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If Martin wins his riding, will the priest either admit that gay-marriage is ok or renounce his religion?
Jason Cherniak, at 7:47 p.m.
Well, I hope he enjoys his parrish life because in about 10 or 15 years, it won't exist. SSM is very popular in Quebec and very well accepted by people under 35. Nothing like alienating the future of your church...
Mike, at 8:24 p.m.
Can he really do that?
daveberta, at 8:25 p.m.
The outcry from some religious figures is pretty odd too, considering how weak the Bible is on gays. I mean, it's mentioned in passing a few times as being a sin in the old testament, but that's in the same passages as a hundred other things that the church has no problem whatsoever with. And there's nary a word against it in the New Testament at all.
calgarygrit, at 9:04 p.m.
As a pastor and a theological conservative I can see the opposition to SSM and I respect those that hold that view. What I can't understand is the idea that we as a small minority of Canadians think that we can impose that view on the majority of Canadians in a pluralistic society. Does the church has the right to impose it's view on society. Plus marriage is a civil act. I am helping out the province by administrating it. The religious part is the blessing I do and the witty sermonette. If I am uncomfortable in doing a SSM on theological grounds, I am free to say no. If I want, I can surrender my marriage liscence to the province and not do legal marriages and just do a blessing. I have never really seen what the big deal is about. Personally the Bible is crystal clear about how the poor in a society should be treated and you don't hear a word from the right about that. The reason may be that while getting upset about homosexuality doesn't cost anything (if you are straight), helping out the poor does.
Unknown, at 12:22 a.m.
Jordon, there needs to be a few more pastors like you speaking up. You are the first one I have read that gets it.
Mike, at 10:13 a.m.
The pure fact that the Liberals are focused on SSM while people are dying in hospital lines shows just what kind of priorities they have.... pushing an agenda that nearly half of Canadians disagree with upon all of us.
Social Engineering at it's finest. Welcome to Canuckistan.
Anonymous, at 12:55 p.m.
mike, working in a church supply store, i meet tons of christian clergymen/women - catholic, anglican, orthodox, liberal protestant, evangelical. not everyone is a d'bag hack like bishop henry of calgary and bishop roussin of vancouver. some priests are mindful of social justice and not just social conservatives.
the thing with jordons comment is that not all christian denominations regard marriage as a civil act. catholics see it as a sacrament, which is a sacred rite. im nominally catholic and i separate legal marriage from the sacrament of marriage, but some catholics dont. these people probably also think that non-catholic marriages are less real, anyway. as a result, why they dont let canadians change the definition of 'fake/non-catholic legal marriage' is beyond me.
ainge lotusland, at 2:01 p.m.
I don't regard marriage as a civil act, I am just saying is that when I perform a marriage, I do a favor to the Saskatchewan govt by handling the paper work and process. I regard marriage as something sacred which is why I would never personally perform a SSM.
Yet, something can be sacred without the civil ceremony and function I perform. That civil ceremony can be defined however the government of Saskatchewan chooses to and as a pastor, I can either refuse to perform the ceremony or resign my marriage liscence back to the government and do a service of blessing.
Back to my original point, the Government of Canada has no right to decide for the Roman Catholic Church was it defines as a sacrament or anything else under church law and at the same time, I am not sure the church has the right to define marriage for the people of a pluralistic Canada.
Unknown, at 9:00 p.m.
Sometimes I wonder why the world is becoming so negative. People having hatred for their own family members. I wish to go to a lonely place and become a saint.
Church Supply Store, at 3:57 a.m.
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