Let's just ignore her and hope she dissapears
Labels: Ann Coulter
Labels: Ann Coulter
posted by calgarygrit at
12:56 p.m.
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I personally hope she disappears, but I suppose dissapearing wouldn't be bad either.
Unknown, at 12:57 p.m.
In today's Globe and Frail, Coulter said:
>>“You guys used to be so cool. You were smokers. You had epic hockey fights. We had half our comedians from Canada. Now you’re all a bunch of girls named Francois.”<<
All I can say is that is awesome... totally freakin' awesome!!! That, quite frankly is a national smackdown of EPIC... EPIC proportions!!! Coulter rocks - she's a freaking lunatic, but you can't BUY entertainment this good and really, this whole thing plays into Canada's national low-self esteem problems better than a freakin' Hollywood script!
Oh man, I am enjoying how Coulter is playing everyone, particularly our naive media who aren't used to a conservative of her stature and sheer fearlessness. Love her or hate her, she won't mince words and she'll mop the floor with every one of her detractors. Because Coulter's visit has become the number one topic in Canada this week, it truly proves just how much of a backwater Canada can be. Seriously, we nowhere near ready to play with the big boys/girls.
I'd pay to see Rebick debate Coulter. Oh man, I imagine the lunatics on Rabble.ca are losing their minds right now
Jay Teller, at 1:06 p.m.
speaking of a lunatic losing their mind thanks for the example Jay Teller
Gene Rayburn, at 1:14 p.m.
"Let's just ignore her and hope she dissapears"
A little late for that...
Anonymous, at 1:26 p.m.
The very reason that she has NOT disappeared and gone away is because of the faulty strategy you have outlined in this post. The Progressive side of the political spectrum saw results by shouting down Harper and his ilk for prorogation of our Parliament. The Progressive side of the political spectrum shut her up last night by not following your advice.
A bully is a bully is a bully. The bullying tactics of the lunatic Right in both Canada and the United States needs someone to finally stand up to them and beat them down. Appeasement is NOT working.
leftdog, at 1:51 p.m.
Charlie Chaplin was a real person. "The Tramp" was not.
Ann Coulter is an act. I frankly wonder if she's even a "conservative". There's big money in "political entertainment", for lack of a better word, and she's a smartypants cashing in.
Yes, she probably DOES believe Canada participated in Vietnam.... Canada doesn't show up prominently in American history lessons at school. Does she really believe people of other religions should be hung? Does she really believe gay people should be ineligible for public office? Does she really, honestly, truly believe "liberals" are genetically inferior with sup-par intelligence? Me, personally speaking, I doubt it.
She sells books and she makes speeches. It's nice work if you can get it, and you can get it if you try - all you have to do is whip up a lot of excitement.
Yes, she's a moron, and no, she doesn't have a compassionate and kind and feeling soul. But she's nothing more than a Britney Spears or Frank Sinatra - she sings, the audience goes wild, and buys merchandise.
It's best to ignore her. Protestors with chants and placards? If she could get away with hiring them, she would!
Ignoring isn't "appeasing". Laugh at her, sure - ridicule her. But when you do it angrily, you might as well shove $20 in her hand instead.
Jacques Beau Vert, at 2:01 p.m.
When I saw the headline, I thought this was a post about <a href="http://communities.canada.com/EDMONTONJOURNAL/blogs/electionnotebook/archive/2010/03/23/stelmach-on-foster-care-quot-it-s-unfortunate-that-some-choose-to-play-politics-with-a-very-serious-situation-quot.aspx'>the Alberta PC's opinion of Rachel Notley.</a>
Art, at 2:13 p.m.
leftdog - Coulter's not particularly smart of clever. She only sells books and goes on international tours because she's really good at pissing people off, generating controversy, and getting in newspapers.
In hockey terms, she's an instigator - only useful if she gets the other team to take dumb penalties by getting under their skin.
For her, having angry letters, protests, cancelled events, and a media shit storm is the perfect speaking tour. Sounding like an idiot in front of a few half empty auditoriums of young Conservatives would have been a disastrous tour.
Why do you think she leaked Houle's letter and then complained that it was a hate crime and responsible for stirring up people against her, making the event unsafe?
To get attention. To generate controversy.
calgarygrit, at 2:22 p.m.
Exactly CG
Jacques Beau Vert, at 2:38 p.m.
Ann who?
Mike B., at 3:14 p.m.
*thumbs up*
God, that woman makes me want to hit something.
Tanya (@netchick), at 4:02 p.m.
Wow, Coulter really has you libs scared...or something. So much ado about nothing.
Larry, at 6:11 p.m.
Me, I'd just rather hear from John McCain, Kim Campbell, Stepher Harper, David Brooks, Margaret Thatcher, Elizabeth Dole - I could name a hundred conservatives who bring valuable and important ideas to the table. Ann Who's just a time-waster (and she wastes a lot of time)...
Jacques Beau Vert, at 7:44 p.m.
I still can't forget that stupid comment she made to Neil MacDonald of CBC stating that Canada was in the Vietnam war with the USA. His look was priceless.
And Larry, I vote conservative. :)
badbeta, at 7:51 p.m.
badbeta, that comment was to Bob McKeown, not Neil Macdonald. You can watch the Coulter-McKeown exchange here: Sticks and Stones.
saphorr, at 10:16 p.m.
Agree with JBV 100%.
Question: Why are most protesters left-wing (or perhaps more correctly, anti-right wing)?
Other people with objectionable viewpoints usually just get ignored. If I needed press and controversy to make a buck (or a point), I'd want to be right wing.
Robert Vollman, at 10:29 a.m.
Coutler holds up the hoop and they jump through it every time, all the time believing they are smarter than her.
nuna d. above, at 1:41 p.m.
Question: Why are most protesters left-wing (or perhaps more correctly, anti-right wing)?
Like, say, the Tea Party, for example...?
Jacques Beau Vert, at 3:31 p.m.
Like, say, the Tea Party, for example...?
Whoops. :)
Robert Vollman, at 11:37 a.m.
Well, I do not actually believe it is likely to have success.
www.badajoz-3d.com, at 3:43 a.m.
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