This Week in Alberta - ALP Convention Round Up
Also coming out of the convention are reports the Liberals may not field a full slate of candidates next election, in an effort to save resources and avoid vote splitting.
Alberta Liberals may abandon ridings they have little chance of winning
The Alberta Liberals may not run candidates in some long-shot ridings next election to maximize resources, says Grit Leader David Swann, and will look to strike deals with other parties to prevent splitting the progressive vote.
A day after Liberals voted at their convention to cooperate with the NDP and other parties in the next provincial campaign, Swann said that could translate into not fielding candidates in constituencies viewed as difficult to win -- including parts of rural Alberta.
So that leaves, what? 20 or 30 candidates. (I kid because I love...)
Seriously though, I can't see any benefits from raising the white flag across rural Alberta. I'm not saying you run TV adds in Wetaskiwin, but if voters are going to take you seriously as a party, you need to show that you're serious about representing all Albertans.
Non-aggression pacts? Sure, I don't really have a problem with signing them in a few targeted Edmonton ridings. But the NDP don't appear to be at all interested in this proposal, so there's really nothing to be gained in discussing it any further.
I agree about not fielding candidates in all ridings - all they're doing is giving up on the Liberals that are in that riding, which isn't a good idea, especially if your prospects start looking up. If they're concerned about resources, let them show these ridings how to be self-sufficient and run themselves.
However, I think the "non-aggression pact" is an idea worth talking about, even if the NDP decides to be stubborn about it at first. I personally think the NDP should face as much wrath as possible, but it might be beneficial for the Liberals to cede a couple of ridings (with the permission of the riding association) for the NDP, in order to let the NDP cede a few ridings for the Liberals - of which there will be a lot more of.
Even if the talks lead nowhere, it's worth talking about. You never know what might come out of it, and you do have a couple of years until the election comes.
Kyle H., at 12:16 p.m.
The problem is, there's too much animosity between the ALP and NDP in Edmonton for any sort of deal to work.
Deb, at 2:22 p.m.
The next election will present the Liberals with its best opportunity since 1992.
With the potential vote-splitting between PC and WRA, a well-run campaign could have almost unlimited potential.
That being said, the key to a well-run campaign involves funding and volunteers, both of which they'll forfeit by not running candidates. Some of your more tireless supporters are people that believe they're a minority in a riding where their voice isn't heard.
I definitely agree that you're better off with no candidate than a bad candidate, but I seriously doubt that's a choice the ALP would have make right now.
Robert Vollman, at 5:07 p.m.
Did you all fit comfortably in that phone booth ?
Anonymous, at 11:44 a.m.
Watching two centre-left parties bash each other in Alberta election after election is just plain dispiriting. I've voted in every election at every level since moving to Alberta 25 years ago, but no more. Brian Mason and David Swann are notably cool to the idea of a coalition and maybe it's a non-starter--but neither of them can count on my vote.
ace, at 7:27 p.m.
This next election, I will vote for the progressive party/party leader who makes the best attempt to be reasonable and cooperative in the next election. We need a unified tactic to defeat the Tory/WR juggernaut, that much is clear.
Having voted in this province my entire life, I am beyond frustrated with the petty-partisan competition tricks between progressive parties that end up cancelling each out in many ridings. These parties, although different (and although yes, I do have my own favorite and might very well have to hold my nose to vote for the other), have much more in common with each other than they do with those with a right wing agenda.
That's good enough to me to want them to do something entirely pragmatic AND NEW to boot the right out. The longer this disagreement continues, the longer I see those parties that won't play ball as the truculent family member who makes everybody else in the house miserable -- and that's usually the person with the most juvenile attitude - be it the 3 year old, the teen, or the adult with a behavioral disorder.
While I agree that funding and volunteers are critical to a good campaign, the fact is if BOTH parties promote that in the same riding, Robert, they STILL cancel each other out! And, as both parties seem to be inching towards rationality, by step one, in realizing that they should narrow their focus to more limited ridings, but still have NOT moved to step two of the process where they need to temporarily (for one election) avoid running against each other in each ridings where one has a bit more strength, they will STILL kill each other off. Right wing mission accomplished, yet again.
Anonymous, at 12:35 p.m.
Actually, Dr. Swaan has been very supportive of the Democratic Renewal Project’ efforts to get the centre/centre left in Alberta to sit down and talk about what we have in common, the essentials if you wish.
At the recent ALP Convention May 2010, a large number of delegates and some former/serving MLAs, voted in favour of a resolution put forward by the Edmonton Glenora/Mill Woods constituencies; it passed.
When one compares the program/electoral platforms of the ALP & the ANDP one finds many similarities. Many ALP/ANDP members are also active members of the DRP, including many Alberta Greens, so called ‘red Tories’ and progressive independents.
The writing is on the wall: unite, collaborate, form strategic coalitions/relations and the centre/centre left have much to gain – continue doing what you have done for the past 40 years of PC rule in Alberta, then don’t expect different electoral results, but, defeat, again, and again.
Kind regards,
Leo Campos Aldunez, Co-Chair
Alberta Democratic Renewal Project
Leo Campos Aldunez, at 12:55 p.m.
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