are a Calgary Liberal it is no wonder the Liberals get pasted in that city.
Anonymous, at 12:28 p.m.
hey anon, go back into your hole.
Anonymous, at 12:52 p.m.
For some more amounts (targeted), read:
Enjoy, Erik
Anonymous, at 1:12 p.m.
Ken Dryden's (Child Care) Liberal way...!
1. Announce 5 Billion dollars for child care...
2. Build or buy or lease (from loyal liberal) office building in Ottawa...
3. Populate building with loyal liberals, friends and family...
4. Demand provinces do the same...
5. Demand no choice for women, it's the liberal way or the highway...
...NOTE:...(unless you want an abortion...THEN IT REALLY IS YOUR CHOICE)...
6. Denounce all who disagree...
After the provinces get around to
...NOTE:...(All federal programs have been ELEVEN-PLICATED nation wide)...
I suspect there will be around 5 million left to give to needy mothers looking for child care...
Why can't they just distribute the money through the baby bonus system...
which wouldn't cost anything...
All 5 billion would get to the mothers that need it, and (THEY) could..(CHOOSE).. the kind of child care that best suits them...!!!
Silly me...but then Ken's sister in-law's uncle won't get his job for life...!!!!!!!!!!!!!
William Wylie..Ajax, Ont.
Anonymous, at 2:15 p.m.
Off topic, but if if you haven't already I'd suggest you read this from Jason Cherniak's blog:
You might want to sever all links to "MyBlahg"
BL, at 4:33 p.m.
I swear to god, it took me a few takes to realize you were joking.
Anonymous, at 6:17 p.m.
Careful guys and gals on this one,you may get a letter from some high priced Liberal lawyers saying Mr.Martin says thats a no no, you might hurt his sterling reputation.
Anonymous, at 8:41 p.m.
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