I'm off to Ottawa for the Liberal convention in about an hour. If I have internet access in my hotel, there will be frequent updates. If not, then, I wouldn't expect a heck of a lot. I've glanced through the resolutions being debated quickly and, among the highlights:
-Anti-BMD: Not sure if this one will be debated anymore. If so, then the most interesting (and potentially embarrassing for the PM) policy is out of play.
-Nuclear Power: This one could be interesting. It calls for nuclear plants in Saskatchewan. If you're pro-nuclear power, you'll vote for it, if you're anti-nuclear power, you'll say "who cares? It's Saskatchewan."
-Education: A ton of post-secondary education resolutions which is an encouraging sign, considering how this topic was completely ignored in the budget.
-Kyoto: One resolution calls for a firm Kyoto plan.
-Aboriginals: One calls for a guaranteed proportion of aboriginals in the House of Commons and the Senate. It also calls for the government to appoint five aboriginal Senators before the next election. Heck, I'd be shocked if Mr.Dithers appoints five Senators before the next election.
-Marijuana legalization: Apparently the leader of the marijuana party has joined the Liberals. Whether or not the 220 Canadians who votes for him follow is a mystery...
-Prostitution decriminalization: Well, I'm sure some MPs will be backing this one...
-Seniors: One calls for a Ministry of Seniors to be established. I imagine this Minister would be responsible to travel across the country and field complaints about how "my kids don't call me anymore".
-Health Care: Liberals like it. Now there's a controversial resolution.
-Same Sex Marriage: There are both anti and pro SSM resolutions up for debate. Most certainly, these will be the ones the media focuses on.
Since this blog might be inactive for the next few days, feel free to debate any of these in the comments section. There's also a good discussion going on in the liberal leadership post, so feel free to add comments to that one.
Humm... a CalgaryGrit in Ottawa you say? Well, well, well, may perhaps we here in the basement bunker could offer to buy ya a cool one if time permits.
Our email addy is on stageleft, let me know. I might even be able to drag the nighty balbulican along :-)
Anonymous, at 10:14 p.m.
I shall be interested to hear your impressions of Michael Ignatieff and his speech. With only minor disagreement on BMD, I was impressed with him watching a bit of it on CPAC and The Hour.
Oxford County Liberals, at 10:01 p.m.
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