The war on terror is a battle worth fighting, even if it's a battle we can never really win.
posted by calgarygrit at
3:39 p.m.
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While liberals are rejoicing in pushing through Gay Marriage, we have no troops to help the good fight.
Happy Canada Day.
Anonymous, at 4:21 p.m.
Actually we do...about 1,000 in total in Afghanistan, with another 300 due to be deployed this month from CFB Petewawa. That's the main theatre in the War on Terror, even George W. Bush says so.
Oh, pardon me, you must mean Iraq. While Canada was extending basic human rights, you would rather we participate in a search for bogus weapons of mass destruction, the torture of prisoners at Abu Gharib, and the killing of over 200,000 civilians.
The Bush administration has done more to extend and magnify worldwide Islamic terrorism in the past four years than Osama Bin Laden ever could. Millions of Britons found this out today.
Say hi to Rob Anders for me. Twit.
Anonymous, at 4:45 p.m.
Sweet response, Derek. Good on you.
daveberta, at 4:47 p.m.
Your blaming the terror attacks in London on the Bush Admin? I think thats a stretch by any means.
Anonymous, at 5:37 p.m.
What does gay marriage have to do with troop readiness? Is gay marriage going to be blamed for every problem and tragedy that arises?
Unknown, at 5:45 p.m.
Wow Derek, I must admit I feel reassured by our 1300 troops. I mean, they'll stop terrorism for sure.
Please outline for me what motivated terrorists to attack
(A) the USA
(b) Bali
(c) Madrid
(d) UK
and then explain how we are so very different.
If you blame this on the bush administration you're dreaming. I'm fairly certain Extremist Muslims are as strongly against SSM as they are Democracy and Christianity.
But lets cut more defense funding so we can argue about homo-hookups, marijuana decriminalization, and day-care, ok?
Anonymous, at 5:58 p.m.
I can't see what gay marriage has to do with any of this.
Likewise, blaming the cult of Islamo-terrorism on Bush is ridiculous. Bush is not to blame for this. Blair is not to blame for this.
Anonymous, at 6:01 p.m.
Gay marriage has nothing to do with this besides pointing out ridiculous agenda set out by our Liberal Lefty Government.
Ie: We may not be safe. We certainly cant defend ourselves. Over 30 terrorist groups are known to operate in Canada.
But we extend parliament so we have gay marriage... HOORAY
Anonymous, at 6:09 p.m.
This is not the time to play the blame game but rather to introspect and see what we need to do to prevent it in Canada. Al qaeda had named US, UK, Spain, Australia and Canada as the five evil christian countries and all the other four have been struck. It is well known that there are several unwanted elements freely roaming the streets of Canada and CIC is doing a poor job of arresting and deporting them.
Our government needs to think beyond vote banks and need to take stringent action against criminals and religious extremists who think violence is a way to reach their goal. Its a time for political parties to come together and work together on identifying and eliminating terrorists and criminals living in Canadian soil, some of who maybe planning a strike on us.
Anonymous, at 6:15 p.m.
Why doesnt it surprise me that certain persons and bloggers on the right are trying to use the London tragedy to score cheap political points?
Anonymous, at 7:45 p.m.
"Wow Derek, I must admit I feel reassured by our 1300 troops. I mean, they'll stop terrorism for sure."
The full might of the United States Armed Forces hasn't done much, except make it worse. Nor have thousands of soldiers from Britain, Australia and brave little Poland.
The Clinton-era policy of raining down Tomahawks didn't work too well either.
There are as many Russian troops in Chechnya as there are American soldiers in Iraq right now who will tell you that 12 years of superior military strength hasn't really worked as well as the Kremlin had hoped.
The London bombers are monsters, and if they are blown to bits at this point, so much the better.
But when people see their homes, their mothers, their children blown up, a cracker-assed nitwit like Lynndie England teaching their neighbour to bark like a dog, and their brothers and sons carted off to Guantonimo Bay, some might go squirly in the head for a little jihad action.
I'm sure something just as grisly could happen here. It's almost like the overfed neocon doughboys amongst you actually hope it does. And you wonder why Canadians don't trust you.
Anonymous, at 8:33 p.m.
It is a tragedy whenever innocent life is lost. This is true regardless of which side is doing the killing.
The war on terror has, to this point, not convinced me that the West truely understands the motivation of their attackers. Otherwise Iraq would have been a sure no-go, not just for Canada, but for the US and coalition of the willing as well.
Manatee, at 9:32 p.m.
You can't really blame Bush for this but I don't think it's a coincidence that Spain and England have been hit.
And gay marriage has absolutely nothing to do with the number of troops in our army. Good points Derek!
calgarygrit, at 1:08 a.m.
Gay marriage is great. But goay marriage, and every other measure to liberate people, is what these islamofacist scumbags hate. SO it makes it more likely that we will be hit - if anyone can find a target in Ottawa worth bombing. (I live here I can say that).
I think we should be in Iraq, I'm proud of our work in Afghanistan, and anyone on the right OR left that tries to score cheap political points off of this is a scumbag.
Anonymous, at 11:26 a.m.
Gay marriage has 0 connection to this. Those who say it does are right-wing twits.
Military preparedness is a worthy goal, and if (god-forbid) a similar event (highly possible) were to occur in Canada, we need a well-funded military to respond and handle security. Those who say eliminating the armies budget is good are left-wing twits.
I don't like Martin, but I thought his press release was quite apt.
Anonymous, at 12:19 p.m.
(A) the USA - heads of the coalition
(b) Bali - actually home to muslim extremists. but nobody knows about that because clash of civilizations by huntington had a crappy and incorrect MUSLIMS LIVE HERE map that oversimplifies islamic fundamentalist terrorism
(c) Madrid - coalition
(d) UK - coalition
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