This Week in Blogs
2. Stephen Taylor has a good post on Same Sex Marriage on his site. Although he's a Conservative, he's willing to look at C-38 in a very rational matter. If you scroll through his archives, you'll also be able to download his interview with Monte Solberg.
3. Daveberta has the fourth Wild Rose Roundup out. These things take a lot of time to put together so everyone should go read it.
4. Does anyone else want to start up a pool as to when Andrew Coyne is going to get his blog going again? I'll take July 15th.
5. Apparently "marriage as we know it" has been dealt a "death blow" according to Monte Solberg. I'm sure Monte's wife will be upset to find this out.
6. The Progressive Bloggers blogroll now numbers over 100!
I think Coyne's blog is dead.
AWGB, at 11:13 a.m.
Of course, the writer is completely fair.
By, at 3:19 p.m.
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