One Big Happy Family
The Organizers of the King Edward Accord would like to offer All Political Bloggers "Press Credentials" for the toast to Sheila Copps and Liberal Women on March 23, 2006 at the King Edward Hotel 6-8:30PM.
We have set aside a press room at the hotel that has internet access.
We need to recognize the important role that Bloggers are now playing on the Canadian political landscape.
Please advise if you will be attending to the e-mail address below.
Chris MacLeod
It's also great to see blogs getting a bit of respect at the same time. E-mail me if you want the contact information for this.
"repair bridges, bury the hatchet, and various other age old metaphors"
sounds more like the effort is going towards making a bigger Liberal pie.
Anonymous, at 4:34 p.m.
Mr. Grit are you going to go? It would be great if you went Mr. Grit and informed your fans as to what happened at the event.
Anonymous, at 4:42 p.m.
What a slap in the face that I wasn't invited. I'm seriously conisdering torching my red & yellow Sheila Copps Leadership '90 ball cap.
Havril, at 5:47 p.m.
Whoever the anon-a-Tory is with the "Mr. Grit" routine, it's sad.
Jason Townsend, at 6:14 p.m.
I tried your e-mail can't get it to work delivery failure notice??? Checked it twice looks right.
Can you cantact me with the info:
S.K., at 6:33 p.m.
I have received at least four invites to this so far, and none of them say that one-helf of the money goes to the Stronach campaign.
Today's email says this: "The cost is $50.00 to cover the venue, with donations welcome above that to establish a fund to support women who wish to run for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada."
I seriously doubt that any money is going to Stronach, directly or indirectly. I think this is just mischief-making. (Gawd, did I just take the bait?)
Anonymous, at 7:07 p.m.
i've helped organize this event, and i'm the one who sent out this call for bloggers, I can assure you this money is not ment for Belinda Stronach.
It is meant for women in leadership, yes, but I think it is safe to assume Belinda won't need to dip into this pot.
Anonymous, at 7:25 p.m.
I agree with Jason Townsend that idiot with the "Mr.Grit" routine is sad. He's most certainly not clever. Give it a rest.
I am surprized this event is giving half the proceeds to Belinda? What about Martha Hall Findlay... I mean she's just as much a longshot as Sheila was... well... I guess Sheila didn't win but still.
Also, are there any Draft Dion sites I am slowly becoming more and more interested in his bid for leadership. Let me know if anyone finds one.
Forward Looking Canadian, at 7:26 p.m.
Since there is only 2 declared female candidates, I am thinking that Bart is just doing the math guys.
Relax, it's what they call in the blog world a joke.
Anonymous, at 7:54 p.m.
Yeah, I'm still a little unclear as to whether or not this is a long term fund for future leadership races or will be donated to female candidates this time.
If it's given to female candidates this time and only Bennett and Stronach run, then they'd get half each,
calgarygrit, at 7:59 p.m.
I feel dumb I didn't get the joke. Boy am I losing it!
I guess Cauchon is going to announce he will pass on the leadership. I think that leaves Dion as the only viable Quebec candidate possibility unless I'm wrong. So we've got a bunch of Toronto folk, maybe a Goodale, and a Brison? I think that says we NEED a Dion to enter the race because he is the only REAL Liberal likely. Brison, Belinda, Rae, Ignatieff.... seriously come on. I'd probably be more happy if the race really WAS between Goodale and Dion... at least they didn't earn their membership on the back of a knapkin en route from Massachusetts to Toronto, or receieve it after they crossed the floor.
Besides, I think Dion is a very expressive candidate who speaks his mind. Also he has time to fix his english I think.
Forward Looking Canadian, at 9:43 p.m.
Ignatieff has been a Liberal since Dion was in diapers. Campaigned for Pearson and the candidacy of Trudeau in '68. That's one of the reasons he was the keynote speaker at the last Liberal convention. You know, the one neither Stronach nor Rae could attend, not being in the party and all (Brison was, of course, there).
And to be fair to Brison, he came over and got a Parliamentary Secretaries job prior to the 2004 election. So that 38 old has in fact been elected twice as a Liberal now, for what that is worth.
Ted Betts, at 11:05 p.m.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I assume Dion and Ignatieff are close in age so the diapers comment rings a little hollow.
"Campaigned for Pearson"... thats great... but the reason that line is so often touted by Ignatieff is that it was the last time he was actually IN Canada. Some of us prefer candidates who naturally enjoy living in Canada. Not those who only come back if they can run for office in a safe seat. I applaud him for returning and taking an interest in politics, but why doesn't he actually get some experience in Parliament before he decides to control it.
Forward Looking Canadian, at 11:10 p.m.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't Ignatieff and Dion both campaigned for Mackenzie King?
Tarkwell Robotico, at 11:15 p.m.
Ignatieff is almost 60...
Anonymous, at 11:41 p.m.
I'll bet Belinda will happily dip into the funds; aren't the new rules rather restrictive, limiting personal expenditures of either $10 or $50k (I've heard both numbers, I'm not sure which is accurate). So if Belinda wants to spend $3.6 million, she's going to need some help fundraising, especially with the new caps in place on personal donations.
Candace, at 12:17 a.m.
It is interesting to see spin happening, especially n Iggys case
he is almost 60, well sort of. He is 58. You could almost say he is just over 55 as well.
This left Canada stuff, when did he Leave Canada?
He never gave up his Canadian citizenship.
He never disengaged from Canada.
He never quit thinking fo himself as a Canadian or maintaining a presence in Canada.
He travelled the world because his career took him places, he acheived the highest levels in his career and that meant working out of Canada. What constituets leaving.
Has Wayne Gretzky left Canada, I mean he left "almost" 20 years ago.
He married an American and he is raising his kids as Americans. He no longer needs to live in LA for his career but he still does. Is he no longer a Canadian?
Should he not be allowed to run our Olympic team because he is not "Canadian" enough. (ignoring other reasons).
Wayne Gretzky was 10 ten in the greatest Canadian contest and as silly as that is, no one argued that he was not Canadian.
Should Neil Young be stricken from the ranks of Canadian music for living in the states for 40 years.
I would like any of these anti Iggy critics to honestly say that they would have refused working at Harvard or for the BBC to stay "Canadian". What provincial crap, Ignatief has always considered himself Canadian, never stopped identifing himself as Canadian, so drop it. Challenge his ideas, Challenge his writing but do not challenge the patriotism of anybody who is willing to step up to the plate as PM of this country (except for Harper because we all know he would rather be President)
Anonymous, at 11:36 a.m.
Has anyone actually seen a copy of the "King Edward Accord" that Zed, Mills & co. drafted for this event? I've seen two quotes now but haven't found anywhere that I can find the whole thing. I'm assuming it's longer than one sentence.
Michael Crook, at 12:22 p.m.
What are Ignatieff's ideas?? All i have heard is a bunch of platitudes at this point. What are his specific plans for Canada? What would he do in regards of the environment, foreign affairs, R & D, social housing, job creation, Canadian Culture, Immigration?? Does he have a plan?
Oh and he turns 59 on May 12th, so he really is closer to 60 than 55, but whatever...we can be the only political party in the past 10 years to elect 2 senior citizens as leaders
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