This Week in Alberta - It's Not Easy Being Green
The “Alberta Greens” Green Party of Alberta has been de-registered by Elections Alberta as a political entity in the Province of Alberta. De-registration of the party is an administrative opportunity to re-organize and rebuild the party into a viable political organization. The importance and mainstream acceptance of the Green Party’s values and principles are on the rise, and the Green Party's many supporters can now look forward to a fresh start.
The “Alberta Greens” Green Party of Alberta Society is now registered as a non-profit corporate entity in the province of Alberta for the purposes of advancing a “Green” agenda, and preparing the Green Party’s political future. A meeting will be announced in the very near future to plan a path forward.
........ more information will be released as soon as it becomes available.
One opposition party in Alberta generating a bit of positive buzz is the Wild Rose Alliance - specifically leadership candidate Danielle Smith. If they can get their act together on the administrative/membership side of things, I could see them going places under Smith's leadership.
Yeah, yeah, she's an untested political rookie. She could crash and burn. But looking at the leaders of the other
A modern day reactionary is the kind of change Albertans seek.
Anonymous, at 1:45 a.m.
Interesting thing about the Greens on both national and international levels. Although many environmentalists are attracted to their "Green" agenda, their economic agenda is actually quite conservative, which may be at odds with the "progressive" principles of many (not all) environmentalists. As well, some of their "social" policies are actually quite conservative.
It's interesting, to me at least, how some environmentalists have been co-opted by what increasingly appears to be a conservative agrarian movement.
Not that that is necessarily a bad thing.
Party of One, at 7:29 p.m.
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