Saturday, March 19, 2005

Perpetual Opposition

Why are the Liberals Canada's "Government Party" and not the Tories? Here's a reason.

It's not too surprising. This PC/Alliance marriage always had a "Britney Spears wedding" feeling to it.


  • So the Conservative brain-trust dreamt this up to distract from Gallant? I dont think this bunch is that crafty to think up something like that.

    Now.. maybe you can explain to me how wearing buttons reading "It's The Stupid Charter" is going to win the CPC the next election. This Party shoots itself in the foot so many times.. they'll have no foot left.

    By Blogger Oxford County Liberals, at 3:23 p.m.  

  • Calling the Charter stupid is shooting yourself in the head. For their own sake, I hope that no one who intends to run in the next election got caught photographed wearing one of those stupid buttons.

    By Blogger Matthew, at 3:31 p.m.  

  • Between media bashing, pro BMD resolutions, anti SSM resolutions and anti protocol resolutions the CPC managed to throw in a little drama. Why did they bother? They may as well declare themselves an extension of the GOP (US Republican Party)anyway.

    By Blogger Psychols, at 7:24 p.m.  

  • They also decided to abandon the principle of proportional representation, if I read CBC correctly.. so much for democratic reform and claiming to represent the grass-roots.

    By Blogger Oxford County Liberals, at 8:01 p.m.  

  • Well, IMHO our problems have to do with the Reform grassroots drives everything mindset. Frankly a little top down shut yer mouth leadership is needed.

    Being ex-reformers the whole party says what it thinks and doesn't hold back telling others why they are wrong within the party, never mind the rest of the planet. The PC's that stuck with it (and there aren't many of us) are obliged to speak up or be trampled.

    Yes, it's a recipe for certain perpetual opposition.

    Why am I the only one that misses Joe Clark? (lol)

    By Blogger Bemused, at 11:10 p.m.  

  • I heard the "God bless Canada" comment too. But Harper really mumbled it out quickly, almost like he was embarassed to be saying it. Obviously, he's playing to his base.

    By Blogger calgarygrit, at 12:28 p.m.  

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