Monday Leadership News
On the same vein, I had a chance to interview Carolyn Bennett last week and will post that in the coming days. It also sounds like I will get the opportunity to sit down with another candidate later this month so if anyone has any questions they'd like to see me ask them, be they serious or not, I'm open to suggestions.

The Globe is also buzzing about endorsements this week, highlighting the teams which have lined up behind Kennedy and Ignatieff.
I don't think it breaks any rules so I didn't mention the Volpe business over the weekend. Still, it's good to see that Joe Volpe inspires youth to such a large degree that they are willing to donate over 5 grand to his campaign - each.
And, finally, this isn't leadership related, but someone needs to remind Ricky Williams that Harper has killed the pot decrim laws...
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Raymond Chan?!? I guess Gerard has written off BC, eh?
deaner, at 5:52 p.m.
Volpe... Ugh. What a slimebag.
Red Tory, at 6:35 p.m.
I don't know about "brilliant", but I'l go for handy
WE Speak, at 6:41 p.m.
That's why you can't count Joe Volpe out - he has the fundraising organization and connection to various immigrant groups that could make him a force come the convention.
Anonymous, at 9:32 p.m.
Thanks for the mention!
Fart: When you write as useful a blog, then you can talk.
Andrew: interesting point about the strength of Volpe's campaign. I still figure Dion or Ignatieff takes it, though. Maybe Volpe gets Financy critic...
lecentre, at 11:22 p.m.
I would imagine they do. I don't know much about Volpe (except that he has precious few supporters on the Internet, for some reason, considering his stature), but supporters of any candidate will logically believe that he could be PM.
(Personally, as somewhat of an outsider, I've never quite understood what motivates this animosity towards the man. I would assume it isn't that "pizza spending" story; Brison's Income Trust ties are arguably far worse, and he still seems to get his share of support.)
Demosthenes, at 5:28 p.m.
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