I haven’t commented much of the Gomery inquiry so far on this site, mainly since Warren’s written enough on it for the entire blogsphere combined over the past month. So I’m just going to rapid fire out a few comments:
1. I’ve read a lot of opinions from people who feel Chretien shouldn’t be questioning Gomery or pressing forward on legal action. To be clear, I’m not sure Gomery’s comments to date, as stupid as they were, are justification for him to recuse himself from the trial. But…surely Chretien has a right to ask him to. A judge who is going to decide much of his legacy, and who should be impartial, called the guy “small town cheap”. If I were on trial and I got even so much as a hint that the judge might be biased against me, I’d certainly raise a stink about it. Anyone who says Chretien should just bend over and take it wants to see blood rather than a fair trial.
2. Allan Greg was right all along. He’s said from the beginning that the cost of investigating this scandal will cost more the amount of money that was misspent. Now, we find out, the tab is 60 million and counting.
3. The choice of Bernard Roy as counsel is stupefying. As others have said, it would be akin to having Eddie Goldenberg as counsel the next time (since, of course, there will be a next time) Brian Mulroney goes on trial. Or akin to a Montague trying a Capulet. Or, you know, having Jerry Falwell tried by SpongeBob SquarePants.
4. If you are a delegate to the Conservative or Liberal conventions in March, I’d hold off another week before buying a plane ticket. Given the federal budget will come down a week after Chretien and Martin testify back-to-back, if something bad comes out of their appearances, you can bet we’re heading for an election. I don’t think that will happen, but it’s a possibility.
5. And if the Liberal government should fall on this, or if Martin Jr. should look bad on the stand, remember who called the inquiry. I honestly think this may be the worst managed scandal in Canadian history. From a political perspective, calling the judicial scandal was a huge mistake. And the consequences are now being felt.
Right.... so managing a scandal in an honest and open manner is a bad thing. Gotcha. Much better to hide the wrong-doings then expose them.
And who cares if this costs more than what the Liberals (most likely) stole from Canadians? I'd much rather spend my tax dollars holding these people accountable than creating communist-style daycare programs.
Also, remember - this $60m wouldn't have to be spent if only the Libs had been honest in office.
Andrew, at 8:47 a.m.
I pretty much agree with your thought on Chretien - I don't have a problem with the way he's gone about his business.
Kinsella on the other hand has been way too far over the top.
I've thought a bit about the choice of Roy and Finklestein - do you think it's wise to have someone that understands the political workings of government enough that they can get through the BS and ask the real questions that can get to the truth?
Don, at 10:00 a.m.
Andrew - I never said burying the scandal was the "right" thing to do. Merely that it would have been the politically sound thing to do. And besides, the RCMP is investigating, aren't they? Surely they'll dig up as much as Gomery.
Don - I just think Roy was a bad choice since there's a perceived bias there. Maybe it's good to have someone who knows how government works, but not if you're going to look biased.
And that's the problem here. Gomery likely isn't biased. Roy probably won't be biased. But it just looks bad. And that means there's going to be doubt cast on the final results. If the entire point is to get to the bottom of this, you need results that people will find credible.
calgarygrit, at 3:27 p.m.
What a lame argument. The inquiry will cost more than the Liberals laundered (http://www.canada.com/ottawa/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=167d3abe-0ed1-415f-b621-392fcc64e96b) out of public coffers --so we should stop it!! Most criminal prosecutions in this country cost more than the actual crime. But you don't go out saying that there should not be criminal prosecutions, do you?
Since when is a Liberal so concerned with the spending of public monies? Were you as worried when the Libs cancelled the helicopters that Allan Gregg's boss bought, paying millions in penalties, and having to buy choppers anyway? How come you are not worried about that waste, buddie?
Of course you would think that calling the judicial inquiry was a bad mistake? What else would you think? We should have buried it, make nothing of it, and let your kind continue to funnel millions of our money into your little party. Not to mention that the Grits are still stabbing each other over this. I, for one, am enjoying it quite a bit. May more of you be bled just a little more.
kaqchikel, at 3:43 p.m.
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kaqchikel, at 3:44 p.m.
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